Western Coalition HQ moved/updated

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Western Coalition HQ moved/updated

Post by Landion »

The main headquarters of the Western Coaltion has been moved, and had many services updated. You will now find it on the opposite side of Ebon Pass, on your maps.

Also, the fort is no longer restricted only to Mercenaries and Traders. Others who are neutral or better with the Western Coalition may travel there to trade and sell and purchase supplies.

However many shops, trainers and some areas within the fort will remain Trader or Mercenary only as part of their guild benefits.

The Coalition now has the following:
- An Infirmary
- Pawnshop
- Blacksmith
- Tailor
- Tannery
- Post Office
- Update General Store

We will continue to add more updates and additions in the coming days and weeks.

This is purely an OOC move now that the game is growing a bit, as when this area was first created, the wilderness only went about 7 rooms north of Shadgard.

You can expect other things that are crammed right around Shadgard to be moved in the future as well.
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Post by Lun »

Things missing from the HQ

The wagon yard no longer sells customizable wagons, nor does it supply mules
There is no bank to deposit money
The pawnshop doesn't buy things (Tried with arrow shafts)
Can't find anyone selling travel rations in headquarters~
There's no stable!

Things I'd like to see in the HQ
Homes! You could purchase deeds from either the postal office or from the guildmasters in headquarters. They could be Coalition-only homes since it is the coalition headquarters.
Last edited by Lun on Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Alexander »

I enjoyed exploring the Coalition headquarters. Thank you for opening parts of it up to the public.
(Alexander clenches a fist momentarily, then stops and calms himself with visible effort.)
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Post by Landion »

[quote=Lun]Things missing from the HQ

The wagon yard no longer sells customizable wagons, nor does it supply mules
There is no bank to deposit money
The pawnshop doesn't buy things (Tried with arrow shafts)
Can't find anyone selling travel rations in headquarters~
There's no stable!

Things I'd like to see in the HQ
Homes! You could purchase deeds from either the postal office or from the guildmasters in headquarters. They could be Coalition-only homes since it is the coalition headquarters.[/quote]

The HQ has been updated to be a bank.

The wagon yard does still sell customizable wagons and mules, you need to check out the back area, rather than the public area. I divided this into two sections as Trader wagons should not be available to everyone. The public wagon yard sells generic wagons and handcarts vs. the larger wagons and workcarts available to Traders in the back.

The same for the stable, it can be found in the back.

You can buy food from the pub, but I'll look at adding food rations to the general store.

Pawnshop has been fixed.

Homes may come in the future, but they will indeed be Coalition only if we do go that route.
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