AFK Scripting policy

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AFK Scripting policy

Post by Rias »

This hasn't been stickied or "officially" documented anywhere before, so I thought now would be a good time to do it.

It is not acceptable to AFK (away from keyboard) script any beneficial or disruptive action at all, anytime, ever. If you are caught AFK scripting you will at the least be hit with an ASP (AFK Scripting Penalty) which will reduce your skillgains for a certain amount of points' worth of gain. You're also likely to be penalized in other ways depending on the scripting - if you were caught AFK scripting something that resulted in skillgain, any associated skills will likely be lowered. If you were making riln with the script, riln will be reduced. If you were getting guild points from it ... you get the idea.

An example of a disruptive script would be something like AFK scripting your character dancing or singing or reciting poetry or ... something like that, in public. Feel free to be creative and act all that out when you're at your keyboard, but if you're doing it over and over while AFK, it's just going to be repetitive and disruptive with the screen scroll.

Exceptions would be something like sending the info command every 5 minutes to prevent a character from idling out, or information-only commands like health, skills, and so on, since they're useful for various plugins and the like. However, I do enjoy messing with people who use scripts just to keep themselves from idling out, so just giving fair warning! If you're idling away in the Commons forever, an NPC thief might chance by and pick your pocket, or a stray mutt might bite your leg, etc.

Note that scripting is okay, as long as you're at the computer and responsive when something happens. If an NPC stops by and says or does something out of the ordinary, be sure to respond to it, as it's likely a GM checking in on you.
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Post by Rias »

By the way, you'll be able to tell if you're under the effects of an ASP by checking your effects.
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Post by Rias »

Editied to clarify the disallowed AFK scripting is only disallowed if it is beneficial or disruptive. Silent, information-only commands are okay, but never assume your character will be fine while you're AFK for long periods - some GMs enjoy messing with AFKers.

To ensure you understand, please re-read the original post which has been edited with the details.
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Post by Jaster »

I have a timer that makes me 'look' after ten minutes to keep from idling out. It mostly gets used when I have to take a poop. In general though, even if I'm idling I'm still at the keyboard and glancing at the screen while being distracted by other things.

And I would mess with people all the time if I were you, too. Paha.
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Post by Reynard »

That sounds like something that he said was okay. =P
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Post by Lemuel »

If I may be so bold to comment, what is really the source of confusion is to specify 'beneficial or disruptive' action, and to go into a paragraph of examples of prohibited actions such as singing, dancing, reciting poetry, 'repetitive actions' etc...when it turns out, this is really not what you mean.

Because, as I found out, what you really mean is "any and all actions" are prohibited, period. (Unless there is an action that is somehow invisible?)

For the sake of newcomers, I would like to humbly request that all the fat be trimmed off the text of this policy, and in its place simply state what is: that each and every action command is unpermitted while AFK, and that a player is only allowed to automate info commands such as WHO, HEALTH, INFO, TIME, AMMO, and the like non-action commands.
Last edited by Lemuel on Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zoiya »

It's not *any and all actions*. If you are in a public place and you are being disruptive while you are afk (reciting poetry but not answering another player) and causing screen scroll for someone when you won't even answer back. Then yes, that is afk scripting.

Scripting in itself isn't illegal PROVIDED that you are at the keyboard. We give you SEVERAL warnings before you are punished as well. So I don't think that this policy needs to be updated.
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Post by Zoiya »

Only for you Lemuel. In all the time we've had our policy posted you are the only person who has had this issue. If you want anything to be further explained - please contact me in game. Disrespecting me on the forums will only end badly.
[CHAT - Lil' Skittles GM Zoiya escalates quickly]: *hugs Kent*
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Post by Lemuel »

I meant to disrespect no one with my post. Because it was interpreted as disrespectful, of course I have deleted it. I believe it was only on for 1 or 2 minutes before it was deleted.

Maybe there could be a forum where a player could post, and only the GM's and that one player could view it and discuss that even a possibility on this BBS service?
Last edited by Lemuel on Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nootau »

You could PM the message to a GM to keep things private or send a e-mail with several CC names to it if you really would like it private.
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