Sharing a room! (Posthumous)

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Re: Sharing a room! (Posthumous)

Post by Vaylon »

Alexander wrote:Starting here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3334&start=25#p18469
Thanks. After reading Rias's post, it occurred to me that even if characters accurately described what they see when they die -- i.e., "I remember a big, black void and a bell, and a few lights/shadows, and that's all I can remember" -- it would be actually pretty vague in and of itself.

I think I would be comfortable with characters remembering in-character all of the details they experience in death (as it exists currently) given how vague those details actually are -- but any specific sensory input beyond that, such as talking to other souls or gaining information about others, would probably be a step too far and break the haziness. We can join others when we have the final death.

One thing I wonder about is whether or not it's IC or OOC to ask someone if they departed -- if even the phrase "depart" is IC. There's an implicit assumption that people remember at least something about being dead if they can understand the meaning of the question "Did you depart?" as well as being able to answer in the affirmative (... or negative, when they are eventually raised). At the moment, I consider the idea of "departing" to be an in-character concept, but maybe I'm mistaken about that.
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Re: Sharing a room! (Posthumous)

Post by Xyra »

I think departing is actually an OOC concept, because it is mentioned that when you depart, there should be an IC assumption that some NPC came along and dragged your body to wherever. This is kind of confusing when someone departs while being dragged, but that's the current situation, and it is being worked on. Maybe the game should require additional confirmation for departing when your body is being dragged? I mean, because of the bell and pulses, you basically know if you're being rescued or not anyway unless you're brand new and don't get what all those flashes of light are supposed to mean yet, so it wouldn't be a real stretch to have 'you can vaguely sense your body being moved, perhaps towards salvation, are you sure you wish to depart?'
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Re: Sharing a room! (Posthumous)

Post by preiman »

It is an ooc thing, one of the reasons you are penalized for it. And I do remember Rias saying it's assumed that someone got you when you have to talk about it in character.
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Re: Sharing a room! (Posthumous)

Post by Fayne »

Yeah, departing is super OOC, and I'd like to see a system implemented as an alternative so that it can be removed. I'm tired of people talking about departing IC as if it were a normal, IC thing for a body to go "poof" and teleport to somewhere alive again. The only time I think the word 'departed' should be applied to a dead person is if they were Undying and died for the final time. You could say their soul departed or moved on at last.

Maybe we could have some super beefy Templar NPCs that automatically go and retrieve bodies after 10 minutes or so? That way, when someone dies in a siper difficult area with no other strong characters on, or maybe even no one else on, they could get rescued that way. It could also have a kill switch programmed into it for events, so these NPCs aren't spawning and trying to retrieve dead bodies during huge battles like Emleth.
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Re: Sharing a room! (Posthumous)

Post by Zoiya »

Death isn't finished. It's being worked on, like most everything else.
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