Can you believe that the last post made in this particular subset of the BBS was in 2012? I was literally a kid then and didn't play Clok either.
Anyway, I just wanted to post my appreciation of the Mercenary part of the Coalition. It's probably my favorite combat-related guild if I'm being honest. I never claim to be a saint or a hero. I'm just a guy who wants a simple idea. Get a contract to kill this person or kill a certain amount of people, go out and risk my life, then come back and get paid a fair amount for getting wounded and potentially dying. A simple idea but a practical one.
I am totally pumped for them to come back in New Clok. I understand this may take a while especially with certain events and all happening and the coding can't be easy either and all. But I'm definitely excited for the prospect. It feels empowering like you wouldn't believe to have something to do even if you need help sometimes to actually get it done, (damn river stone sling wielders.) Everyone loves those patrol things that make it so that you randomly get encounters and I do too. They have their place. But I'm all about getting paid and having an official contract and that's what I look forward to the most in a combat guild. Plus, whatever you face hopefully won't be completely out of your skill level so you may not at least immediately regret encountering something random you can't handle and are likely to die over. That way, at least you can kick some ass, do a job, get paid and get some actual decent skillgain out of everything.
Just super excited and felt I had to post this little thing. I understand everyone has their own different opinions and all but this one is mine.
Also, I miss the grilled venison sandwiches and potato salad.
Mercenaries in 2025
Mercenaries of the Western Coalition, specializing in nonmagical combat and tactics.
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