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Post by Zeldryn »

The following can be found on the post board in Shadgard, and another copy can be found within the Hanged Man's Bar:

Come one, come all, for a lovely zenith of suspicious entertainment. The game.. Is Bison. Here's how it goes. We gather at the Hanged Man at 2 bells post-zenith on Lightsday the 9th. When we're all gathered-- we walk out into the plains, wear the bison roam. There? We tell stories. The listeners do their best to determine if the story is true, or if it's false. Everyone votes, then the teller says if they're telling the truth or not. Best honest story gets a prize! So does the best lie! If interested, throw a message into postbox 3061 and let us know. Hope to see you then!
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Re: Bison

Post by Xanthe »

So looking forward to this game! I hope to see you all there! *squint*
You say, "Example for talk like this I if I sound better order in."
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Re: Bison

Post by Squeak »

Here I thought it was going to he a good Ole game of cow-tipping. With bison.

Hope I can make it!
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Re: Bison

Post by Xanthe »

Thank you to everyone who came out to play Bison! It was so much fun. I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did! Thank you for hosting it, Z!
You say, "Example for talk like this I if I sound better order in."
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Re: Bison

Post by Zeldryn »

Just wanted to pop in here and give a big big big thank you to everyone that came out today! And to Xanthe for proposing the original idea to me!

As Xanthe also mentioned, The stories were great, the interactions along the way were a ton of fun, and as always, I love having an opportunity to bring folks together. I feel like I learned a little bit more about everyone who was there-- even folks I knew a lot about already!

Expect more Bison in the future, and expect more prizes alongside it! We had such a great time with you guys, and we're really excited to come up with more stuff to do like this moving forward.

Stay tuned for more!
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A long-overdue log of Bison

Post by Zeldryn »


The following was filmed before a live Bison audience. Viewer discretion is advised.

Aegeus arrives.
1 woman follows.

Speaking to Aegeus, Eirlys loudly says, "An' what did I tell ye 'bout callin' me miss."

Aegeus sighs.

Calandra cheerfully says, "Come gather at the Hanged Man for Bison! Let me know if you would like a muffin or sweets and I will get some."
Calandra's small thistle crystal pendant (somewhat faded) pulses with a thistle glow.
[ESP-GRAY]: A thistle entity cheerfully says, "Come gather at the Hanged Man for Bison! Let me know if you would like a muffin or sweets and I will get some."

Eirlys snickers at Aegeus.

Eirlys sits down on a sofa.

You drawl, "In case ya' don't know? Bison's our little game. simply put? We tell stories. The folks gathered up try to call if it's a true story, or a lie. Prizes offered for truths and lies alike."
Your frosted crystal skull pendant (opaque) pulses as you attempt to project your speech over the ESP network.
[ESP-GRAY]: A sapphire entity drawls, "In case ya' don't know? Bison's our little game. simply put? We tell stories. The folks gathered up try to call if it's a true story, or a lie. Prizes offered for truths and lies alike."

[ESP-GRAY]: A lilac entity exclaims, "On our way!"

Upon entrance into the inn, Aegeus bows to zeldryn and Calandra in turn, then, turning to eirlys, he inclines his head slightly and smiles as he says, "My apologies. It is a work in progress."

Speaking to you, Calandra says, "Buying a few muffins."

Calandra gets up off a sofa.

You nod to Calandra.

Calandra smiles at Aegeus.

Calandra heads out.

You drawl, "Thanks for comin', you two."

[The Hanged Man, Lobby] (rent) (InUr) Mild
Several people are lounging in #chairs and #sofas in this lobby, engaged in idle conversation. The large #windows would be letting in an ample amount of natural light, were they not all covered by thick, heavy curtains. At the center of the room next to the front counter is a large, rickety spiraling staircase.
The area is poorly-lit. There is a small crowd of people here. The area is slightly noisy.
Also here: (npc)the bard Jerromir (carrying a quarterstaff), Aegeus (heavily-armored), and Eirlys (lightly-armored, sitting on a sofa, sweaty).
Obvious exits: southeast, out.
[#WHO] * Squeak just logged out.

Aegeus smiles at you.

Maris arrives, carrying a dagger.

Alia arrives.
2 women follow.

Maris sits down on a chair.

Speaking to you, Aegeus warmly says, "Thank you for organizing, sir. It is always a joy to see people gathering together."

Calandra arrives.

Calandra joins your group.

Zeldryn waves casually to those walking in, greeting, "Howdy, howdy, howdy. Nice to see y'all, fer sure."

Alia beams, walking over to hug Eirlys.

Alia offers to give a honey-glazed oatmeal cookie to Eirlys.

Calandra announces, "I have muffins. Blueberry and emberberry. Ask if you want one."

Maris gets up off a chair.

Speaking to Alia, Eirlys lightly says, "Oo, a cookie."

Eirlys accepts Alia's offer and is now holding a honey-glazed oatmeal cookie.

Eirlys takes a bite of a honey-glazed oatmeal cookie, finishing it off.

Speaking to Eirlys, Echlin puzzledly remarks, "You say that every time."

Aegeus bows to each of the people walking in, offering them each a warm smile.

Eirlys grins easily at Echlin.

Speaking to Echlin, Alia says, "She does. It's fun."

Alia grins.

Echlin grins, too.

Maris heads out.

[#WHO] * Ethrymor just logged in.

Speaking to you, Alia says, "Are we staying here or moving somewhere? I can't remember now."

Siennah enters behind Alia, plucking a brown leather helmet from her head to release an untidy plait of fiery hair down her back. She hovers upon the fringes of the crowd, armor tucked beneath one arm, the fingers of her free hand toying absently with the leather tie binding her tresses into submission.

Siennah takes off a brown leather helmet.

Siennah swaps a brown leather helmet to her left hand.

Zeldryn pops up off of a sofa as everyone finds their place, casually swaggering around so that he's standing before everybody by the exit. He leans a shoulder on the threshhold, pulls an elegant curved ebony smoking-pipe from a cord-tied ebon spidersilk pouch (open), and sparks it to life with a flick of some firestones. Apparently, it was already packed tight. "How we all doin' today? Certainly lovely out there. Choice is all yours-- we can sit here, where there's food and drinks. Or we can take a walk outside. Sit in the sun. Take a gander at the beautiful beasties who've given us our name for the game."

You get up off a sofa.
Roundtime: 1 second.

You remove an elegant curved ebony smoking-pipe from the cord-tied ebon spidersilk pouch (open) you are wearing.

Your pose is now: leaning against the wall, smoking his pipe

Zeldryn casually inspects the crowd, quirks a grin, and urges, "No need to be shy, now. But if we are, that's fine, too. No need to wander." He emphasises the statement with a wink. "Shall I explain the game?"

You sarcastically deadpan, "This is the part where ya' nod and smile."

Alia flashes a warm smile to Aegeus, then grins at Zeldryn's comment. "I'm personally okay with either," she comments, returning to stand next to Siennah.

Echlin opens a soft midnight-blue leather satchel adorned with small aquamarines.

You nod to Alia.

Echlin removes a sleek silver mug inlaid with a gold crown from her soft midnight-blue leather satchel adorned with small aquamarines (open).

Aegeus nods in agreement, returning alia's smile and inclining his head to zeldryn. "I am also fine with either option, sir."

Echlin quietly says, "I would love to go outside, but if we aren't, then i will go remove this nonsense I have on."

Echlin carefully examines a leather cuirass.

You loudly say, "Alright, then. We're walkin'. On me, lads and lassies. It's a beautiful day."

Siennah smiles at Echlin.

Aegeus disbands his group.

Siennah grins.

Aegeus joins your group.

Alia grins.

Echlin leaves Alia's group.

Alia disbands her group.

Aegeus smiles.

Echlin says, "A moment."

Alia joins your group.

Echlin heads southeast.

Siennah joins your group.

Eirlys joins your group.

Zeldryn stomps a foot as if to punctuate the statement, then turns outside. "I hop eit starts pouring rain now, just because I said that."
Siennah puts a brown leather helmet on her head.

Echlin arrives from the southeast.

Echlin heads out.

Alia laughs!

Speaking to you, Calandra dryly says, "If it rains, I'm blaming you."
Eirlys gets up off a sofa.

Echlin arrives.

Echlin heads southeast.

Eirlys removes a canvas-covered copper canteen (closed) from her leather belt.

Eirlys opens a canvas-covered copper canteen.

Eirlys takes a drink from her canvas-covered copper canteen of some deep-brown whiskey (open).

Siennah grins.

Echlin arrives from the southeast.

Echlin joins your group.

Speaking to Calandra, you innocently say, "I do recall sayin' somethin' about Vodr's trident on week's ends."

Calandra laughs!

You grin slowly.

You overhear the following rumor: "I heard the old canim trash collector has ties to one of Shadgard's more respectable citizens, and that's why he's allowed to live here in town. Don't know if that sits well with me - canim is still canim."
(Type rumors ignore to ignore rumors.)
You say, "Alrighty-- we're movin', we're movin'."

Aegeus smiles.

Aegeus nods.

You head out.
[Pose cleared]
[Redrock Canyon] (OutCyRk) Afternoon, Warm, Cloudy, Slight Breeze
The red-and-brown-banded canyon narrows as it bends southwest with a small smooth #patch of wall at one point. Against the southeastern face of the canyon a tall, dilapidated #inn has been built. Just outside the front door of the #inn is a worn #gallows, the #corpse hanging from its noose occasionally swaying slightly as wind whips through the canyon. Next to the #inn is a small #stable.
The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, lightly-armored, sweaty), and Echlin (group, lightly-armored).
Obvious paths: north, southwest, an inn built against the southeastern canyon face, a small stable.
You were followed by 5 women and 1 man.

You peer into an inn built against the southeastern canyon face and see ...
[The Hanged Man, Lobby] (rent) (InUr) Mild
Several people are lounging in #chairs and #sofas in this lobby, engaged in idle conversation. The large #windows would be letting in an ample amount of natural light, were they not all covered by thick, heavy curtains. At the center of the room next to the front counter is a large, rickety spiraling staircase.
The area is poorly-lit. There is a small crowd of people here. The area is slightly noisy.
Also here: (npc)the bard Jerromir (carrying a quarterstaff).
Obvious exits: southeast, out.

You head north.
[Redrock Canyon, Entry] (OutCyRk) Afternoon, Warm, Cloudy, Slight Breeze
A wide canyon splits the sheer mountain face to the south, narrowing slightly as it winds to the southwest. The pines dominant in the area apparently have difficulty finding suitable soil within the canyon, as it is mostly devoid of trees. Bands of varying red and brown hues line the canyon walls, giving it a warm, painted look.
The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, lightly-armored, sweaty), and Echlin (group, lightly-armored).
Obvious paths: south, wilderness.
You were followed by 5 women and 1 man.

You head out into the wilderness.
[Woodland Road] (OutWldFrDt) Afternoon, Mild, Clear, Calm
Tall pines fill this cleft in the red-brown mountains, taking root in the dry soil. The ground slopes upward to the south into a narrow #canyon that splits the mountainside. A long, snaking depression following the #canyon and leveling out to the north, possibly once having been a riverbed, now serves as a wheel-rutted road that continues northward into the pine forest.
Pine, fir, and juniper trees cover the semiarid earthy woodland. A road leads north. Mountains block passage to the east, southeast, south, southwest, and west.
The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, lightly-armored, sweaty), and Echlin (group, lightly-armored).
Obvious paths: northwest, north (road), northeast, a canyon.
(You've reached a wilderness road. You can use the travel command to automatically follow it, and may use the stop command to stop auto-traveling at any time.)
You were followed by 5 women and 1 man.
You do a quick food check ...
Combined nutrition value of all carried food (excluding any closed containers): 260%

Siennah smiles.

You simply illuminate, "If ya' wanna' play bison-- meet us at the fork north o' Shadgard. Plenty of 'em walkin' through there."
Your frosted crystal skull pendant (opaque) pulses as you attempt to project your speech over the ESP network.
[ESP-GRAY]: A sapphire entity simply illuminates, "If ya' wanna' play bison-- meet us at the fork north o' Shadgard. Plenty of 'em walkin' through there."

You set out to traveling along the north road until it stops or you get to a fork.
You can stop at any time.
You head north.
Calandra takes a bite of a slice of Shadgard shepherd's pie, finishing it off.
Siennah takes a bite of a small loaf of cornbread.
[Woodland Road] (OutWldFrDt) Afternoon, Mild, Clear, Calm
A wheel-rutted road stretches from north to south through this pine forest, the trees thinning somewhat to the north. Off to the side of the road is a rough dark oak #cabin.
Pine, fir, and spruce trees cover the semiarid earthy woodland. A road leads north and south. Mountains block passage to the southeast and southwest.
The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, lightly-armored, sweaty), and Echlin (group, lightly-armored).
Obvious paths: west, northwest, north (road), northeast, east, south (road), a rough dark oak cabin (dark).
Traveltime: 2 seconds.
(energy -4)
You were followed by 5 women and 1 man.

You head north.
[Wooded Plains Road] (OutWldPlFrDt) Afternoon, Mild, Clear, Calm
Hardy pines dot the area, thickening to the south and thinning out to nonexistence to the north. A wheel-rutted road stretches from north to south. Just off the eastern side of the road is an old #windmill, its long arms spinning slowly to turn large metal gears that have some unapparent purpose within the structure of the #windmill itself.
Pine and fir trees cover the semiarid earthy wooded plains. A road leads north and south.
The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, lightly-armored, sweaty), and Echlin (group, lightly-armored).
Obvious paths: west, northwest, north (road), northeast, east, southeast, south (road), southwest, an old windmill.
Traveltime: 2 seconds.
(energy -4)
You were followed by 5 women and 1 man.

You head north.
Aegeus takes a bite of some hearty herb-dusted flatbread, finishing it off.
Echlin takes a bite of a small loaf of wheat bread.
[Prairie Road] (OutWldPlGr) Afternoon, Mild, Clear, Calm
A few trees dot the area, a mixture of conifers and deciduous. An old #farm stands near a placid #lake here. The trees thicken to the south into a dense coniferous forest. A dirt road stretches from north to south.
The area consists of semiarid grassy flat plains. A road leads south and north.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice some unfinished wooden construction.
Also here: Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, lightly-armored, sweaty), and Echlin (group, lightly-armored).
Obvious paths: west, northwest, north (road), northeast, east, southeast, south (road), southwest, a placid lake, an old farm.
Traveltime: 2 seconds.
(energy -4)
You were followed by 5 women and 1 man.

Siennah glances at Alia.

You head north.
[Prairie Road] (OutWldPlGr) Afternoon, Mild, Clear, Calm
Far to the south the tall trees of a thick forested mountain range rise across the horizon. A thin dirt road winds north to south across the flat plains stretching out to the north.
The area consists of semiarid grassy flat plains. A road leads south and north.
The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, lightly-armored, sweaty), and Echlin (group, lightly-armored).
Obvious paths: west, northwest, north (road), northeast, east, southeast, south (road), southwest.
Traveltime: 2 seconds.
(energy -4)
You were followed by 5 women and 1 man.

You head north.
[Prairie Road] (OutWldPlGr) Afternoon, Mild, Clear, Calm
A lonely dirt road winds across the plains leading north and south. Thick trees can be seen far to the southwest along a jagged mountain range fading to the east.
The area consists of semiarid grassy flat plains. A road leads south and north.
The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: (npc)a shaggy umber bison, Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, lightly-armored, sweaty), and Echlin (group, lightly-armored).
Obvious paths: west, northwest, north (road), northeast, east, southeast, south (road), southwest.
Traveltime: 2 seconds.
(energy -4)
You were followed by 5 women and 1 man.

You head north.
[Fork, Prairie Road] (OutWldPlGr) Afternoon, Mild, Clear, Calm
The road forks in three different directions, branching northwest, northeast over a bridge, and south. A neatly cobbled path leads to a generously sized deep red #building nestled between the split in the road. A slightly less neat dirt path leads around the back of the #building where some large #stables annexes the larger #building.
The area consists of semiarid grassy flat plains. A road leads south, northeast (over a bridge), east, and northwest.
The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: (npc)a shaggy dark-umber bison, Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, lightly-armored, sweaty), and Echlin (group, lightly-armored).
Obvious paths: west, northwest (road), north, northeast (river, road, bridge), east (trail), southeast, south (road), southwest, a small stables, a burgundy building.
Traveltime: 2 seconds.
(energy -4)
You were followed by 5 women and 1 man.
You've reached a fork in the road.
[Done moving.]

[#WHO] * Ethrymor just logged out.

Calandra smiles at a shaggy dark-umber bison.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southeast.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads southeast.

Echlin beams happily at a shaggy dark-umber bison!

You feel fully rested.

Calandra playfully teases, "No petting or harming the bison."

Calandra grins slowly.

Siennah smiles.

Aegeus chuckles.

Aegeus nods in agreement.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads east.
A shaggy umber bison arrives from the southwest.

Zeldryn makes a point of swaggering up into the very center of the crossroads, where the roads part in northeast and northwestward directions. He splays his arms wide, blowing a tight plume of smoke skyward with his nostrils. "And alas, my fair followers, have we reached the crossroad." He glances down, eyes sparkling. "The parting of fact and fiction."

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the east.
A shaggy umber bison heads south.

A shaggy brown bison heads south.

Aegeus laughs quietly. "That is oddly poetic, sir. And fitting".

Siennah rolls her shoulders and arches her neck, grinning over at Zeldryn before casting her gaze left, then right. Out here, she appears far freer and at ease.

Echlin appears to be concentrating on something.

You simply say, "The rules, of course. Are simple. You tell a story. If At any point in the telling, someone who is listening is doubting you? They will point."

Siennah gazes up at the sky.

You point your elegant curved ebony smoking-pipe at Calandra.

Speaking to Calandra, you ask, "And they will say what, love?"

Calandra grins mischeviously at Zeldryn. "Bison."

Siennah chuckles.

Zeldryn returns it with one of his own. "And why do we say bison?"

Echlin shrugs.

Calandra says, "Because Bison feces does not roll off one's tongue."

You nod in agreement.

Aegeus chuckles.

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the south.
A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the southwest.

You dramatically state, "It's a lot nicer than callin' someone on their crap, is right."

Echlin seems to be considering this response very seriously. She gives a slow nod.

Siennah smiles.

Calandra grins impishly as she folds her arms behind her back.

Aegeus appears to be trying really hard not to laugh.

A shaggy umber bison heads west.
A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads north.

Maris arrives from the northwest, carrying a dagger.

Maris heads south.

Zeldryn raises his pipe. "I learned how to play this game in my days as a templar. In Ivial. Good times, those were. Really showed me what being a real man was."

Alila arrives from the south.
Alila takes a bite of a small loaf of wheat bread.

Echlin rolls her eyes.

Calandra grins at Alila.

Alila closes a gray oilcloth belt-pouch.

Alila smiles at Calandra.

Aegeus bows to Alila.

Calandra points at you.

Zeldryn pauses, glancing a bit incredulously around at those gathered.

Alila waves at Aegeus.

Speaking to you, Calandra says, "Bison."

Speaking to Calandra, you loudly say, "Thank you for taking the hint, darling."

Alia observes quietly, but with an expression of amusement.

Calandra laughs!

Alila joins your group.

You simply finish, "So as we can all clearly see? It's not all that hard to play. And it's not all that serious. If I think you did particularly good by the end-- or you made me think? I'll give you something to remember your telling. Any questions? Any volunteers?"

Alia stage whispers to Siennah, "Why does that sound almost ominous?"

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the north.

[Fork, Prairie Road] (OutWldPlGr) Afternoon, Mild, Clear, Calm
The road forks in three different directions, branching northwest, northeast over a bridge, and south. A neatly cobbled path leads to a generously sized deep red #building nestled between the split in the road. A slightly less neat dirt path leads around the back of the #building where some large #stables annexes the larger #building.
The area consists of semiarid grassy flat plains. A road leads south, northeast (over a bridge), east, and northwest.
The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, [AFK], lightly-armored, sweaty), Echlin (group, lightly-armored), Alila (group), and (npc)a shaggy dark-umber bison.
Obvious paths: west, northwest (road), north, northeast (river, road, bridge), east (trail), southeast, south (road), southwest, a small stables, a burgundy building.
A shaggy brown bison arrives from the east.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads west.

Calandra glances about, quirking an eyebrow. She glances to Zeldryn. "Tough crowd. If no one else will tell one, I can."

Aegeus tilts his head, glancing curiously at zeldryn. "Any rules on the stories, sir?"

Siennah plucks her helm from her head once again, plunking it beneath her arm. Her free hand plays host to the absentminded embrace of her long plait as pensively does she wrap and unwrap it about her slender fingers. She lingers near the back of the crowd, watching and listening with quietly amused interest.

A shaggy brown bison heads north.

Siennah takes off a brown leather helmet.

Siennah swaps a brown leather helmet to her left hand.

Zeldryn grins all the wider at Calandra's response, then tilts his gaze toward Aegeus. "None. Tell it how you want. Long as you please, short as you please. All I ask is that if you interrupt someone else-- you tell them why you're doing so."

Aegeus nods in agreement.

Echlin takes a drink from her sleek silver mug inlaid with a gold crown of some murky gray stout.

Speaking to Calandra, you suggest, "But if no one else is feeling brave-- I'd be delighted, Calandra. By all means."

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the east.

Siennah smiles at Alia.

Calandra steps forward and smiles as she gazes about at the group. "Does anyone object to me telling the first story?"

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the east.
A shaggy brown bison heads north.

Siennah shakes her head.
Echlin shrugs.

Alila smiles at Calandra.

Aegeus smiles, shaking his head. "I would preffer to observe a bit before actually trying myself, so i would be grateful if you did, miss."

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the north.
A shaggy brown bison heads west.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the north.
A shaggy brown bison heads southeast.

Zeldryn steps aside to allow Calandra the place at the center of the crossroads, falling in line where she stood previously herself.

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the southeast.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads east.

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the east.
A shaggy brown bison heads southeast.

A shaggy brown bison heads east.

You think to yourself, "Ehh. First one always has people nervous and being quiet. The more people that tell stories and talk-- the more people that will step up themselves. We'll see. Certainly need to do this more than once, either way."

Calandra nods her head a little as she folds her arms behind her back, squirming slightly in a violet-blue wool pinafore dress. "Well, see- when I was very little, my mother was a seamstress." She smiles faintly as she glances towards a passing Bison. "My sister and I lived with her, and it was a hard life, but we had food to eat, and her love. Our home was a shack, and we slept on the floor." She unconsciously runs a hand through her hair before continuing. "She had a pet-name for me- Lark, because I loved to sing." She exhales a little, falling silent for a moment, before piping up again. "We were stolen from her, and given to a- master," she murmurs, grimacing. "At least my sister and I were not broken up. I was able to help take care of her." She glances at the sky, finishing with, "I still miss her."

You stare off into the distance, pondering.

Siennah eyes Calandra speculatively.

Calandra flashes a grin to Siennah.

Zeldryn glances to those gathered as the story presses on to it's conclusion, gazing skyward and emitting a low, sharp whistle. "That.. Is a tought read."
Zeldryn meant tough.

Echlin glances around the area.

Aegeus rubs his chin thoughtfully.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the south.

Siennah asks, "3uncertainly Bison? For... part of that?"

You squint at Siennah.

Speaking to Alia, Siennah quietly says, "Watch me be so wrong."

Alia smiles at Siennah.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads southwest.

You urge, "Which part? If I might ask."

Aegeus gives siennah an encouraging smile but says nothing, appearing rather thoughtful.

Siennah shifts uncomfortably, cheeks red as she explains in a murmur, "I don't think she had to sleep on the floor...?"
Saeed arrives from the northwest, carrying a falchion.

Saeed nods in greeting.

Calandra leans toward you and whispers, "I did lie about her being a seamstress. I don't remember my mother."

Speaking to Saeed, you add, "Welcome to the gathering pal. Game is bison. Have you heard of it?"

Speaking to Siennah, Aegeus thoughtfully prompts, "May i ask why you think that? I'm unsure if that is something i am supposed or allowed to ask, so feel free to not answer if you wish."

Aegeus bows to Saeed.

Aegeus smiles.

Saeed puts his iron falchion in his fur-lined flax and wicker back-basket (open).

You offer, "Oh no. ask away. prod each other. think on it."

Speaking to you, Saeed says, "I am afraid not, sir."

You say, "The whole point is to encourage suspicion. discussion. thought."

Speaking to Calandra, Echlin curiously says, "I didn't know that you sing."

Echlin smiles.

Aegeus agrees with Echlin.

Alia says, "I remember someone introducing themselves to me originally as Lark. Though, I don't remember if that was her or not now, it was when I first got here."

Using his pine-handled scrub brush, Saeed works at washing his gear at the nearby river of clear water.

Speaking to Saeed, you say, "We tell stories. If you think the teller is lying-- you point at them, you say bison, and you explain what you think the lie is. Others can ask questions and feedback after an accusation is made, apparently. We're figuring it out as we go."

Alia grins at Calandra.

Speaking to you, Aegeus thoughtfully asks, "Are we allowed to ask questions of the one who told the story?"

You nod to Aegeus.

Calandra blushes a little and nods her head. "I.. haven't in a long time, but I am thinking I might soon."

You ask, "Why not?"

Calandra nods to Aegeus.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the west.

Zeldryn blinks a few times again at Calandra, smiling a bit. "I think that'd be nice."

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads north.

Calandra smiles at you.

Siennah lowers her eyes to the ground, appearing to gather her thoughts before glancing back up at the others. "Erm... she had a tell," she murmurs. "But it could just be normal... I don't know you well," she adds to 2chio directly. "But when you said you slept on the floor, you ran your hand through your hair. It seemed a subconscious action, and when people fib, they often, inadvertently, give that away with subconscious actions. But again... erm... I don't know you, so I don't know if that is just how you move your hands when you talk."

Speaking to Alia, Aegeus agrees, "That was going to be my question. I heard miss calandra introducing herself as lark to someone a few weeks back. So i tend to think that that part, at least, is not a lie."

You sincerely insist, "She really does have a pretty voice, when she decides she likes it."

You wink at Calandra.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the north.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads southwest.

Maris arrives from the south, carrying a dagger.
Maris takes a bite of a red-flecked gray emberberry, finishing it off.

Maris heads northwest.

Speaking to Siennah, Calandra lightly asks, "I tend to fidget when I am anxious, or uncomfortable. So yes, that is a tell. But I did have to sleep on the floor."

Eirlys eyes Calandra speculatively.

Siennah flashes Calandra a smile, and nods.

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the north.
A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southwest.

Calandra turns to Eirlys and offers a smile. "What is it?"

A shaggy brown bison heads west.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads east.

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the west.

Zeldryn blows a thin trail of smoke skyward as he listens on, offering Siennah an appreciative bob of the head, and a flash of a grin as she explains her rational.

A shaggy brown bison heads south.

Eirlys thoughtfully says, "Now this is a hard one, hmm. Ye got the fidgetin' thing I do. They said lark's a name. Ye slept on the floor... hmm."

Siennah rubs her chin thoughtfully.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southeast.
A shaggy brown bison arrives from the southeast.

Zeldryn casually interrupts, "Whenever we give up, she'll tell all, i'm sure. But don't give up 'til yer' good and ready. We've got time for plenty."

Aegeus tilts his head, thoughtfully thinking. Then, his eyes brighten. Turning to calandra, he curiously asks, "Can you sing? Or, that would kind of beat the purpose of the game?"

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads southwest.
A shaggy brown bison heads southeast.

Speaking to Aegeus, Calandra says, "I can sing, I suppose. But.. it has been a bit."

Speaking to Aegeus, you simply confirm, "She can."

Aegeus nods to you.

Eirlys curiously says, "The story's all true, then."

Aegeus thoughtfully says, "Wait."

Siennah's helm hits the dirt at her feet with a muted thud as she frees her hair from its confines. Deft motions undo the untidy plait, pensive finger-combing doing its best to eradicate tangles as Siennah gazes pensively toward Calandra. "Your mum's not a seamstress?" she ventures in a lull, offering up a helpless shrug.

Siennah drops a brown leather helmet.

Calandra points at Siennah.

Echlin slowly offers, "Um... you do not have a sister -- oh."

Calandra says, "As far as I know."

Zeldryn flashes Siennah another radiant smirk.

Speaking to Calandra, Aegeus thoughtfully says, "I think the tale is almost entirely true, except something is missing, but if this story is really true and i'm asking something i shouldn't, please tell me to shut up. But why do you miss your sister? You mentioned you were still able to protect her, and then."

Calandra says, "I do not remember her."

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the southeast.
A shaggy brown bison arrives from the southwest.

Siennah says, "She looked at the bison when she said it."

Siennah says, "But her dress is awful pretty, so I... doubted."

Echlin nods slowly.

You agree, "Was talkin' 'bout her Ma' when she rubbed her hair, too. If she didn't know her-- she wouldn't know what she was like."

A shaggy brown bison heads west.
A shaggy brown bison heads north.

Eirlys slowly asks, "Ye didn' have a ma. At least ye don' remember 'er?"

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the southwest.

Calandra grins jubilantly and bows her head. "Good read on me." She turns to Eirlys. "There is a lot I do not remember."

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads southeast.

Speaking to Siennah, you compliment, "You pulled that one and I didn't even know it to be true. And I've spent every day with her for the past week. And a lot longer than that beforehand."

Alia giggles softly.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the southeast.
A shaggy brown bison arrives from the southwest.

Speaking to Calandra, Eirlys easily says, "We gotta really sit down an' talk sometime."

Alia smiles at Eirlys.

Siennah offers Calandra a small, warm smile, but keeps her silence now as her nervous fingers begin the process of redoing a new, neater plait to restrain her wavy tresses. Zeldryn's words cause color to bloom in fair cheeks, and a sheepish grin to flit over her lips. "I watched her body language. But now you lot know I'm lookin', so... it'll get harder from here on out."

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads southwest.
A shaggy brown bison heads south.

Siennah grins.

You see a very short petite fiery-red-haired youthful woman with fair skin and dark green eyes, whom you know as Siennah.
She is about five feet tall and appears to be youthful. She has hip-length wavy fiery red hair and large dark green eyes. Her skin is fair and build is petite.
No obvious wounds or maladies.
She is wearing a leather gorget, a maple shortbow, a leather pole harness, a green leather cuirass (scuffed), a green wool tunic, some green leather vambraces (scuffed), a filigree silver bracelet dangling a series of sienna crystal teardrops (opaque), some brown leather gloves (scuffed), some brown leather greaves, some treebark-brown wool leggings bound by a dark-sienna leather belt (with a leather dagger sheath, a green leather belt-quiver, a canvas belt pouch (open), and a red-brown leather sling attached), and a pair of brown leather boots.
Aegeus smiles at Siennah.
Eirlys grins easily.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southeast.
A shaggy brown bison arrives from the west.

Maris arrives from the northwest, carrying a dagger.

Maris heads south.

Zeldryn offers an exuberant bow to Calandra. "Always the clever mind. My compliments, as always."

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads west.
A shaggy brown bison heads north.

Alia laughs. "See I'd be terrible at this. Especially with Eiry and Sie both here."

Speaking to Alia, you simply suggest, "Ah. No story for you, then? I was just about to ask who was brave enough to step up next."

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the north.
A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the southwest.

Alia giggles. "Not me, I just enjoy observing."

Speaking to Alia, Siennah exclaims, "ABison!"

A shaggy brown bison heads west.
A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads south.

Siennah snickers.

Alia grins at Siennah.

Aegeus tilts his head, thoughtfully. "I could? But please do not hold me to mis calandra's standards because i cannot."

Eirlys snickers.

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the west.

Calandra grins.

Speaking to Aegeus, Calandra says, "You do you. It will be fine."

Calandra smiles at Aegeus.

Aegeus smiles at Calandra.

Zeldryn glances around at the rest gathered, arching a brow in amused curiosity. "Oh, by all means, my good man." He states to Aegeus, swooping an arm forward to urge him.

A shaggy brown bison heads north.
A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the south.

Eirlys nods to a shaggy dark-umber bison in greeting.

Siennah nudges Alia playfully before returning to completing her new plait, tying off the leather cord and swinging the fiery lash of hair behind her right shoulder to land against her leather cuiris with a soft thwup. As another steps up, she hones in on him with interest.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads south.

Aegeus nears the center of the crossroads, turns to face the crowd, bows to the bison nearby, and then asks, "I am supposed to stand here?"

Zeldryn watches the bison, as if expecting the bow to be returned. "That'll do, aye."

Maris arrives from the south, carrying a dagger.

Maris heads northwest.

Echlin's large eyes follow the bison as they roam about. Every so often, she is distracted by another that she catches sight of.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the north.

Eirlys nods to a shaggy dark-umber bison in greeting.

Aegeus smiles to zeldryn, then straightens, clasping his hands infront of him and looking rather nervous. For a few moments, he tilts his head, remaining in silence as he gathers his thoughts.

Your pose is now: smoking his pipe

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads south.
A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southwest.

Calandra tiptoes off to the side of the crowd, giving Aegeus an encouraging smile.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads southeast.

Zeldryn quirks the smallest of grins as he watches on, mock-viali accent thick as he dramatically introduces, "And thus, the mighty templar prepares to strike."

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the southeast.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southeast.
A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the east.
A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads southeast.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads north.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads north.

Aegeus sighs, absently fidgeting with his fingers as he speaks. "When i was younger, i had the dubious pleasure to spend about two days traped beneath a building. It was not fun." He turns his head to the side briefly, his expression not entirelly visible to the gathered crowd. "Or part of a building, if we're being exact. I wasn't in the lost lands at that time."

Aegeus grins at you.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the north.
A shaggy brown bison arrives from the south.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the southeast.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads south.
A shaggy brown bison heads west.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads west.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the north.

Aegeus serious expression brightens slightly as he concludes, "When i got out, i ate pie."

Siennah giggles!

Calandra grins.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the east.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads east.

Zeldryn tilts his head as Aegeus begins, narrowing his eyes in appraisal. He nods, folding an arm across his chest as he listens. The other clutches an elegant curved ebony smoking-pipe, and he glances down the line of observers.

Aegeus nods.

Echlin confusedly says, "Bson to all of that. Sorry."

Echlin said, "bison".

Calandra smirks at Echlin.

You smile quietly to yourself.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads east.

Siennah says, "Hmmm..."

Eirlys lightly asks, "What kind o' pie?"

Siennah laughs!

Zeldryn pulls at an elegant curved ebony smoking-pipe, speaking smoke as he replies, "I'll save my thoughts for last."

Aegeus chuckles.

Siennah says, "Best question."

[Fork, Prairie Road] (OutWldPlGr) Mid Afternoon, Mild, Clear, Calm
The road forks in three different directions, branching northwest, northeast over a bridge, and south. A neatly cobbled path leads to a generously sized deep red #building nestled between the split in the road. A slightly less neat dirt path leads around the back of the #building where some large #stables annexes the larger #building.
The area consists of semiarid grassy flat plains. A road leads south, northeast (over a bridge), east, and northwest.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice a brown leather helmet.
Also here: Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, lightly-armored, sweaty), Echlin (group, lightly-armored), Alila (group), and Saeed ([AFK], lightly-armored, bloody, gore-spattered).
Obvious paths: west, northwest (road), north, northeast (river, road, bridge), east (trail), southeast, south (road), southwest, a small stables, a burgundy building.
Speaking to Eirlys, Aegeus flatly says, "The worst pie you have ever eaten. I'm not sure what was in it but it was old. Very old."

Alia giggles at Eirlys!

Calandra smirks at Aegeus.

Aegeus tilts his head at echlin's words, observing her quietly but not making any move to either deny or confirm.

Zeldryn points an elegant curved ebony smoking-pipe at Aegeus. "Bison." He pauses a beat. "You were trapped under the building. But you didn't have any pie. You had to pull yourself out. No one found you."

Siennah shifts left and right on her feet, trips over her forgotten helmet, and pitches into Alia with all the grace of a bison rolling downhill. "Sorry," she gasps, then glares down at her discarded armor as though it put itself there. Her attention then returns to the game, but she holds her silence for this round, even as her interest grows.

Maris arrives from the northwest, carrying a dagger.

Maris heads south.

Speaking to Aegeus, Calandra says, "You seemed happy at the mention of pie- but then when asked about it, said it was old and you couldn't remember it."

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the north.

Eirlys lightly asks, "Then why did ye sound so happy 'bout it?"

Eirlys glances at Calandra.

Calandra nods to Eirlys.

Siennah grins.

Aegeus smiles slightly as he turns to zeldryn. "Oh, i definitelly ate pie. It was not my pie, however".

Speaking to Calandra, Eirlys amusedly says, "Out o' my head."

Siennah says, "Also call bison."

Calandra grins at Eirlys.

You snicker at Siennah.

Siennah grins at you.

Alia giggles, instinctively wrapping an arm around Siennah to steady her. "Careful there," she says with quiet amusement.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads southwest.

Speaking to Eirlys, Aegeus wryly says, "When you haven't eaten for two days, three day old pie is a godsend. Trust me."

You whistle, impressed.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the southwest.

Siennah says, "It'd also liable to make ya vomit."

You state, "That's what I get for calling a templar a liar."

Siennah laughs!

Speaking to Aegeus, Eirlys lightly says, "Oh I know, lad. Hmm."

Alia laughs!

Aegeus laughs!

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads west.

Siennah says, "Now I just want pie."

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the southwest.

Aegeus chuckles.

Speaking to a shaggy mahogany-brown bison, Eirlys easily says, "Sup."

Eirlys eyes Aegeus speculatively.

Calandra says, "I think he is telling the truth."

Speaking to Aegeus, you honestly prod, "So. What? True? All true?"

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads west.

Siennah rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Calandra folds her arms across her chest, smiling.

Calandra appears to be concentrating on something.

You squint.

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the east.
A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the southwest.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the north.

You are holding an elegant curved ebony smoking-pipe in your right hand.

You deadpan, "I've got one more guess. But i'll let anyone else go first. i already tried once."

Siennah asks, "But... if he was trapped beneath the building, the pie would likely have been with him... and he never says if he was trapped, as in pinned, or trapped as in trapped. How would he have known it was two days with no access to light? If pinned, that'd have likely killed him after two days, and people outside the Lost Lands typically aren't... well... undying? How would he have known how old the pie is, too?"

A shaggy brown bison heads east.
A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads east.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads north.

Echlin looks around with an expression of confusion on her face.

Aegeus smiles slightly as he nods. "It is. I had to mostly pull myself out - we were on the run, and i was trying to scavenge for food in some ruins which... did not go well. My friends caught up to me a few days later - i had mostly freed myself, but not entirelly. I was rather injured. And Aelthal, one of them, had... i have no idea where he found that food, we'd all spread out to search for it." He smiles wryly. "All he had in his pack after those two days of looking for me was half a three day old pie. It was the best thing i ever ate".

Siennah says, "My god I'm calling a templar a liar too. Next time I die, I'm stayin' dead, watch."

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the north.

You grin at Siennah.

Alia grins and hugs Siennah.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the west.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads south.

Speaking to Aegeus, you amusedly offer, "Well played."

Calandra grins at Aegeus.

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the east.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads south.

Echlin smiles at Aegeus.

Siennah grins at Aegeus.

Aegeus smiles, bowing slightly, then stepping back to join the crowd. "Thank you, sir."

A shaggy brown bison heads west.
A shaggy brown bison arrives from the south.

Siennah says, "Oh my word."

Zeldryn makes a real show of leaning forward among the line of participants and arching a brow in slow, pronounced fashion.

Echlin quietly asks, "May I go?"

Siennah asks, "He's a templar. We should have assumed he was being honest, right?"

Calandra smiles at Echlin.

Siennah covers her face with her palm.

Aegeus laughs!

Speaking to Echlin, you sweetly insist, "But of course."

Alia beams happily at Echlin!

Siennah grins at Aegeus.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southeast.
A shaggy brown bison heads east.

Speaking to Siennah, Aegeus amusedly says, "I had assumed my going up there was pointless exactly because of this, but nobody said anything, so i searched my memory for the most unbelievable story i could find and was as vague about it as i could be."

Siennah laughs!

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads southwest.

Alia grins at Aegeus.

Speaking to Siennah, Alia teasingly says, "And you've even seen the oath, or code, or whatever that's called."

Speaking to Aegeus, Siennah says, "I cannot believe that only occurred to me after the fact. We're looking for lies, but we all forgot templars are generally honest, I believe. What a silly oversight."

Alia giggles at Siennah!

Aegeus turns to watch echlin, appearing very happy and curious to hear what she has to tell.

Zeldryn strolls idly over to Calandra, standing behind her and attempting a light hug.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southwest.

Siennah exclaims, "I mean, how does someone lie about pie!"

You lean toward Calandra and whisper, "Fantastic plan as always, love."

Siennah shuts up and looks around for the next one up.

Calandra smiles and hugs Zeldryn gently, offering an adoring smile.

You beam happily at Calandra!

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads south.

Zoquiyo arrives from the northeast, carrying a spear.

Zoquiyo blinks.

Alia laughs softly, turning her attention to Echlin.

Calandra turns to smile at Echlin, canting her head to the side.

Vighon arrives from the south.

Vighon heads northeast.

Zeldryn offers Zoquiyo a wave, drawling out, "Howdy, stranger. We're playin' a game, if yer' interested."

Speaking to Echlin, Eirlys easily says, "Eggy's the firs' tempy I've known. But ye know, now I know fer next time. She fals silent, whipping around t watch."

Rhialto arrives from the south.

Siennah smiles at Echlin.

You wave.

Zoquiyo heads northwest.

Siennah sticks her tongue out at Alia.

Calandra removes a sweetened blueberry muffin from her leather belt-pouch (open).

Calandra offers to give a sweetened blueberry muffin to Aegeus.
You offer, "We're playin' a game, new folks. Called bison. we tell stories-- we listen to the teller-- and try to guess if they're lying or not."

Siennah leans toward Alia and whispers something.

Saeed just left.

nod ech
You nod to Echlin.

Aegeus blinks at Calandra.

Aegeus accepts Calandra's offer and is now holding a sweetened blueberry muffin.

Siennah looks amusedly miffed at herself.

Strolls over to where Aegeus had been previously standing, shoulders back looking perfectly at ease. Once she is there, hse stops, lifts her chin slightly, and surveys those gathered with a faint smile. "This story," Echlin she begins quietly, "Is about people we all know. And so you cannot tell it to anyone. If you do, I will find you, and do to you what I did to them."

Speaking to Calandra, Aegeus warmly says, "Thank you! I can now say that i appreciate that this is not, in fact, three day old pie."

Calandra grins at Aegeus.

Aegeus smiles.

Aegeus takes a bite of a sweetened blueberry muffin.

Zeldryn leans forward over Calandra's shoulder, expression a mirror of his interst. At the last of Echlin's words, he beams brightly-- Pride? Shining in his eyes.

Siennah settles from her silliness to fix Echlin with an interested stare.

Siennah picks up a brown leather helmet.

Siennah swaps a brown leather helmet to her left hand.

Aegeus nods solemnly.

You lean toward Calandra and whisper, "..They grow up so fast."

Calandra smiles at you.

You snicker at Calandra.

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the east.

Marie arrives from the south, carrying a flatbow.

Marie heads northwest.

A shaggy umber bison heads north.

Zoquiyo arrives from the northwest, carrying a spear.

Zoquiyo heads south.

[Fork, Prairie Road] (OutWldPlGr) Mid Afternoon, Mild, Clear, Calm
The road forks in three different directions, branching northwest, northeast over a bridge, and south. A neatly cobbled path leads to a generously sized deep red #building nestled between the split in the road. A slightly less neat dirt path leads around the back of the #building where some large #stables annexes the larger #building.
The area consists of semiarid grassy flat plains. A road leads south, northeast (over a bridge), east, and northwest.
The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, lightly-armored, sweaty), Echlin (group, lightly-armored), Alila (group), and Rhialto ([AFK], lightly-armored, smells of cedar).
Obvious paths: west, northwest (road), north, northeast (river, road, bridge), east (trail), southeast, south (road), southwest, a small stables, a burgundy building.
Marie arrives from the northwest, carrying a flatbow.

Rhialto heads northwest.

Marie heads south.

Echlin Stands there silently, maybe for a little too long. Her face is mostly expressionless, save for a gleam in her eyes that indicates that she is enjoying this a little too much. "Shadgard got attacked, once. It was stupid, but-- nevermind that for now. We used to stand outside the canyon, guarding whenever we could. Somebody brought a wagon, a couple of someone elses had a lovely idea to fill it up with food. And me, I helped them make the food. But of course, I got bored. So I baked a pie with chocolate and mustard and put it in there. Neyah came over to say hello-- can you believe her?" Echlin roles her eyes exaggeratedly. "and she was hungry, and-- she ate it. She threw up everywhere. I poisoned a spider. Sort of." Echlin stops, abruptly. Her eyes roam over the gathered faces before her, and then she breaks into a wide,wild grin.

Calandra grins and throws her head back in laughter.

Eirlys squints at Echlin.

Eirlys rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Zeldryn smiles all the wider as the silence continues, and as the story begins-- and continues-- he appears to be trying as hard as he can to maintain a poker face. Despite it, by the time the name is mentioned, a loud, distinct crack-like chuckle leaks out of one side of his lips.

Aegeus chuckles, at the story as much as at echlin's visible enjoyment of it, but tilts his head, appearing deep in thought.

Alia laughs softly. It's hard to know how much she does or doesn't believe, but her eyes light up as she watches and listens to Echlin tell this story.

Echlin helpfully urges, "Some of you were there to see that."

Speaking to Echlin, Aegeus quietly says, "I have a thing, but i'll hold my tongue and see what the others think, first."

Speaking to Echlin, you breathlessly attempt, "O-One thing."

Calandra smirks at you.

Echlin arches an eyebrow at you.

Zeldryn brings a fist to his lips, cackling quietly into it's side. "Bison. I don't recall you -making- the pie."

Aegeus snorts.

Calandra grins widely.

Speaking to you, Echlin explains, "Oh, that is because we made them the night before."

You snap.

You chuckle, "frack. Well. Go on, then. Next?"

Speaking to you, Calandra says, "I think she's telling the truth, but I could be wrong."

Aegeus laughs, his eyes bright with amusement and warmth. "Bison," he states simply. "That was rakar, not neyah".

You nod emphatically.

You point your elegant curved ebony smoking-pipe at Aegeus.

Eirlys baffledly says, "All I've learned is not t' accept yer home made pies."

Eirlys snickers.

Alia laughs!

Echlin looks at Aegeus and sighs.
Calandra laughs!

Alia adopts an agreeable expression.

Echlin slowly says, "Yeee-eeaaa-aahh it was."

Calandra grins at Echlin.

Calandra removes a sweetened blueberry muffin from her leather belt-pouch (open).

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the southeast.

Zeldryn up and loses it then, tears flowing freely. "It was so-so-so good. I wish it was her, though. Gods."

Calandra offers to give a sweetened blueberry muffin to Echlin.

Aegeus shakes his head at eirlys, smiling warmly. "You would be missing out, miss. She makes amazing pie when she is not bored".

Echlin accepts Calandra's offer and is now holding a sweetened blueberry muffin.

Aegeus beams happily at Echlin!

Speaking to Echlin, Eirlys loudly says, "Please only make me pies when yer not bored."

A shaggy umber bison heads north.

Echlin dramatically insists, "I never meant to! And I do not know if he actually threw up... I ran away because I was scared! And nobody can tell him I did it!"

Echlin nods.

Calandra giggles!

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the west.

Alia laughs!

Zeldryn manages to calm his fit of chuckling long enough to dab at his eyes and mention, "Oh, no. He did not puke. He's a gentleman. He ran to Corvus."

Eirlys cackles!

A shaggy brown bison heads southwest.

When he sees zeldryn lose it, Aegeus smiles ever wider, bowing to echlin in gratitude. "Thank you for the memory, miss echlin." He appears to be trying his best not to laugh, as well, though it is clear that he finds this memory rather hilarious.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the west.

Alia ominously suggests, "Maybe someone will tell that you did that, at the next bison game."

Alia grins at Echlin.

Aegeus chuckles at you.

"Mustard in a pie," Siennah murmurs, sounding horrified. "That has to be against a faith somewhere."

Neyah arrives from the south, carrying a shield.

Echlin laughs at you!
Aegeus agrees with you.

Vighon arrives from the northeast.

Vighon heads south.

Neyah heads northeast.

Calandra grins, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she leans against Zeldryn.

Echlin blinks.

Eirlys cackles!

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads south.

Siennah grins.

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the north.

Zeldryn turns northeastward, props a hand on each hip, and stares off there for a long, pronounced moment, watching the dust fade.

Aegeus takes a bite of a sweetened blueberry muffin.

Still laughing, Echlin walks back to reclaim her original place in the line of people.

Zoquiyo arrives from the south.

Zoquiyo heads northwest.

A shaggy brown bison heads east.

Alia removes a red-flecked gray emberberry from her brown wool pants.

Aegeus reaches out as echlin re takes her place, offering her a brief one-armed hug and a smile.

Speaking to Calandra, Echlin mentions, "Oh, and thank you for the muffin."

Noticing his staring off, Alia tosses an emberberry past Zeldryn.

Calandra smiles at Echlin and inclines her head. "Of course."

Zeldryn proceeds to lift his hands up, extend his arms effortlessly forward, and flip a pair of one-finger salutes eastward before spinning on his heels to face those gathered, hands returning to his sides. "Unless one of our newcomers to Shadgard has a tale they'd like to share... I do believe it is that time."

Alia drops a red-flecked gray emberberry.

Siennah shakes her head.

Eirlys lightly says, "I ain't got one, but now I know what tit's like, I'll be thinkin'."

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the north.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads east.

Zeldryn swaggers into the center of the crossroads, carefully appraises each road, then slowly spins back on his heels to face the gathered group. He snuffs out an elegant curved ebony smoking-pipe under the heel of his palm, dumps it in the grass behind him, and pockets it within a cord-tied ebon spidersilk pouch (open). Folding his arms back under a striated dark-violet wool poncho, he casually drawls, "My turn."

You put an elegant curved ebony smoking-pipe in your cord-tied ebon spidersilk pouch (open).
Calandra grins at you.

Aegeus smiles at you.

Siennah smiles.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the east.

Siennah tugs absently upon the strap of a leather pole harness, subtly readjusting its position over one slight shoulder. When Zeldryn takes the storytelling position, her smile flashes fast and expectant as she hones in on him as she has the others.

Zeldryn appraises each individual for a prolonged moment, expression contemplative. He shrugs a shoulder, and a striated dark-violet wool poncho exposes a white gold pocketwatch rimmed with sapphires, shimmering in the shifting sun. "I had a long time to think about what I'd tell here today. I thought about a lot. Before the lands-- Before I knew any o' y'all. Before I was sapphire. Before I started shootin'." He pauses. "But I couldn't tell none o' that rightly. There's only one story worth tellin' here today."

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the south.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads east.

Aegeus listens intently.

A shaggy umber bison heads southeast.
A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southwest.

Eirlys shades her eyes, watching Zeldryn intently.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads south.

Zoquiyo arrives from the northwest, followed by a lit mage candle (levitating).

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the east.

A shaggy brown bison heads east.

Echlin takes a bite of a sweetened blueberry muffin.

Aegeus takes a bite of a sweetened blueberry muffin.

Zeldryn maintains his easy posture, glances skyward, and begins, "Seven years ago, back in the good ol' year of 1217, I found myself in the familiar circumstance every swordsman in the lost lands does, at some point or another." He lowers his gaze, flicking it between each member of the crowd. "I was surrounded by the strong. I was strong myself, but getting stronger. Faster. And I had a reason for doing so. See? We had a problem, here, back then. That problem? Sorcerers. Most specifically? The Lapis Inquisition of sorcerers. They were burning. Left and right. And it had folks.. On edge."

Zoquiyo heads south, followed by a lit mage candle (levitating).

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the south.

A shaggy umber bison heads southeast.

Zeldryn glances down at his feet as he continues, his gaze slowly drifting back to touch the sky. "When you want to get strong, you get strong by yourself, or you get strong with someone else. In my case? It was the latter." He flashese Calandra a warm gaze. "I had someone by my side who could push me ever onward. Strive harder to find that strength I told y'all I was searching for. And I was thankful for that. But see? I had this problem. I was worried. And I worried too much."

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the west.

Echlin gazes up at the sky.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads south.

You simply cackle, "They could see it. They could see I was worried about somethin'. Other than that strength. And they asked me what was on my mind. And do you know what I did, y'all?"

Zeldryn laughs hard as he speaks, a bitter, harsh thing. As he finishes, his voice is flat. "I lied."

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the east.

Echlin sighs.

Calandra tilts her head slightly as she observes Zeldryn's face, her hand rubbing at her bare wrist. She smiles faintly as Zeldryn flashes her a warm glance.

Echlin fidgets with the leather gloves she is wearing.

A shaggy brown bison heads west.

You simply inform, "I told them I was worried about the Lapis. I told them I was worried about Shadgard. I told them I was worried about what their plans were for me-- Because i'd been sticking my nose into their business. But it wasn't true. It wasn't what I was worried about. I was worried about keeping them safe."

"Shut up," Echlin mumbles under her breath, the words barely audible.

Alia watches Zeldryn for the most part, but her gaze shifts to the others from time to time as well, looking thoughtful.

Calandra glances at Echlin.

Echlin quickly says, "Sorry."

Zeldryn levels an unblinking gaze forward over everyone's heads. "They believed my lie, though. They smiled, they told me it'd be okay, and that they'd be there for me. I smiled. I appreciated it. Eventually? When we finished our training in that wagon camp, we went our seperate ways. They had something to attend to. I stayed behind, lingering in a wagon to pick a locked box." He lowers his gaze again, shaking his head. "But someone else heard me."

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the southwest.

Echlin takes a bite of a sweetened blueberry muffin.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the east.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads southwest.

Vighon arrives from the south.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads west.
A shaggy brown bison arrives from the south.

You simply finish, "I saw a spider retreat into the shadows of that wagon. I saw burning blue eyes in my mind when I went to sleep at night. I heard voices. I felt things that weren't my feelings. I'd lied so much that I'd attracted the gaze of the god o' lies himself. And from that moment forward? He never stopped watching me."

Echlin frowns.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southeast.
A shaggy brown bison heads south.

Echlin takes a bite of a sweetened blueberry muffin.

Eirlys squints at you.

Zeldryn folds his arms across his chest, at that, eyeing everyone gathered with an unflinching expression.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the west.

Vighon wanders in from the south, long, ranging strides quickly bringing him to the group. An arched eyebrow, then, "What'n all the hells're ya'll doin' jus' loiterin' 'round?"

Echlin speculatively asks, ", I do not know. No bison?"

Speaking to Vighon, you retort, "Bison, o' course."

Echlin shrugs.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads west.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads north.

Calandra glances at Vighon and offers a soft smile. "We are playing Bison."

Aegeus listens silently, his gaze turning ever sader and more troubled as the story goes on. As it concludes, he inclines his head slightly to zeldryn but says nothing.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the north.

Siennah's expression has changed entirely; gone is the amusement, replaced by thoughtfulness.

"Oh, right," Vighon says, realization dawning in his face. Then to Zeldryn, he confidently announces, "Bulls-... err. Bison."

Calandra grins at Vighon.

Zeldryn arches a brow at Vighon. "Which bit?"

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the southeast.
A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southwest.

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the north.
A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads north.

A shaggy umber bison heads north.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads west.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison arrives from the north.
A shaggy umber bison heads west.

Vighon shrugs indifferently, replying, "Dunno. Jus' figured as't were y' talkin' ... " He trails off with a good-natured grin.

Echlin laughs!

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the north.
A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the west.

A shaggy mahogany-brown bison heads southwest.
A shaggy umber bison arrives from the west.

Aegeus lifts up a hand, turning to zeldryn as he quietly says, "it was not the god of lies".

Zeldryn maintains his fixed posture, arms folded as his glance paints the others gathered. "Any other takers?"

Speaking to Aegeus, you simply dismiss, "Who was it, then?"

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the north.
A shaggy umber bison heads southeast.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads southwest.

A shaggy umber bison heads west.

Zeldryn meant wonder, not dismiss.

Speaking to you, Aegeus quietly says, "The spider."

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads east.
Speaking to Aegeus, you agree, "Also known as.. The weaver of lies."

Speaking to Aegeus, Echlin asks, "Aren't they the same?"

Aegeus blinks.

Aegeus sighs, "Fair enough. I forgot that bit. I got stuck on the spiking people and sowing terror part."

"I have no context for this," Siennah murmurs to Alia, looking continually intrigued, but holding her silence on whether or not it's all bison or not.

Zeldryn idly turns a hand over so it faces palm up. "Last chance to make your pick. True? Tall tale? Now's the time to ask yer' questions if ya' have 'em."

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southeast.
A shaggy umber bison arrives from the southwest.

Speaking to you, Aegeus quietly concludes, "Then it is all true then. The only exception being i am unsure that you knew miss calandra back then, or that she was there with you whenit happened."

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the southwest.

Alia nods softly to Siennah.

Echlin glances at Siennah.

Echlin agrees with Siennah.

Calandra idly brushes a hand down a violet-blue wool pinafore dress to remove an invisible wrinkle, her head tilting slightly as she looks around at those gathered. She leans slightly to one side as she turns to observe bisons wandering past.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads southeast.
A shaggy umber bison heads west.

A shaggy umber bison heads east.

Siennah rubs her chin thoughtfully.

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the south.

You simply illuminate, "There is a lie in it. But it is.. A true story. The question becomes-- where is the lie."

Vighon wanders over to a burgundy building and tugs in the handle once or twice, sighing. He instead hangs his arms over the stableyard fence, hoooking the heel of his calf-high dark leather boots over a lower crosspiece.

Speaking to you, Aegeus quietly remembers, "Something happened near ebon pass. Or the fort."

Alia replies in a quiet aside to Siennah, "I know the lapis exist, existed? And, well you've seen the sign probably about sorccerers by an Inquisitioner. But that's as far as any of my knowledge goes."

A shaggy brown bison heads east.
A shaggy umber bison arrives from the south.

Speaking to you, Echlin uncertainly guesses, "You were not in the camp-place? You were training elsewhere."

Speaking to Aegeus, you dismiss, "Irrelevent."

Aegeus nods to you.

You look at Echlin and shake your head.

Speaking to you, Aegeus agrees, "I thought so."

A shaggy umber bison heads southwest.

Speaking to Echlin, you say, "Wrong again. Eastern most wagon."

Speaking to you, Calandra says, "I do not know where the lie is."

You nod to Calandra.

Echlin nods slowly.

Siennah says, "Hmmm..."

Speaking to you, Alia asks, "My question is, who are, they? Sorcerers?"

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the south.

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the south.

Alia asks, "The ones you were wanting to protect?"

Zeldryn glances to each of those gathered one last time, then gazes skyward for a long, pronounced moment, tearing his gaze back down to earth, his eyes are on fire as he declares, "It's not watching anymore. I made fracking sure of that much."

Siennah nods to Alia.

Vighon pipes in from his spot at the stables, "Clearly't were the blue eyes part. Everyone knows evil dream manifestations have red eyes."

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads west.
A shaggy umber bison arrives from the west.

You glance at Alia.

A shaggy umber bison heads southeast.

You point at Calandra.

Calandra nods to you.

Siennah asks, "Maybe the bison's that you lied about lying?"

Aegeus nods solemnly to zeldryn. "I should have thought of that, sir. Of course."

A shaggy umber bison heads south.

Siennah smiles.

Speaking to Alia, Siennah says, "Zero context. But... my word."

Eirlys squints.

Speaking to Alia, you simply say, "I convinced myself that I needed to keep her out of it, when I should've been honest with her from the beginning. Which, thankfully, I was able to be. But that's a personal story. That's all i'll say about it without her permission."

Echlin takes a drink from her sleek silver mug inlaid with a gold crown of some murky gray stout.

Echlin takes a bite of a sweetened blueberry muffin, finishing it off.

Speaking to you, Eirlys baffledly asks, "E'er considered writin' a book?"

{SPOILER ALERT: It's called One for the Road: The Continuing Tales of a Parren Privateer}

Speaking to you, Alia says, "Of course. I didn't ask to pry. I was confused by the word they, is all."

Alia smiles at you.

Siennah turns to face forward, all amusement replaced with solemnity.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the west.
A shaggy umber bison arrives from the southwest.

Zeldryn waves a dismissive hand. "I was trying to be dramatically vague. It's okay."

You loudly say, "Now hold on, hold on. there's a lesson to be learned, here."

Echlin smirks faintly.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads south.
A shaggy umber bison heads west.

Aegeus tilts his head.

Siennah just looks solemn, her reticence returning at the weighty subject matter.

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the southeast.

You simply insist, "Lies are tricky. The more you stack on, the trickier it gets. And if you stack on too many of them? There are things out there that'll make you regret it. Whether it's people, dark powers, what have you. BUT!"

A shaggy brown bison heads south.

Siennah puts a brown leather helmet on her head.

Echlin stares.

Zeldryn waves his hand around. "If you dig yourself into a hole. A good friend with a strong rope can always pull you back out. And If you don't want to dig yourself into a hole? Just.. Don't dig. It's as simple as that."

Echlin stares down at her mug.

Siennah smiles.

Calandra smiles at you.

You playfully finish, "But even when the god of lies is on your back, a firmly placed knife in the right eye or knee? That'll make even him blink."

Aegeus smiles at you.

Alia smiles softly, nodding at that. "And with the right people, the right kind of connection? Truth is better, anyway. Almost anything can be worked through as long as there's honesty."

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the west.

Aegeus agrees with Alia.

Vighon mutters, "Damn," as he pats himself down, looking for something. "Forgot my rope."

Siennah snickers.

Aegeus chuckles.
Calandra grins at Vighon.

Echlin abruptly asks, "Okay. Can we talk about something else, now?"

You nod emphatically.

A shaggy brown bison heads southeast.

You loudly say, "..Prizes. Obviously."

tone curiously
Your tone on next speech will be curiously.

You loudly say, "The prize for best truth? It is.. 5 thousand riln."

Zeldryn glances to those gathered, as if waiting for the inevitable irritation. He points at himself. "Bison. It's twenty five."

Siennah whistles.

You open a double-buckled black leather utility belt.

You remove a 25,000-riln Shadgard Mining Co. promissory note from the double-buckled black leather utility belt (open) you are wearing.

Calandra grins at you.
You offer to give a 25,000-riln Shadgard Mining Co. promissory note to Aegeus.

Echlin blinks.

Siennah says, "Holy... bison."

Vighon snickers.

Aegeus stares at the offered note, looking absolutelly baffled. "Bison, sir zeldryn, you know i cannot accept that."

You sincerely say, "Truth is valuable. It should be treated as such. However-- if the good templar is too shy to take such a donation. I have an alternative offering."

Siennah smiles at Aegeus.

You cancel the offer.

You put a 25,000-riln Shadgard Mining Co. promissory note in your double-buckled black leather utility belt (open).
A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the south.

Speaking to Aegeus, you sincerely say, "You're a predictable bastard, Aegius. I knew you were coming today."

You successfully transferred the following from a double-buckled black leather utility belt (open) to the ground:
a steel ingot (x3)
(3 item(s) total)
Siennah smiles at you.

Siennah laughs!

Speaking to Aegeus, you suggest, "How's three pounds of steel?"

Alia smiles softly.

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the east.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads east.

Echlin takes a drink from her sleek silver mug inlaid with a gold crown of some murky gray stout.

[Fork, Prairie Road] (OutWldPlGr) Mid Afternoon, Mild, Clear, Calm
The road forks in three different directions, branching northwest, northeast over a bridge, and south. A neatly cobbled path leads to a generously sized deep red #building nestled between the split in the road. A slightly less neat dirt path leads around the back of the #building where some large #stables annexes the larger #building.
The area consists of semiarid grassy flat plains. A road leads south, northeast (over a bridge), east, and northwest.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice a red-flecked gray emberberry and a steel ingot (x3).
Also here: Calandra (group Second), Aegeus (group, heavily-armored), Alia (group, heavily-armored), Siennah (group, lightly-armored), Eirlys (group, [AFK], lightly-armored, sweaty), Echlin (group, lightly-armored), Alila (group, [AFK]), Vighon (lightly-armored, leaning against a fence, arms over the top.), and (npc)a shaggy brown bison.
Obvious paths: west, northwest (road), north, northeast (river, road, bridge), east (trail), southeast, south (road), southwest, a small stables, a burgundy building.
A shaggy brown bison heads north.

Aegeus blinks at zeldryn, noddting at his comment. "I did tell you i was coming, sir. And i mean... i think it is better than twenty five thousand riln, but... are there not better people to make use of such?"

Speaking to Aegeus, you dismiss, "None who were so honest as you were today, my good man."

Eirlys looks over Aegeus with a thoughtful expression.

Speaking to Aegeus, Calandra amusedly says, "Take it."

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the east.

Vighon absently mentions, "Good thing 'bout prizes is y' can always give'em away to the less fortunate."

Zeldryn continues on, unabashed. "Now. I must ask. Who do we think told our best lie today?"

A shaggy umber bison heads southwest.

You add, "Not me. I can't reward myself."

Calandra nods to Vighon.

Aegeus bows to both zeldryn and calandra, then glances down at the shining steel as he asks, "Alright? But what ever could i do with this?"

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the southwest.

[#WHO] * Coldstar just logged out.

Calandra tilts her head towards Echlin. "I think she did, personally."

Siennah grins at Calandra.

Speaking to Aegeus, you say, "Save it for when you need it. steel's not as easy to come by in these lands as it used to be, now that Haiban's burned."

Aegeus easily points to calandra at zeldryn's question.

Speaking to Aegeus, Echlin helpfully says, "You can think about it."

A shaggy umber bison heads east.

Vighon playfully suggests, "Hit somethin'n the head with 'em."

Calandra grins lightly.

Aegeus blinks, but nods at zeldryn. "If you insist, sir? I still believe this could be put to better use."

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the east.

Aegeus transfers the following from the ground to a leather belt-pouch (open):
a steel ingot (x3)
(3 item(s) total)

Speaking to Aegeus, you say, "Take the steel before i mail it to your wife and tell her you refused."

Aegeus bows to you.

Eirlys lazily says, "Eggy, jus' take the gift, lad. Ye don' look a gift horse, blah blah blah."

A shaggy umber bison heads southeast.

Eirlys snickers.

Siennah bursts into giggles, lifting a hand in an attempt to smother them with the slap of one small palm.

Calandra exhales softly.

Aegeus laughs as he bends down to pick up the steel, smiling warmly. "I am now wondering what she would do if she knew".

Speaking to Alia, you honestly ask, "Who do you think? Calandra? Echlin? In terms of best lie?"

Alia smiles at Aegeus and offers, "By the time the forge is in good working order again, I'm sure you'll think of something to use it for or someone that needs them."

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the south.
A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the west.

Aegeus rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Aegeus nods to Alia.

Siennah says, "Tough one..."

Alia peers at Zeldryn in mock irritation. "Oh suuuuure, put me on the spot to be the decision maker? It's a tough call, though."

A shaggy brown bison heads west.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads southwest.

Vighon murmurs under his breath, "Now I know who to go to when I need the frizzen on my pistol replaced."

Speaking to Siennah, you simply offer, "Your opinion's equally valid, o' course."

You snicker at Vighon.

Siennah says, "They both injected enough truth for it to be valid... but I think someone thought Calandra's was entirely true. I didn't entirely catch if someone thought the same of the other tales..."

You teasingly say, "I can make the tie breaker, if we don't know."

You nod to Siennah.

Siennah says, "And there is the abuse of pie to be considered..."

Siennah grins.

Echlin smiles.

Alia laughs!

Aegeus chuckles.

Siennah grins at Echlin.

Calandra grins.

You casually tease, "I have an.. Elegant solution to such an issue."

Eirlys easily says, "They both sounded damned near certain. I was taken with Callandra's story cuz it sounds very similar... the care an' worry an' fear one has fer a siblin', that I was kind o' distracted by that."

Siennah smiles.

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the southwest.

You dramatically suggest, "..This is what I have for our lovely liars today. Because.. Their pants. Are on fire."

Alia smiles softly to Eirlys and gives her a knowing nod.

Siennah says, "But Echlin made yall laugh and laughter seems hard to come by here, so... just reward them both."

take flask
You remove a small flame-stamped leather flask from the double-buckled black leather utility belt (open) you are wearing.

Echlin blinks.

take flask
You remove a small flame-stamped leather flask from the double-buckled black leather utility belt (open) you are wearing.

give flask to ech
You offer to give a small flame-stamped leather flask to Echlin.

Echlin accepts your offer and is now holding a small flame-stamped leather flask.

give flask to cal
You offer to give a small flame-stamped leather flask to Calandra.

Speaking to Echlin, Eirlys warily says, "I now know what t' do if ye tell me yer bored an' then bring me a pie."

Echlin carefully examines a small flame-stamped leather flask.

Siennah grins at Eirlys.

A shaggy umber bison heads southwest.

Aegeus laughs!

Alia laughs!

Speaking to Eirlys, Echlin distractedly says, "I used to do a lot of stupid things back then. I might not do as much now."

Calandra grins at you.

Calandra accepts your offer and is now holding a small flame-stamped leather flask.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the east.
A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the southwest.

You finish, "Netherbane oil. For those pesky intangible suitors who just won't take no for an answer."

Eirlys lightly says, "Stupid? Or hilarious. It's all in the perspective. Y'all were great."

Speaking to Echlin, Aegeus quietly says, "I disagree. With the first part. But we talked about this."

Siennah says, "Whoa."

Calandra beams happily!

Echlin laughs at you!

Alia smiles.

Calandra puts a small flame-stamped leather flask into her black many-pocketed oilcloth backpack (open).

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads north.
A shaggy dark-umber bison heads east.
A shaggy umber bison arrives from the north.

Speaking to you, Calandra says, "Thank you. That's an amazing prize."

You close a double-buckled black leather utility belt.

You rub your chin thoughtfully, pondering the situation.

Siennah smiles.

You thoughtfully say, "..And. I do have one more prize. For our lovely lady with the eyes who saw it all."

You open a double-buckled black leather utility belt.

You remove a 25,000-riln Shadgard Mining Co. promissory note from the double-buckled black leather utility belt (open) you are wearing.

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the north.

A shaggy umber bison heads southeast.

sayto sie You caught a lie even I missed. That was impressive.
Speaking to Siennah, you say, "You caught a lie even I missed. That was impressive."

Speaking to you, Echlin agreeably exclaims, "Thank you!"

You offer to give a 25,000-riln Shadgard Mining Co. promissory note to Siennah.

Aegeus agrees with you.

Siennah accepts your offer and is now holding a 25,000-riln Shadgard Mining Co. promissory note.

Echlin puts a small flame-stamped leather flask in her double-buckled black leather utility belt (open).

Alia smiles softly.

Echlin closes a double-buckled black leather utility belt.

A shaggy dark-umber bison heads east.

Siennah's eyes fly wide, and for a long moment, she just gapes stupidly up at Zeldryn before accepting the note with a murmur of thanks.

Alia agreeably says, "She's a sharp one."

You close a double-buckled black leather utility belt.

Calandra agrees with Alia.

Siennah blushes.

Siennah puts a 25,000-riln Shadgard Mining Co. promissory note into her canvas belt pouch (open).

A shaggy brown bison arrives from the west.

Speaking to Vighon, Calandra says, "I got caught in a lie."

Calandra grins at Vighon.

Zeldryn offers Siennah a wink, then spreads his arms wide. "I'm afraid that's all I have, though. A rich man made poor by his boundless generosity. What can I say? It's that templar in me."

Siennah laughs!

Siennah exclaims, "Bison!"

Calandra smirks at you.

Vighon "tsks" at Calandra, shaking his head.

Siennah grins at you.

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the east.
A shaggy brown bison heads southeast.

Alia giggles!

Alia smiles at you.

Aegeus chuckles.

Aegeus smiles at you.

Speaking to you, Siennah exclaims, "That was great fun. Thanks for doing this!"

You sincerely say, "Really, though. Thank y'all for comin'. We will be doing this again."

Siennah closes a canvas belt pouch.

Echlin seriously insists, "I was going to add a lot more suspense to mine, until someone finally puzzled out who it was! It would have been great. But yes, he was somehow worse than Neyah."

Siennah grins.

Calandra grins at you.

A shaggy umber bison heads southeast.

Eirlys lightly says, "Thank ye fer the fun, o."

Eirlys says, "Course."

Aegeus warmly says, "Thank you, everyone, for the stories and the laughter. And everything else, also."

Speaking to Alia, Siennah says, "You gotta teach me how to fib right."

Siennah snickers.

Siennah says, "Worst person ever to ask."

Alia says, "I'm amused that she walked by very shortly after that."

Alia grins at Echlin.

Siennah laughs!

You dryly mutter, "The witch has a way of knowing when she's being discussed."

A shaggy dark-umber bison arrives from the east.

A shaggy umber bison arrives from the southeast.

Siennah chuckles.

Echlin grins at Alia.

Calandra says, "Would anyone like a muffin? I still have muffins."
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