The problem with this approach is that it's inviting people say "You can't banish me, the specific thing I did wasn't on the official list!" This is the same reason we don't (and Shadgard doesn't) have a list of crimes one can get arrested for. I think we're okay leaving it to a common sense interpretation of "don't do something so egregiously bad that putting you in jail wasn't considered enough of a punishment and the town government itself wants to sever all ties with you." If it happens to a character and it's something that seems like it could be argued, then argue it. Have the character work at getting themselves un-banished. If it was something relatively minor enough to be believably argued against, then it's probably the type of thing that can potentially be worked out.Marauder wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:54 pm This is all stuff I'd like Rias to post himself as publicly known OOC "deeds that will get you kicked out" so people can avoid it if they don't want to risk their character.
I mean, has the berserker punched so many people in the face so constantly and consistently that it's become recognized by the town government as a serious issue that requires potential banishment, and is the berserker going to keep punching people in the face after a town official warned them that if they kept punching people in the face they'd be kicked out of town?Marauder wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:54 pm You could be playing an established character and just be a short-tempered individual, like, say, a berserker, and punch people in the face whenever they get too heavy on insults in town. If that eventually gets you banished for being one too many times? That's a problem, because you lose all access to the town for RPing well.