Simple request. Could we find another keyword for these? I'm tired of my finger slipping and accidentally:
You shout, "Furt!"
Or calling out, 'lweakness!'
I could probably just make aliases for this, but I'd like to not disable my entire shout and call commands. I would just make you have to confirm it with the scripts but that requires scripting knowledge, and I think this might be better QoL.
A man walking through stops to glare at Ceridwenn and says, "Hey, lady! Pack your things, I'm kickin' you outta town for the crime of putting your filthy boots up on the table like a heathen!" Someone from a nearby table then laughs, "Jord, stop being a jackwagon, they'd never let you wear a militia badge!" The first man then snickers and ambles, rather drunkenly it appears, to join his friend at the other table.
And similar? I think old shouts used to be casts, technically. That'd be fine, I think, too. I'm not super bothered with what they woudl be.
A man walking through stops to glare at Ceridwenn and says, "Hey, lady! Pack your things, I'm kickin' you outta town for the crime of putting your filthy boots up on the table like a heathen!" Someone from a nearby table then laughs, "Jord, stop being a jackwagon, they'd never let you wear a militia badge!" The first man then snickers and ambles, rather drunkenly it appears, to join his friend at the other table.