Player Created Mines

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Player Created Mines

Post by Landion »

Step 1 - Staking a Mine Claim
- Purchase a claim stake from Town Hall, or blacksmith. (This is no small investment!)
- Seek out an unclaimed area of Mountains or Hills.
- CLAIM the area while holding your stake. You will need to confirm this as this is permanent
Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a new mine claim!

Step 2 - Digging your mine
- Get a spade and start to DIG.
- Eventually you will dig enough to create an entrance to the start of your mine
- Once inside your mine you have several options.
- You can DIG to reinforce the area.
- You can DIG {direction} to expand your mine.

Need to Know Information.
- Your first room will never collapse, but will not hold any mineable ore.
- Any room beyond your entrance will eventually collapse if it is not maintained by DIGging in that area. The more you dig in an area, the better it will be maintained.
- You will be able to tell when an area is dangerously close to collapsing by LOOKing at the area.
- If a room collapses, it will no longer exist.
- If you are caught in the room during a major collapse, there is no escape, you will die.
- Friends can help you DIG in an area, and can MINE with you, but cannot help you expand the mine in a direction. That responsibility is in the hands of the mine owner.
- Any room beyond your entrance has a chance for ore and gem veins.
- With each room you add to the mine, the more unstable the area becomes with a higher chance for collapses and gas.
- With each collapse, the area degrades slightly, and will need to be repaired by using DIG, or risk total collapse.
- With each room you add to the mine, you have a chance for more rare materials.
- All materials are subject to the same rarity checks as any other mine when determining if they can be found in your mine.
- Traders who are trained in Mining Mastery will find they are able to expand and maintain their mines with greater ease.

Good Luck in the mines!

A word of caution to the casual miner:

Maintaining your own mine is not an easy task, and can be quite time consuming. This system is designed to be very challenging, and somewhat time demanding but very rewarding as well.
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Post by Lae »

Very very awesome Landion.
[FROM Rias (OOC)]: Jaster can now pick the lock on your bathroom door. I don't want any more details on that bug report.
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Post by Gad »

I'll be getting my claim!

Does selection of a spot have anything to do with your mine or is it find an open spot and you can mine and maintain the mine? Can other people walk into your mine and mine it when you are not there? If they can is there anyway to keep the mine locked down?
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Post by Nootau »

Can i dig with Geomancy?
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Post by Gad »

Another question...Can I bring in a woodworker to re-enforce my mine with wood beams and such? Can I also make a room and then get a lockable door installed to keep my gear stored?
Last edited by Gad on Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nootau »

How about lights/long term candles to make it easier to survey?
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Post by Ayra »

This sounds really awesome, are there any plans for doing a similar sort of thing but for a forest? (for the forrester types)

Sort of, get a piece of jungle, you have to clear the previous stuff away before you can chop down trees but over time the jungle grows back, I could even see potential for farmer types to be able to increase the chances of getting what they want by cultivating etc....

Actually what this all seems to be building to is player owned bits of land, so then the miners could mine, foresters forest, farmers farm, there would be space for people to build their own homes without having to expand the town, eventually maybe extending their homes to add a shop and sell what they are making, eventually forming player created towns....

Of course, for more the combat oriented this could just be a log cabin type deal, or they could stay in their guild quarters. Thieves could try and break in to get experience and loot. There could be the choice of fencing your area to try and prevent this but again, the fence would probably need either routine maintenance or the hiring of staff (possibly undead for sorcerers) to maintain it and/or guards to protect the area/player from assassins/thieves.

Then again, this might lead to less potential for role-playing if people are more spread out, or it might alter the feel of the game too much...
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Post by Lae »

[quote=Ayra]This sounds really awesome, are there any plans for doing a similar sort of thing but for a forest? (for the forrester types)

Sort of, get a piece of jungle, you have to clear the previous stuff away before you can chop down trees but over time the jungle grows back, I could even see potential for farmer types to be able to increase the chances of getting what they want by cultivating etc....

Actually what this all seems to be building to is player owned bits of land, so then the miners could mine, foresters forest, farmers farm, there would be space for people to build their own homes without having to expand the town, eventually maybe extending their homes to add a shop and sell what they are making, eventually forming player created towns....

Of course, for more the combat oriented this could just be a log cabin type deal, or they could stay in their guild quarters. Thieves could try and break in to get experience and loot. There could be the choice of fencing your area to try and prevent this but again, the fence would probably need either routine maintenance or the hiring of staff (possibly undead for sorcerers) to maintain it and/or guards to protect the area/player from assassins/thieves.

Then again, this might lead to less potential for role-playing if people are more spread out, or it might alter the feel of the game too much...[/quote]

I would love to have the opportunity to grow different kind of trees in a cleared area. Fruit trees for cooking (broken record here) or different kind of staves for woodcarving.
[FROM Rias (OOC)]: Jaster can now pick the lock on your bathroom door. I don't want any more details on that bug report.
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Post by Landion »

[quote=Nootau]Can i dig with Geomancy?[/quote]


[quote=Gad]Another question...Can I bring in a woodworker to re-enforce my mine with wood beams and such? Can I also make a room and then get a lockable door installed to keep my gear stored?[/quote]

As of right now, no.

However, I did leave room in the code for this sort of thing to be added as I expect something like this will happen in the future.

[quote=Nootau]How about lights/long term candles to make it easier to survey?[/quote]

Also an idea I'd like to have added in the future, if possible. As well as being able to add rails. These additions would not be cheap.

[quote=Ayra]Actually what this all seems to be building to is player owned bits of land...[/quote]

We would like this sort of stuff. The trick is how to control it from getting out of control, or how to prevent there from being a bunch of ghost towns/mines/lumber mills littering the world.

With player mine's collapsing... that helps to prevent it from getting too out of control. Also if your mine is too large, it will be very difficult to mine. It still has the potential to have ghost claims all over, which at this point a GM will have to go in and manually clear it.

To prevent this I want to add taxes, so if you don't pay your monthly tax on a claim, it will get repossessed and be available for another player.
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Post by Nootau »

Sometimes DIG triggers auto digging, sometimes it does not.. Why?
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Post by Landion »

Without a specific example or more details such as where you were, it makes it very difficult for me to tell you what is happening.

If you're in an appropriate location to dig, then it should begin auto-digging. I've not experienced any issues with dig not being automatic while I was testing.
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Post by Nootau »

If I let you smote me one more time... will you allow me to mine without a pickaxe?
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Post by Isiaa »

Town could require some sort of permission and a hell load of Riln. Plus they should be permitted by the landlord(GM) on a case by case basis. Lumber mills can turn wild if they're left to long.
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Post by Gad »

I started a mine and dug into it some. Then I started a second by accident and can not get into the first mine that I started.
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Post by Landion »

Bah, well. That issue is fixed so it won't happen again. You'll have to catch me in game to help correct what has already happened to you
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Post by Gad »

No worries. Set backs are a part of the mining process.

Question: Can you dig in a room and reach a point where you can no longer dig since you have done all you can to secure the room from a complete collapse?
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Post by Landion »

Yup, once you reach a certain point, you'll get messaging saying you've done all you can. It will then only require maintenance as it slowly degrades over time.
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Post by Gad »

So I built my mine 5 spaces down and at the last space went three wide. I dug until I recieved a message that I could dig no more. I went to bed and came back 8 hours later and all of it was gone up to 2 spaces down from the enterance. Can these rooms please last at least a week or so to get some use out of them? If that is too long perhaps a few days so I can come in and have a chance to DIG to secure the area.
Last edited by Gad on Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nootau »

I was there 4 hours ago.. I could walk through all of the rooms fine.
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Post by Landion »

A maxed out rooms should be lasting as well over a week if you don't maintain them at all. And then all you need to do is DIG in each room to keep them maintained.

I've no idea why they'd not be lasting unless you hadn't worked on those rooms at all.

A brand new room only lasts about 2 hours if you don't work on it immediately.

Also, keep in mind. Each time you cause a cave-in. You lower the stability of that room a small bit. That can add up if you've been mining in a room for a while, and then forget to DIG before you leave again.

Also, when the stability of a room is getting low, you will notice the room description and name changes to give you a warning.
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Post by Landion »

I just double checked the code and my testing mine. Both seem to be working as intended.

I'm willing to bet you guys did a lot of mining in there, causing a lot of collapses after you dug the area out, and then took off for the night without making sure it was supported.

I'll see if I can't code in a few extra warnings when the stability of an area is getting lower.
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Post by Landion »

Ah, looking at things closer, it appears your 4th room down collapsed (from someone mining there, and not digging more to support the area again).

What that did was cut off the rooms after that which you dug out. So those lower rooms you dug out still exist, and now will eventually collapse as you have no way to get to them anymore.

Be careful! You could potentially trap yourself in your mine if you were careless enough.
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Post by Gad »

So you are saying if I make a new room before I go to work and come back 8 hours later it will be gone? That is a really short amount of time. I cant play CLOK 24/7.

Also I just made rooms and with the help of Nootau we dug until we couldnt dig any more. I didnt do any mining in the rooms. I left them for today.

Can I reopen rooms if I dig to that direction?
Last edited by Gad on Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rias »

[quote=Landion]A maxed out rooms should be lasting as well over a week if you don't maintain them at all. And then all you need to do is DIG in each room to keep them maintained.[/quote]

Grammatical oddities of that quote aside, that's much longer than 8 hours.
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Post by Nootau »

Is a room 'Maxed out' when it tells you, you need support beams or after the beams?
The elements are slaves to no being. One must learn to ask for their aid, the elements offer power to the humble. This is why no one is truly a master yet everyone is a student..
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