Rumors of a Mighty Winter
Rumors of a Mighty Winter
While there are plenty of areas in the Central Lost Lands quite used to harsh winters, there is a growing concern about the cold and the snowfall covering a significantly greater range across the region this year.
"Shadgardians are well accustomed to harsh winters and we make routine preparations for such every year," said Mayor Castelli of Shadgard, "but we would still occasionally benefit from seeking resources from nearby regions that have less extreme climates. The snow is falling even over areas that have experienced very mild winters in the past, which will limit those fallback options we had in the past for emergencies. I can't imagine what people not used to these kinds of conditions are going to do." The Mayor went on to express gratitude for engineer Fahima's steam pipe infrastructure that provides heating to residents with greater efficiency than so many individual fireplaces and wood-burning stoves would, though she worries that additional help may be needed to keep the boilers fueled if the winter goes on longer than usual as some are predicting.
Rig-Jarl Bjorn of Dwaedn Vil suggested that his people may limit the supplies they normally make available for sale to visitors in order to ensure that local villagers are taken care of first. When asked how he felt about potentially turning visitors down and leaving them to fend for themselves, the Rig-Jarl laughed and proclaimed, "It will toughen them up!" He continued in a more serious tone, "I am not against offering shelter and aid when in a position to do so, but as Rig-Jarl my first duty is to my own people. Those not of my clan must find their own way, band together with their own clans to fight for their own survival. This Mighty Winter will bring suffering and death. It is nature's way to weed out the weak, the unfit, and the unnecessary."
While many members of Tse Gaiyan are exceptionally capable hunters and foragers, extended wintry conditions would take a toll on what forage and game are available long-term and could be problematic for maintaining operations in their Chapterhouse. The greater concern among their organization however appears to be how the situation will affect the resen. A Udemi ranger by the name of Isfridr had this to say: "On the one hand, the resen don't do well in the cold, so that could be considered a positive aspect of this situation. On the other hand, we're likely to see some bands of infested pushed to desperation and a resulting increase in raids for supplies or better resources and shelter."
The residents of Morhollow and the University of Elemancy are concerned as they have neither surplus stockpiles nor the means of producing significant amounts of food for themselves in extended wintry conditions. With how unlikely it is that any other outposts will be willing to share their own dwindling supplies, there is some scrambling going on as to how they might face the situation.
While no official statements have been given by the Corvus Outpost, many believe they are likely to be more optimistic about the situation, with the majority of their denizens being less susceptible (if at all) to the cold or to concerns of physical sustenance. Still, there may be worries among those residents who are yet retaining their humanity.
There has been no contact with or comment from Mistral Lake as the town has remained completely closed off, so it is unknown how they feel about or might be preparing for the situation.
Regardless of how prepared or capable anyone is to face an extended winter period, it is certain to have an effect on the resources and labor available to all Lost Landers. Everyone should be prepared to tighten their belts and find ways to help support their communities.
Get ready for a cold, harsh, extended winter! There are Lore Reasons(tm) for this which will be alluded to and explored over time via in-game events and such. Some of the more mechanical impacts are going to be more and longer periods of extreme cold and/or snow, and some items currently sold off-the-shelf in unlimited quantities will start becoming more limited in availability. Town-provided public heat sources are also likely to start taking some player character effort to keep turned on.
The idea is to eventually have PCs contributing more to overall town services by providing the resources/items/crafting/labor themselves. Presumably the usual supply is dwindling due to the harsher and more wide-ranging winter conditions affecting resource availability, some of the NPCs that normally provide these resources or services are getting sick or going hungry, and all that kind of thing. The ultimate intent is that while the situation might feel bleak, it should bring people closer together and make the community feel tighter, and make individual characters feel more important and impactful as they provide more directly and visibly to their community. For example, I think it'll be pretty great for players to see the items they crafted be put up for sale in the associated specific shops instead of just as part of a giant pile in the market. It'll also feel nice to be able to see a need (such as a low supply of leather gloves) and be able to personally address it, and make crafters feel even more important to their community.
I've got more ideas for things people can do to feel more directly impactful to their community, but I don't want to wander too far off into the weeds just yet with all this stuff. There's still a lot of baseline stuff to be working on as well (like getting guilds recruiting again and restoring more crafting stuff).
P.S. The IC bit of this post above the break can be considered information widely available to anyone in-game. I'm going to set up an IC news board (rather than selling individual newspaper copies), but you don't need to wait on that. You can just assume that your character has already heard about all the above ICly through town news criers and the rumor mill and all that.
"Shadgardians are well accustomed to harsh winters and we make routine preparations for such every year," said Mayor Castelli of Shadgard, "but we would still occasionally benefit from seeking resources from nearby regions that have less extreme climates. The snow is falling even over areas that have experienced very mild winters in the past, which will limit those fallback options we had in the past for emergencies. I can't imagine what people not used to these kinds of conditions are going to do." The Mayor went on to express gratitude for engineer Fahima's steam pipe infrastructure that provides heating to residents with greater efficiency than so many individual fireplaces and wood-burning stoves would, though she worries that additional help may be needed to keep the boilers fueled if the winter goes on longer than usual as some are predicting.
Rig-Jarl Bjorn of Dwaedn Vil suggested that his people may limit the supplies they normally make available for sale to visitors in order to ensure that local villagers are taken care of first. When asked how he felt about potentially turning visitors down and leaving them to fend for themselves, the Rig-Jarl laughed and proclaimed, "It will toughen them up!" He continued in a more serious tone, "I am not against offering shelter and aid when in a position to do so, but as Rig-Jarl my first duty is to my own people. Those not of my clan must find their own way, band together with their own clans to fight for their own survival. This Mighty Winter will bring suffering and death. It is nature's way to weed out the weak, the unfit, and the unnecessary."
While many members of Tse Gaiyan are exceptionally capable hunters and foragers, extended wintry conditions would take a toll on what forage and game are available long-term and could be problematic for maintaining operations in their Chapterhouse. The greater concern among their organization however appears to be how the situation will affect the resen. A Udemi ranger by the name of Isfridr had this to say: "On the one hand, the resen don't do well in the cold, so that could be considered a positive aspect of this situation. On the other hand, we're likely to see some bands of infested pushed to desperation and a resulting increase in raids for supplies or better resources and shelter."
The residents of Morhollow and the University of Elemancy are concerned as they have neither surplus stockpiles nor the means of producing significant amounts of food for themselves in extended wintry conditions. With how unlikely it is that any other outposts will be willing to share their own dwindling supplies, there is some scrambling going on as to how they might face the situation.
While no official statements have been given by the Corvus Outpost, many believe they are likely to be more optimistic about the situation, with the majority of their denizens being less susceptible (if at all) to the cold or to concerns of physical sustenance. Still, there may be worries among those residents who are yet retaining their humanity.
There has been no contact with or comment from Mistral Lake as the town has remained completely closed off, so it is unknown how they feel about or might be preparing for the situation.
Regardless of how prepared or capable anyone is to face an extended winter period, it is certain to have an effect on the resources and labor available to all Lost Landers. Everyone should be prepared to tighten their belts and find ways to help support their communities.
Get ready for a cold, harsh, extended winter! There are Lore Reasons(tm) for this which will be alluded to and explored over time via in-game events and such. Some of the more mechanical impacts are going to be more and longer periods of extreme cold and/or snow, and some items currently sold off-the-shelf in unlimited quantities will start becoming more limited in availability. Town-provided public heat sources are also likely to start taking some player character effort to keep turned on.
The idea is to eventually have PCs contributing more to overall town services by providing the resources/items/crafting/labor themselves. Presumably the usual supply is dwindling due to the harsher and more wide-ranging winter conditions affecting resource availability, some of the NPCs that normally provide these resources or services are getting sick or going hungry, and all that kind of thing. The ultimate intent is that while the situation might feel bleak, it should bring people closer together and make the community feel tighter, and make individual characters feel more important and impactful as they provide more directly and visibly to their community. For example, I think it'll be pretty great for players to see the items they crafted be put up for sale in the associated specific shops instead of just as part of a giant pile in the market. It'll also feel nice to be able to see a need (such as a low supply of leather gloves) and be able to personally address it, and make crafters feel even more important to their community.
I've got more ideas for things people can do to feel more directly impactful to their community, but I don't want to wander too far off into the weeds just yet with all this stuff. There's still a lot of baseline stuff to be working on as well (like getting guilds recruiting again and restoring more crafting stuff).
P.S. The IC bit of this post above the break can be considered information widely available to anyone in-game. I'm going to set up an IC news board (rather than selling individual newspaper copies), but you don't need to wait on that. You can just assume that your character has already heard about all the above ICly through town news criers and the rumor mill and all that.
[#GMCHAT] <Mirazia> I think you're enjoying this [mighty winter stuff] more than you realised
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
Omg I love this!
Somehow, this whole topic reminds me soooo much of the animal fat we used to have on old clok because it got me thinking about steam fuel. Not sure how realistic it is, though. But firewood can burn away really fast so I have no idea how it's going to be done for powered steam. Can't wait to see what you have in mind!
Somehow, this whole topic reminds me soooo much of the animal fat we used to have on old clok because it got me thinking about steam fuel. Not sure how realistic it is, though. But firewood can burn away really fast so I have no idea how it's going to be done for powered steam. Can't wait to see what you have in mind!
[CHAT - Event Staff Uyoku likes NOM NOM NOM food]: You are holding a pepper-grilled Uyoku in your right hand.
This GM has been peppered and grillef over an open flame to a juicy perfection.
This GM has been peppered and grillef over an open flame to a juicy perfection.
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
Considering I juts had an extended conversation about this exact topic IC not that long ago-- I am likewise just THRILLED to see this kind of thing.
I love it. I love it a lot. Big hype for the big chill. Big hype for the big squeeze.
I love it. I love it a lot. Big hype for the big chill. Big hype for the big squeeze.
You declaratively shout, "frack Corvus. Support Shadgardians."
Zeldryn nods simply, that said, folding his arms back beneath a striated fiery-orange wool poncho.
Several townsfolk cheer in response to Zeldryn's shout!
Zeldryn nods simply, that said, folding his arms back beneath a striated fiery-orange wool poncho.
Several townsfolk cheer in response to Zeldryn's shout!
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
There's now a newsboard at the Shadgard Commons for an IC source of this information.
[#GMCHAT] <Mirazia> I think you're enjoying this [mighty winter stuff] more than you realised
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
It'd be fun if, assuming this blizzard lasts a good little while to really make things scarce, if indoor rooms without a direct, and large, heat source (i.e. fireplace) would fall below "chilly". BUT, to stave off some of the ill-effects of cold, one could drink a warm drink (could we have the juniper cider be served warm?) or eat a warm meal.
Maybe instead of frostbite, there could be a mechanic that imposes the "lethargic" state on players that steadily gets worse while out and about in the cold. Furthering that, it'd be neat to be able to warm up drinks on a campfire/stove/etc with a pot.
(And maybe, time permitting, bring by a few merchants with warm clothes options or alterers to modify some????)
Maybe instead of frostbite, there could be a mechanic that imposes the "lethargic" state on players that steadily gets worse while out and about in the cold. Furthering that, it'd be neat to be able to warm up drinks on a campfire/stove/etc with a pot.
(And maybe, time permitting, bring by a few merchants with warm clothes options or alterers to modify some????)
A shadowy wolf with luminous blue eyes emerges from the edge of the redwood grove, its stance and gait non-aggressive. Maintaining several yards distance, it sits. Several others begin to emerge from various points in the foliage around you, causing you to realize you have been surrounded. The first wolf stares at Vighon for many long moments, unmoving and unblinking, as the surrounding wolves remain still. Then the first wolf stands, turns, and heads back into the redwood grove. The surrounding wolves disappear back into the surroundings.
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
Melting snow in a pot for warm water, or to cook with (Once we get recipes for foods that need to be cooked in water) could be fun too.
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
Warming food or drinks by the fire is what I rp myself doing soooooo many times. I'd celebrate if this actually ends up a mechanic.
[CHAT - Event Staff Uyoku likes NOM NOM NOM food]: You are holding a pepper-grilled Uyoku in your right hand.
This GM has been peppered and grillef over an open flame to a juicy perfection.
This GM has been peppered and grillef over an open flame to a juicy perfection.
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
While in theory this sounds great. I'm worried this will encourage more to log.... and only my monk seems to go stump pulling. (good thing my monk donated so much wood people just left to give the town a jump start) I know some of us have rope, but make it more available soon please so people can pull their own stumps. It sucks that I feel I have to play a character because no one is pulling stumps after I've not checked in a few weeks.
((DEV Rias)) gets tackled by angry librarians and thrown out of the library, managing to get out a muffled "Remember me!" before he's gone.
You overhear the bartender exclaim to a patron, "What do you mean, you just want water?! Fine, fine ... but you'd better at least buy something to eat."
You overhear the bartender exclaim to a patron, "What do you mean, you just want water?! Fine, fine ... but you'd better at least buy something to eat."
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
Keep your cuirasses warm, y'all.
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
As the winter goes on and townsfolk worry about individual preparation, it's getting harder to keep some of Shadgard's public service boilers stocked. Bickering, theft, and fights are becoming more common as some try to keep themselves well-supplied at the expense of their neighbors. While there hasn't been any official word from the Mayor or Town Council yet, it's clear people are scrambling to handle the situation. A sign by the boiler in the Shadgard steamworks informs the public that it's as easy as simply putting any kind of fire fuel into the boiler to keep it burning. The lower the boiler gets, the less steam is generated, and the more radiators and other steam-powered services will become unavailable as a result.
A little info on how the steam network functions: Steam-powered objects, such as the warmth-providing steam radiators found around town, require a steam source, such as a boiler. The boilers provide an amount of steam power based on how long their burn time is. They'll eat up fuel faster than normal campfires and such in order to get to a higher total burn time, rather than waiting to almost go out before consuming the next fuel item placed within them. They'll eventually become full and not accept any more fuel items though, so they can't just be massively over-stocked and then forgotten about. READ the sign next to the main Steamworks boiler for info about preferred fire fuel.
There are currently two boilers: One in the basement of the Hearth & Home Inn, which powers the radiators around the inn, including those in the private inn rooms. The second is in the Steamworks, which provides steam for everything else currently in Shadgard.
The hope is to make it so the boilers can be stocked up for a decent amount of time so as to not be too annoying to maintain, but not so long that they can just essentially be forgotten about after a major overstocking effort. I want them to be always in the back of peoples' minds as we get through this crazy winter. We'll tweak the numbers if we need to as we get a feel for things. I'm really excited about this, both for setting a more grim vibe and atmosphere of the game, and for providing a way people can feel like they're helping the town out in a meaningful way that can actually affect themselves and others. Stay warm, everyone!
A little info on how the steam network functions: Steam-powered objects, such as the warmth-providing steam radiators found around town, require a steam source, such as a boiler. The boilers provide an amount of steam power based on how long their burn time is. They'll eat up fuel faster than normal campfires and such in order to get to a higher total burn time, rather than waiting to almost go out before consuming the next fuel item placed within them. They'll eventually become full and not accept any more fuel items though, so they can't just be massively over-stocked and then forgotten about. READ the sign next to the main Steamworks boiler for info about preferred fire fuel.
There are currently two boilers: One in the basement of the Hearth & Home Inn, which powers the radiators around the inn, including those in the private inn rooms. The second is in the Steamworks, which provides steam for everything else currently in Shadgard.
The hope is to make it so the boilers can be stocked up for a decent amount of time so as to not be too annoying to maintain, but not so long that they can just essentially be forgotten about after a major overstocking effort. I want them to be always in the back of peoples' minds as we get through this crazy winter. We'll tweak the numbers if we need to as we get a feel for things. I'm really excited about this, both for setting a more grim vibe and atmosphere of the game, and for providing a way people can feel like they're helping the town out in a meaningful way that can actually affect themselves and others. Stay warm, everyone!
[#GMCHAT] <Mirazia> I think you're enjoying this [mighty winter stuff] more than you realised
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
I wonder if there is or will be a way to get coal in the game as we need to keep these boilers stocked. Would open for more things to do if so. If it's already there somewhere, I'm definitely thrilled.
Like the interaction so far, even with a little bonk.
Like the interaction so far, even with a little bonk.
[CHAT - Event Staff Uyoku likes NOM NOM NOM food]: You are holding a pepper-grilled Uyoku in your right hand.
This GM has been peppered and grillef over an open flame to a juicy perfection.
This GM has been peppered and grillef over an open flame to a juicy perfection.
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
Hopefully not taken personally! Things in the setting are getting grim, people are working themselves or others up into feeling scared or desperate or angry. There are likely to be a lot more dire and/or grumpy NPC interactions to help set the mood!
[#GMCHAT] <Mirazia> I think you're enjoying this [mighty winter stuff] more than you realised
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
Per the changelog: "Bad weather may now reduce NPC crowd levels in outdoor rooms as well as increase NPC crowd levels in some designated indoor rooms."
I just thought it'd be neat to set the mood even more and have the streets of town be mostly empty and quiet during the bad weather, while some toasty indoor gathering spots like inns and taverns and such get busier.
I just thought it'd be neat to set the mood even more and have the streets of town be mostly empty and quiet during the bad weather, while some toasty indoor gathering spots like inns and taverns and such get busier.
[#GMCHAT] <Mirazia> I think you're enjoying this [mighty winter stuff] more than you realised
Re: Rumors of a Mighty Winter
As we enter the month of Februm the Mighty Winter continues on with no sign of letting up: Heavy snows are still common and continue to threaten intermittent blizzards. Some are worried that winter stockpiles may not be enough, and merely keeping warm is a problem for many.
Cases of physical conflicts over fire fuel, as well as theft of such, are becoming increasingly common in Shadgard as individuals try to keep their fireplaces or wood-burning stoves stocked and their homes warmed. Some have even taken an opportunistic approach: Hoarding as much as they can for themselves, and then selling it to their fellow townsfolk at exorbitant prices. There have been rumors of new laws being passed regarding household stockpile maximums, though it's uncertain how viable enforcement of such laws would be.
With its network of steam radiators helping provide more widespread warmth throughout town while depending on relatively few centralized sources of fuel, Shadgard is becoming a tempting refuge for other residents of the Lost Lands. Many Shadgardians have noticed occasional groups of frostbitten refugees arriving in their town.
Their reception is mixed: Some are sympathetic and welcoming, while others are concerned that the town's remaining resources will be stretched too thin by taking on additional mouths to feed and bodies to keep warm, and some are insisting the refugees should be turned away to fend for themselves. At the moment the town is accepting of refugees, however: Bunkhouses are filling up, the local Church of Light has laid out bedrolls in its Sanctuary, and there are signs of Town Hall's assembly and multipurpose rooms being similarly prepared to serve as shelter for any who need a warm place to sleep.
Shadgard's Mayor Castelli had this to say regarding the situation: "It's going to be difficult bringing in more people to take care of, with our resources stretched as thin as they are already. I don't know how many more people we'll be able to provide for. My first duty as mayor is to the citizens of Shadgard. Any refugees arriving at our gatehouse should be ready to prove that they're willing and able to contribute. I'm not willing to risk Shadgardians starving or freezing on account of freeloaders."
One refugee from the mountain village of Morhollow reported that their general store and local (only) eatery have been closed down due to lack of supplies. The far-flung settlement is simply not equipped to sustain itself in extended winter conditions, and the extreme weather has prevented trade or delivery of outside resources upon which they often depend. There have been rumors of the Wyrvardn, headquartered in Morhollow, discussing a relocation to Shadgard, even if only temporary. Were they to relocate, it is likely the bulk of remaining villagers would follow.
The situation appears to be similar with the Vaelgraten chapterhouse of Tse Gaiyan: While serving as a robust field headquarters for their organization, it is not suited for long-term sustainability through extended wintry conditions. There has reportedly been some discussion of shifting their members to the Redrock chapterhouse, perched on a shelf in the Redrock Canyon in which Shadgard resides. This smaller Chapterhouse fell into disuse during a time when Tse Gaiyan was regarded with suspicion in Shadgard, though in recent years such sentiments have been minimal and it can be hoped that the local chapterhouse being occupied by Tse Gaiyan once again would serve as an opportunity for a renewed positive relationship between Shadgard and Tse Gaiyan.
The more unsavory denizens of the Lost Lands are also suffering from the extreme weather: There have been several reports of bandits, Liberi, and the like taking up refuge in various sheltered places throughout the region, including established firepits, caves, and abandoned structures. Travelers should be wary when seeking such locations for refuge themselves, as they may already be occupied by dangerous residents.
Cases of physical conflicts over fire fuel, as well as theft of such, are becoming increasingly common in Shadgard as individuals try to keep their fireplaces or wood-burning stoves stocked and their homes warmed. Some have even taken an opportunistic approach: Hoarding as much as they can for themselves, and then selling it to their fellow townsfolk at exorbitant prices. There have been rumors of new laws being passed regarding household stockpile maximums, though it's uncertain how viable enforcement of such laws would be.
With its network of steam radiators helping provide more widespread warmth throughout town while depending on relatively few centralized sources of fuel, Shadgard is becoming a tempting refuge for other residents of the Lost Lands. Many Shadgardians have noticed occasional groups of frostbitten refugees arriving in their town.
Their reception is mixed: Some are sympathetic and welcoming, while others are concerned that the town's remaining resources will be stretched too thin by taking on additional mouths to feed and bodies to keep warm, and some are insisting the refugees should be turned away to fend for themselves. At the moment the town is accepting of refugees, however: Bunkhouses are filling up, the local Church of Light has laid out bedrolls in its Sanctuary, and there are signs of Town Hall's assembly and multipurpose rooms being similarly prepared to serve as shelter for any who need a warm place to sleep.
Shadgard's Mayor Castelli had this to say regarding the situation: "It's going to be difficult bringing in more people to take care of, with our resources stretched as thin as they are already. I don't know how many more people we'll be able to provide for. My first duty as mayor is to the citizens of Shadgard. Any refugees arriving at our gatehouse should be ready to prove that they're willing and able to contribute. I'm not willing to risk Shadgardians starving or freezing on account of freeloaders."
One refugee from the mountain village of Morhollow reported that their general store and local (only) eatery have been closed down due to lack of supplies. The far-flung settlement is simply not equipped to sustain itself in extended winter conditions, and the extreme weather has prevented trade or delivery of outside resources upon which they often depend. There have been rumors of the Wyrvardn, headquartered in Morhollow, discussing a relocation to Shadgard, even if only temporary. Were they to relocate, it is likely the bulk of remaining villagers would follow.
The situation appears to be similar with the Vaelgraten chapterhouse of Tse Gaiyan: While serving as a robust field headquarters for their organization, it is not suited for long-term sustainability through extended wintry conditions. There has reportedly been some discussion of shifting their members to the Redrock chapterhouse, perched on a shelf in the Redrock Canyon in which Shadgard resides. This smaller Chapterhouse fell into disuse during a time when Tse Gaiyan was regarded with suspicion in Shadgard, though in recent years such sentiments have been minimal and it can be hoped that the local chapterhouse being occupied by Tse Gaiyan once again would serve as an opportunity for a renewed positive relationship between Shadgard and Tse Gaiyan.
The more unsavory denizens of the Lost Lands are also suffering from the extreme weather: There have been several reports of bandits, Liberi, and the like taking up refuge in various sheltered places throughout the region, including established firepits, caves, and abandoned structures. Travelers should be wary when seeking such locations for refuge themselves, as they may already be occupied by dangerous residents.
[#GMCHAT] <Mirazia> I think you're enjoying this [mighty winter stuff] more than you realised