Compliments Thread

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Compliments Thread

Post by Collins »

I thought we could use a place to thank our awesome GM's who work so hard to make this little community a blast.

So, here it is, post it up!

This is the reason I thought this thread should be started:

[Wilderness, Collins' Deforestation Project] (OutWldFr)
Coniferous trees dominate the area. Tall mountains rise abruptly to the south.
The area is completely silent.
You also notice a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a felled pine tree, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log, a pine log,

Thank you to whoever did this. I am still laughing.

Also, the invasions and interaction have been great. So thank you to all.
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Post by Jaren »

We do have an awesome team of GMs who DO work very hard to keep things running smoothly and keep things fresh with new content.

Thanks ALL! :-)
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Post by Isiaa »

Yeah.Keep up the good work.
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Post by Rithiel »

[quote=Collins]Thank you to whoever did this. I am still laughing.[/quote]

Rias blames me for everything else, so I'll take credit for the name.
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[OOC - Candy Mountain, Spearhead]: usually when they're snarky, it's Rithiel
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Post by Evelyn »

Yeah! Thanks for you all do guys, you make this game rock so much! <3
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Post by Icterus »

I look forward to our bright future together as the monstrosities my mind creates kills you over and over and over and over......
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Post by Rias »

I look forward to providing you all with the equipment and powers to slaughter Icterus' twisted creations over and over and over.
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Post by KianTheArcher »

Huzzah! Can I have a Super Bow?
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Post by Mossy »

Its not just the great game play or the attentiveness of the GM staff, but what really makes it for me is the amount of times that I laugh, you guys are funny. Xynder
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Post by Vorpal »

The Reaper approves.
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Post by Alexander »

Thank you for the recent event that involved more than simply staving off an attack force (do not let it be said that I do not enjoy those events as well, however) and allowed for player choice. I hope I was not too annoying being the only one against the majority. It allowed for some character-building roleplay as a result, and it is always good to know the players can make choices. Even little ones, like tonight's. The fact that the event turned out to be largely inconsequential was in a way refreshing. It is good to mix in the minor and mundane along with the epic and world-changing events.
(Alexander clenches a fist momentarily, then stops and calms himself with visible effort.)
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Post by Alexander »

I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to all the people who have been putting so much effort into roleplaying. It has been a wonderful time, both the good and the bad. I am glad to be part of such an excellent roleplaying community, where people appear to generally be interested in roleplaying interactions above the simple grind.
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Post by Orris »

Thanks to Lars the peddler for the work he's done!
Last edited by Orris on Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[FROM Vinz (OOC)]: what are the nether called on that pirate ship again?
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Post by Noctere »

Hi everyone! I have yet to post anything so… here I go.

I really enjoy this game and the more I play the more I find that others feel the same. CLOK is run by an great crew of people but it's just not the GMs who make the game awesome, it's the players. Players give CLOK a life of all of its own. In fact, many players have even shaped the way CLOK is today. Players have greatly affected the world either by what they've done in game or through suggestions here on BBS. I am also sad to see that many of our past core players have not been able to join us lately.

Currently our community has grown a little smaller, which is ok. A small community really helps us to get to know everyone and can be really fun when we have everyone together for an event. However, there's no harm in recruiting a few more folks.

A good way to do that would be to vote here. Just quickly sign up and you can vote once per day. That's one way to help get the word out. Another might be to tell your friends about CLOK or do something such as heading back to your old MUD and inviting a few people. (One player has recently done this and we have seen many new faces because of it.)

Well, enough of my ramblings. Just want to thank our players for playing and for helping to make CLOK such a fun experience.
Last edited by Noctere on Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rias »

Thanks to the people who have voted. We're on the second page of the listing. Apparently we only need 12 votes to get onto the first page (I'm not sure if that's daily, or what). If that happens, we could well see some new faces soon!
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Post by River »

It wouldn't let me register-it said it'd be halted
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Post by Skjotur »

Wanted to say thanks to Landion and Rias for all the stuff they've set up for a specific-case character scenario. Couldn't be happier. Hope others will get to enjoy it too when it's more developed.
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Post by Lae »

Spotted this (Thanks Skjotur) so I decided to plop down my two cents. I have been a long time GSer. Love the game, but not so thrilled with it lately. So I saw a post on the PC that was talking about CLOK and I decided to stop *saying* that I'd stop by and check it out. I took a bit of action and was extremely pleased with the results. I love the way skill gains are implemented. I love the diverse way of training lots of different things. I love how you have a question and if a player can't answer it a GM will, and if there is something wrong they'll fix it. The last two are a big reason why I've all but stopped playing GS for the past few days. I've told a few of my ex-GS buddies (who quit when I stayed) about the game and they've had nothing but praise as well. Can't wait to see how things progress!

[FROM Rias (OOC)]: Jaster can now pick the lock on your bathroom door. I don't want any more details on that bug report.
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Post by Rias »

We're glad you're enjoying it, Lae. We really enjoy running it and having a great little playerbase.

On the subject of GMs answering player questions and looking at bugs, I'd like to give my compliments to GM Noctere. He's an awesome GM and always goes out of his way to address player questions and concerns, and does a great job of fixing which bugs he can, and bringing those he can't fix to another GM's attention so that they still get fixed in a timely manner. Major kudos.
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Post by Jhieger »

Just started, the experience has been great so far. Special compliments to the welcoming and helpful community.
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Post by Evelyn »

It's a great place! Welcome again and stuff. :)
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Post by Skjotur »

I love this game. Just had to say it.
Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and numbs my brain, I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn, my cares fall from me - I am happy.
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Post by KianTheArcher »

This game really is great, and the GMs that run it are great too. The community here is so great, and I love the IC interactions between everyone!
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Post by hadesfire »

Agreed, this game is amazing, especially the universe-pondering, monster-building, torture specialist admins. :D
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Post by Slaidh »

Compliments to Noctere for making me laugh and making my day. Best rat ever!
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