General Roleplay Thread

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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Drayla »

Yeah, I hate when people try to master every single skill they possibly can. With stone broadheads not getting above average, I really wanted my character to learn mining and forging so I could make the best arrows possible, but I dropped it before I really even began because it just doesn't match my character. I understand the learning system in CLOK is designed to create a character that can do whatever it is that they like, even if it means that you're a druid that likes carpentry, but it isn't meant for someone to master every skill they possibly can. There really is no easy way to fix the problem, but let's face it, even a "jack-of-all-trades" wouldn't be able to produce masterful quality items in every single thing, and be able to wield any kind of weapon they picked up like a pro, and be able to sneak around and steal from people like a master thief, and be able to see anyone trying to sneak around, and on top of it all play every instrument in the world as if they were Mozart on the piano. People need to start limiting themselves, and asking "Would my character actually do this if he/she were a real person?"
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by qinweiqi »

Drayla wrote:Yeah, I hate when people try to master every single skill they possibly can. With stone broadheads not getting above average, I really wanted my character to learn mining and forging so I could make the best arrows possible, but I dropped it before I really even began because it just doesn't match my character. I understand the learning system in CLOK is designed to create a character that can do whatever it is that they like, even if it means that you're a druid that likes carpentry, but it isn't meant for someone to master every skill they possibly can. There really is no easy way to fix the problem, but let's face it, even a "jack-of-all-trades" wouldn't be able to produce masterful quality items in every single thing, and be able to wield any kind of weapon they picked up like a pro, and be able to sneak around and steal from people like a master thief, and be able to see anyone trying to sneak around, and on top of it all play every instrument in the world as if they were Mozart on the piano. People need to start limiting themselves, and asking "Would my character actually do this if he/she were a real person?"
I can think of two ways of handling that mechanically, namely a skill cap and a "multi-classing penalty," but would personally consider both unrealistic. For example, a person who is fluent in 3+ languages is more adept at learning an additional language than someone fluent in only 1.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Rithiel »

I thought I'd throw out some RP tools that newer player may not be aware of. Other people should feel free to add if they can think of other things.

Tattoos and other distinguishing marks
These are available as part of a backstory (some people have scars or tattoos from their past), or as new acquisitions. There is a tattoo 'merchant' who occasionally makes appearances, and he would be more than willing to show up by request. All Fasa should have a tattoo as part of their backstory.

Although the method is fairly OOC (I'm not going to code in hair that grows regularly), there are methods to change your hair color and style, including facial hair. There are also items that can change your hair style that can be worn and removed like other clothing.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by lin »

A pet peeve of mine is bringing the guild system into your RP too much. That probably sounds vague, so here's an example:

The other day I found a PC being stealthy around Mistral. I called them out, since sneaking about the streets of a town is really suspicious. I suggested the person is probably up to no good, and in reply received something along the lines of, "I'm not a thief! Thieves can't do this," followed by a show of wavebending.

Sure. On the OOC level, that proves you don't belong to the thief guild. On the IC level? It proves nothing. Seeing someone wavebend doesn't make my character think, "Oh. I was wrong. You obviously have no foul intentions." Even if Lin called them a thief, he wouldn't be thinking in terms of "you must belong to this and this society." He'd be thinking, "you look like you're wanting to dip your hands in someone's pocket."
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Drayla »

Rithiel wrote: Tattoos and other distinguishing marks
These are available as part of a backstory (some people have scars or tattoos from their past), or as new acquisitions. There is a tattoo 'merchant' who occasionally makes appearances, and he would be more than willing to show up by request. All Fasa should have a tattoo as part of their backstory.
I wouldn't mind the tattoo person showing up sometime soon. For some reason I was thinking it was some special thing the GMs would do occasionally and you just had to be around when it happened. I've been wanting one for a my main characters for a while now. About how much are they, and do we need to come with tattoo ideas or are there premade choices as well?

Also, the Fasa are supposed to have tattoos? I have a Fasa who doesn't. If it isn't a race-specific customization option at character creation, maybe it should be?
Rithiel wrote: Hair
Although the method is fairly OOC (I'm not going to code in hair that grows regularly), there are methods to change your hair color and style, including facial hair. There are also items that can change your hair style that can be worn and removed like other clothing.
Actually, I don't really consider it OOC. The wiki states that the Nuum have used magic to alter and enhance their appearance. I have always simply assumed the beauticians in the boutique use this same type of magic to change our hair. This seems to be backed up by the fact that when you purchase a hairstyle, they run their fingers tgrough your hair and it "magically transforms."
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Rias »

The boutique hair transformations are OOC and I don't like them. In the future I hope to have hair dyes instead, and hair growth over time. You shouldn't be able to go from bald to waist-length hair in an instant, magical assistance or not.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Drayla »

If that happens, would we see a drastic decrease in the price to change your hair? I can understand it being expensive while the options are permanent and never change, but if I had to go get my hair cut every so often and it cost me a minimum of 2000 riln every time, I'd much sooner turn into Repunzel.

Speaking of hair, I'm almost surprised that I haven't seen anyone request a unibrow for their character.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Drayla »

Alright, I'm gonna mention something that is most likely gonna make a few heads roll: Wagon theft.

Now, before you start thinking I'm just whining about losing things, I just want to say that my trader character has been stolen from a few times for a couple thousand riln, and rather than whine about it every time, I have used it to develop my character into someone who hates thieves or anyone acting suspiciously. The issue is not having wagons stolen from. The issue isn't even having the entire wagon stolen. The issue is I do not know a single person who plays a character that would steal a wagon that was almost completely filled with items so they could sell them all. Not even the characters who are in Guild of Thieves do that sort of thing. I do know that some of us play characters who aren't afraid to steal something every now and then while no one is watching, but none of the characters I have seen would steal an entire wagon with a whole paragraph of items in it.

Another RP issue with it is if you wanted to RP realistically, you wouldn't want to steal a whole wagon and sell it all, because it would seem too suspicious if you hauled a wagon into town and proceeded to sell everything inside and donate everything you couldn't, then return the wagon. It would make it quite obvious that you had stolen the wagon, and likely everything inside it, and you would be questioned by authorities at best; the most likely action would be them taking you into custody and arresting you if you cannot give a good reason as to why you are selling so much stuff.

And then there is the OOC issue with it. I understand everyone wants to keep everything IC, and I have already pointed out the IC problems with it, but one of the biggest issues I have with it is the OOC effect. I am the second person who has lost literally everything overnight because someone stole my wagon and everything in it, and honestly, it makes me seriously consider just dropping the game completely and walking away. When that happens, you are basically forced to start all over again with your character, and it is hard to even know where to begin. You can't even think about everythong you lost, because the fact that it is just instantly gone is so distracting. It can feel overwhelming to try and get your character back to the point they were at before, especially since a lot of characters, like mine, have spent a lot of time working to aquire what little they actually do have. At this point, I may be on CLOK every now and then for an hour or two, but until I can stop being pissed at the fact that I now have to make up for months of playing to get back to the point I was at before the theft, I won't be playing often. The whole situation is just a huge obstacle and a distraction, and it makes the game unenjoyable even while playing on other characters.

Okay, I'm done with my rant. I hope everyone can see past all of my bitching and see the issues I was trying to point out. I will still hang out on the BBS daily, but as for actually playing, I'll see everyone once I feel like I am able to start building my character back up to where she was before and actually enjoy myself again while doing so.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Barius »

I'm trying really hard to see your point in this. But I read...
Drayla wrote: The issue is I do not know a single person who plays a character that would steal a wagon that was almost completely filled with items so they could sell them all. Not even the characters who are in Guild of Thieves do that sort of thing.
In my mind, if you don't know any thief who would do something like this, then you don't know any thieves. Or that's how it ideally should be. It's pretty clear from this quote that you mean you don't know any players who would steal from a full wagon. I'm not going to touch the issue of you knowing every thief in the game OOCly and thus know that they won't do anything ICly to harm you.

What I am going to comment on is that if you can't guess ICly if there was a thief that stole your wagon's contents and you can't figure out ICly who did it, then I'm going to say someone did something right. ICly.
Drayla wrote:Another RP issue with it is if you wanted to RP realistically, you wouldn't want to steal a whole wagon and sell it all, because it would seem too suspicious if you hauled a wagon into town and proceeded to sell everything inside and donate everything you couldn't, then return the wagon. It would make it quite obvious that you had stolen the wagon, and likely everything inside it, and you would be questioned by authorities at best; the most likely action would be them taking you into custody and arresting you if you cannot give a good reason as to why you are selling so much stuff.
Why can't the person in question simply be mistaken for a merchant? Maybe they are a merchant? Tons of people buy wagons to sell things out of. Are they going to apprehend and interrogate every single person that rolls into town with a wagon full of goods and ask where they got it?
Drayla wrote:And then there is the OOC issue with it. I understand everyone wants to keep everything IC, and I have already pointed out the IC problems with it, but one of the biggest issues I have with it is the OOC effect. I am the second person who has lost literally everything overnight because someone stole my wagon and everything in it, and honestly, it makes me seriously consider just dropping the game completely and walking away.
I feel this. I really do. I know that it's fairly devastating to have nearly everything you worked for taken away in the blink of an eye. And you are angry right now, I understand that too. I'm hoping after you've spent a bit of time to calm down, you can come back and have a more objective view on it. I will never leave a handcart, a wagon, or even a backpack on the ground unsecured, even if I hide it. Why? Because I know some enterprising thief (I don't mean Guild of Thieves, I just mean any sort of scavenger) will most assuredly dip their hand in it. I feel like it's a given part of playing the game, and why caution should be exercised in leaving things out in the open. It's why we have extremely generous vaults that you can store enormous amounts of things in.

It seems to me like a thief is being a thief, and yet is being criticised for doing so on an OOC level. Every time my character walks past a wagon, peeks inside, and sees piles of resources just left there, he thinks, "Boy, that's a silly thing to do. Anyone can just unload all that stuff and drag it off." I don't think he's wrong for thinking that, is he?

I hope this doesn't come across as pouring salt on the wound, as it's not my intention. I just want to give a more broad view on it.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Jaster »

Jaster steals wagons all the time. Jaster is going to continue to steal wagons he sees unguarded. You know why? Because he's a thief, and wagons are easy pickings. Jaster is, quite notoriously, a thief, and will continue to act as a thief would. He takes no particular pride in stealing wagons, simply because it is so easy, but he still does it. And why shouldn't he? It's quick and easy riln. Hell, one day he made over 30k through wagon theft alone. It is perfectly within character for him to do this.

None of my other characters do this. They are not thieves. Take a lesson, thieves will be thieves will be thieves will be thieves! That's what a thief does.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Acarin »

I've been known to steal entire wagons (when I rode a horse), steal from wagons as people drop things in (from hiding of course), pillage bags, murder orphans, slaughter horses, harvest entire farms, and run off with lumberyard stockpiles. I'm not even a thief...
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Nootau »

You do those things as you are a special flower like none other Acarin.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Acarin »

Nootau wrote:You do those things as you are a special flower like none other Acarin.
Thanks, Noot!
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Rias »

Acarin wrote:I've been known to steal entire wagons (when I rode a horse), steal from wagons as people drop things in (from hiding of course), pillage bags, murder orphans, slaughter horses, harvest entire farms, and run off with lumberyard stockpiles. I'm not even a thief...
No, you're a thief, you're just not a Thief.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Acarin »

Rias wrote:
Acarin wrote:I've been known to steal entire wagons (when I rode a horse), steal from wagons as people drop things in (from hiding of course), pillage bags, murder orphans, slaughter horses, harvest entire farms, and run off with lumberyard stockpiles. I'm not even a thief...
No, you're a thief, you're just not a Thief.
I prefer the term "opportunist", thank you.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Lufin »

I know that would be frustrating, but you're leaving your things out in the open for anyone to take. I've never taken a whole wagon, but I don't own a horse so I can't do that anyway. I've taken a lot of things FROM wagons, though. The lesson here is don't leave your valuable possessions out unguarded where anyone can just take them. I keep mine in my vault.

At the very least, throw them all in a trunk and hide it, or something. A wagon out in the open just calls to thieves and scavengers to loot it.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Rithiel »

Getting this thread back on topic....

Here are some RP verbs that I don't think many people use (perhaps they don't know about them?).

Flourish - used with a weapon to show off your abilities. This command is dependent on the weapon skill in questions.

A number of RP verbs can be modified. For examples see grin, glance, laugh, express, and whistle. If you type help before the command, you will get a list of available modifications. These modifications can now be used along with a target (they couldn't before).
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Rithiel »

I've noticed lately that a lot of people refer to every organization as a guild, and to everything that they're ever asked to do as a task.

Strictly speaking, guild is an OOC term that is used describe the various organizations that we have in CLOK. Only one of those organizations is actually a guild. So to say something like "I'm trying to join the Elemancer Guild" or "I'm wanting to join the Rook's Guild" is very OOC, given that you should be saying you want to enter the University or join the Parlour.

Regarding tasks, these are, in my mind, also very OOC. Even if it's not, there are ways to make it sound much better than "I'm doing a task for my guild." I've come up with a list of synonyms that may or may not be appropriate for your guild.


I'm sure there are many more, but even throwing these in will make tasks sound a great deal more IC.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Bryce »

Same line of thought, I think it's funny when people ask what guild someone's in. As if everyone's in a guild, or that they're all called guilds.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by merin »

Ok, I don't know if I'm in the minority here, but let me outline a situation I've seen happen.

Someone has transmitted over the ESP network "Boy I co8uld use a locksmith right now!" Someone's alt logs off, someone's alt logs on and says "Locksmith in town!"

Another example is recently when Lars asked for people to meet with him and a friend of mine switched from thier character he was playing to another that was more involved with the situation, simply because OOCly, they were aware of the meeting taking place. While I will give it that the particular characters who do this are not breaking the fourth wall and not having the knowledge of it IC, I still feel that it is a bit of a gap in that wall because that character would probably not have been around if there was no event that was set up that his or her character learned about, switched, and inquired about to learn in an IC manner. I don't get why people do this, and maybe I'm in the minority that this is an issue. I brought it up on chat and my response was, "happens all the time," however, for me, it takes away from the OOC/IC separation, even though they technically, to my knowledge, aren't breaking any rules.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Rias »

That bothers me, too.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Makkah »

I can see you being bothered by such... HOWEVER... we're supposed to assume people in the intangible "crowds' are always around and milling about, yet our characters are only AROUND when we're logged in? Seems a double-standard.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Laroremas »

Makkah wrote:I can see you being bothered by such... HOWEVER... we're supposed to assume people in the intangible "crowds' are always around and milling about, yet our characters are only AROUND when we're logged in? Seems a double-standard.
This is the best defense I've heard for this, I legitimately cannot say anything to contest that. I agreed with Merin's point up until I read your post, now I am reconsidering my stance.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by Makkah »

Laroremas wrote:
Makkah wrote:I can see you being bothered by such... HOWEVER... we're supposed to assume people in the intangible "crowds' are always around and milling about, yet our characters are only AROUND when we're logged in? Seems a double-standard.
This is the best defense I've heard for this, I legitimately cannot say anything to contest that. I agreed with Merin's point up until I read your post, now I am reconsidering my stance.
To further... our characters don't sleep 24 hrs if we don't log in for a whole day. It's a really gray area, but I don't see an issue with it. That said, I have many alts and try to give it a bit of time between character-swaps.
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Re: General Roleplay Thread

Post by merin »

By that logic we should be able to get a log of all ESP messages, because if we play for 8 hours, we should still, thanks to the Sarcadium rhythm, be able to be aware for the other 8 hours a day! Not only that, but, our characters should do things without us, maybe eat something, get sick, change clothes, spend riln on entertainment, etcetera. That way, it's not only convenient for us when we want to switch to another alt, but would actually assist with the validity of that excuse. I believe if there is going to be a bennafit to "having your character awake and aware," we should suffer drawbacks, too.

I hope that didn't come off as rude, and I appologise if it did so.
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