Player Created Mines

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Post by Gad »

The once I have dug and cannot dig any more it says I need support beams.

"Ah, looking at things closer, it appears your 4th room down collapsed (from someone mining there, and not digging more to support the area again). What that did was cut off the rooms after that which you dug out. So those lower rooms you dug out still exist, and now will eventually collapse as you have no way to get to them anymore." This is probably what happened since I dont know who would be mining there.

I also tried digging rooms to loop back around to each other to create secondary lines but the rooms do not connect up. Is this a feature of the mines?
Last edited by Gad on Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Landion »

Those other rooms are now lost, and that is intended, there is no way to link back up with the rooms behind the collapse due to the way this is coded. I'm satisfied with the way this mechanic is as it requires some strategy to how you build and maintain your mine. Such is the life of a miner.

And yes, when it tells you you can only improve the room with beams, that is the best the room can get for now.

Rooms degrade two ways:
- Slowly, over time. (A completely dug out room left alone will last over a week.)
- When you cause a collapse when mining.

This damage can be repaired again with DIG.
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Post by Gad »

Why the gargantuan cave worms in player mines? I bought a mine to not have to deal with critters. Since the cave worm invasions two days ago I have had 3 gargantuan worms in my mine that needed to be put down. I thought this was going to be a rare occurance?
Last edited by Gad on Sat May 19, 2012 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lillium the great »

I'll get a mine when I earn 4500 riln. lol
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Post by Landion »

[quote=Gad]Why the gargantuan cave worms in player mines? I bought a mine to not have to deal with critters. Since the cave worm invasions two days ago I have had 3 gargantuan worms in my mine that needed to be put down. I thought this was going to be a rare occurance?[/quote]

There are several worms that spawn automatically in player mines. It is inteded to be a rare occurance, but something that happens in mines occasionally like gas or a cave in (only rarer).

Player mines are NOT intended to be a free ride! They offer huge benefits of having access to rarer materials and a wider variety of materials than a mine maintained by an NPC.

They meant to be challenging, and a bit time consuming to maintain and are NOT intended to be used by or created by every player. The same goes for mining in general.

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Post by Landion »

Revisiting this, the gargantuan worms weren't supposed to be spawning outside of the event thing which was run.

This should be corrected.

Regular worms based off of your combat skills will still spawn occasionally as described previously.
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Post by Rias »

I'll take the blame for that, I based them on the other types of worms, not realizing they would automatically spawn due to a tag that copied over.

But still, bwahahahaha!
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Post by Ardor »

Player mines are NOT intended to be a free ride! They offer huge benefits of having access to rarer materials and a wider variety of materials than a mine maintained by an NPC.

I tried comparing my personal mine with the Shadgard mine a while ago.
Back then there were no worms and no dynamic markets.
I had about 1000 Skill in mining, Master Miner and was using a Masterworked Steel Pickaxe.
I turned the metals into bars and did nothing else with the things I found.

1 hour in my personal mine:
9 caveins, 2 gasleaks
16 quartz veins yielding 22 quartz worth 130 riln
7 Bloodstone veins vielding 9 bloodstone worth a total of 700 riln
12 copper veins yielding 39 copper worth 780 riln
2 sapphire veins yielding 3 sapphires for a total of 900 riln. This was the first time I ever found sapphires in my mine
15 lead veins yielding 43 lead worth 860 riln
1 electrum vein yielding 2 electrum worth 200 riln

Total: 3770 Riln.

Shadgard Mine:
5 caveins, 3 gasleaks
38 copper veins yielding 75 copper worth 1500 riln
24 quartz veins yielding 49 quartz worth 260 riln
10 malachite veins yielding 14 malachite worth 840 riln
7 turquiose veins yielding 10 turquiose worth 500 riln.

Total: 3100 Riln

So a personal mine is worth about 650 Riln more per hour.

I need about 3-4 hours every few days to maintain the mine @about 20 rooms, so I lose ~12000 riln compared to mining in Shadgard instead of dealing with my mine. Earning that back will take me ~19 hours in my personal mine though by the time I managed to mine that long, I will have to maintain it again.
It took me 13 hours to dig the mine. Had I spent that time mining in Shadgard I would have made about 100k Riln. Earning that back will take me about 150 hours.
Not to mention the mine cost me 40k, earning that back: 60 hours.

Now there is dynamic markets, making the Shadgard mine only slightly less attractive (since my personal mine is also affected) and worms, making my personal mine a lot less attractive since a high mining skill makes you no better at fighting with a pickaxe and even the smaller worms easily kill me.
The way I see it, personal mines are only good for getting some of the metals that are not available in the Shadgard mine, mainly iron, coal for steel and zinc for bronze. Finding the higher-end gems and metals is too unreliable to count on. I have a room that has emeralds but I never found any even after hours of mining.
Last edited by Ardor on Mon May 28, 2012 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Landion »

I actually really like what I see in your stats quite a bit. You are getting a wider variety of material, and making more riln. To me these are only a few of the reasons to have your own mine in the first place, in my opinion it's a lot more fun to create your own mine, and work to maintain it than to work in a mine that only offers the same old stuff.

Player mines are not meant to be and will never be a 'you win' button, or a ticket to instant wealth and fortune. They're a long term investment.

If you'd rather grind away in the Shadgard mine for endless hours getting the same old materials, be my guest. Doing that is certainly a viable source of income. I have repeatedly stated that player mines were not for everyone and are meant to be an additional challenge.

Tweaks are constantly being made, and systems implemented that change the dynamic of mining immensely. There are now mine supports that greatly prolong the life of a mine room, and dynamic markets where having access to a wider variety of materials is a huge advantage to assisting with your income. You can also haul materials to another market for a solid sale if one is already saturate with that material. Is Shadgard not buying copper very well? Take your wagon up to Mistral Lake instead.

Worms are tailored to your skillset, and if you're having issues killing them then I strongly suggest throwing on some armor. With the changes to Hafted being effected by mining and logging skill, this shouldn't be an issue unless you're afk mining and letting a worm eat you.

Risk vs. Reward is always going to be a part of any crafting system, I think you would find it painfully boring if nothing ever happened. You can certainly expect new exciting and deadly challenges down the road as changes will continue to come in the future.

A few plans we do have right now are to have the materials found in Player mines will be effected by the realm they are dug in, along with a myriad of other ideas we've brainstormed for this system and mining in general.
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