
Announcements that don't fit into another category.
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Post by Rias »

Players can now fell trees to get branches and logs from them. Currently the branches and logs can only be sold at the market, but they will soon be useful for crafting things such as bows, staffs, arrows, wooden components for other weapons (such as axe hafts or spear shafts) and other items of a less combat-oriented nature.

To get started on your new lumberjack career, the first thing to do is get a logging axe. A handaxe will not do!. You can tell if an item is able to fell trees by EXAMINing it. You can buy one at the Shadgard blacksmith, or you can try to wrench one away from one of the scarecrow woodcutters without getting hacked to pieces. (The second is more fun, honestly)

Next, go to an area that is forested. For more information on how to tell the environmental properties of an area, check here: http://clok.game-host.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=150

Now with your trusty logging axe in hand, type FELL. You will begin auto-chopping at a tree (you may STOP at any time and come back later to pick up where you left off - the game keeps track). It may take a fair amount of time, but the tree will eventually come crashing down.

Once it is down, CHOP the tree to begin removing the branches (this part can be done with a handaxe as well as a logging axe). Like the previous step, you will begin auto-chopping (and can STOP at any time and start again later). This step takes quite a while, but during the process you will acquire branches that are particularly straight and sturdy which can be sold at the market and will later be useful for crafting. As with mining, it is particularly handy to be pulling a handcart during this process, as you will automatically place any branches into your handcart as you chop them.

Finally, once the felled tree has been stripped of all its branches, CHOP it again to split it into more manageable logs. You wouldn't be able to carry around an entire tree or fit it into a handcart, after all. You can sell the logs at the market as well, and they will later be useful for other crafting projects. The logs are quite heavy, however, and you'll only be able to fit two at most into a handcart at once (trees will generally yield 4 logs). Pulling the handcart back to town will be a long process with so much weight.

Each of these steps will grant some skill gain for the "Logging" skill. The more skill you have, the less fatigue you suffer from logging activities and the better chances you'll have of getting usable branches. You'll also be able to work a little faster with more skill, and you'll have less chance of getting squashed under a falling tree (though such a thing is uncommon).

Currently, all trees are pine trees, even if you're in an area that describes its trees as 'deciduous.' More trees will be added soon, and there'll even be rare trees out in the wilds with extraordinary properties for those diligent enough to explore and find them.
The lore compels me!
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