Festival items with excessive weights, typos, etc

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Festival items with excessive weights, typos, etc

Post by Lemuel »

Browsing through all the many wonderful items available over at the Grum Fest, I noticed some distractors on some of the items.

First of all, in a couple of shops, there are cloaks, coats, jackets, etc that weigh in at a whopping 4 pounds. I am pretty sure that no where else in CLOK towns do cloaks and coats weigh that much. Lockbox cloaks and coats weigh 1 pound, and the cloaks in Haiban Outfitter's shop weigh 1.5 pounds... would we be able to get someone to adjust down the weight to at least the 1.5 pound mark to make wearing these garments viable, please and thank you?

To make it easier, a list of the weighty apparel and a list of the typos follows:

In The Electrum Tulip - Items 1 through 5 (Duster, Jacket, Coat and Cloaks) - all weigh 4 pounds.

In The Sporting Life, items 13 - 17 (jacket, cloaks, mantle, capelet) - all weigh 4 pounds

In Acumen: the various Goggles all weigh in at 2 pounds, items 1-5. Wouldn't a half pound be more reasonable?

In The Sporting Life, there are quivers for sale (items 23-27) weighing 2 pounds. I saw some quivers for sale in Haiban and Mistral Lake for a 0.5 pounds.

In Sound Reasoning, I noticed two musical instruments substantially over-heavy in comparison from what I googled

Item 7, the guitar, is listed as weighing 8 lbs. The average classical guitar weighs a bit more than 3 lbs, see http://johnsaucier.com/guitar-weight

Item 9, the trumpet, is listed at 10 lbs. According to https://mybesttrumpet.com/how-much-does ... ounds-kgs/ , "the most common, standard trumpet weight is 2.5 pounds"


Typos on some items in shops:

Prismatic Lotus sells "some" crimson linen loincloth wrapped with braided leather, "some" should be an "a"

Stable and Tack Supplies shop sells 'a striped gray green and white wool saddle-blanket', which is missing the commas, to make it
'a striped gray, green, and white wool saddle-blanket'

In The Classy Sparrow, A pair of spectacles, item 16, has in it's customization options blue lensed, red lensed, clear lensed, etc. These all really need a hyphen in them to make them grammatically up to snuff, eg. blue-lensed, red-lensed, clear-lensed, etc.


And my last request is one of material. You know how sometimes one sees in the donation crates "a pair of fur-lined black leather boots" ?
When you examine them:

You carefully examine a pair of fur-lined black leather boots inside a small storage crate...
You see nothing particularly unusual about the fur-lined black leather boots.
It is a small item, mainly made of fur.

It is given the warmer material of fur as it's composition, which makes sense over a plain pair of unlined leather boots.

Now for the festival item, one sees in The Classy Sparrow item 13, "a pair of rustic brown leather loafers with brass toggles and lined with fleece"

You see nothing particularly unusual about the rustic brown leather loafers with brass toggles and lined with fleece.
It is a small item, mainly made of leather.

Given that they are lined with fleece, could the composition be changed from mainly made of leather to mainly made of fleece?

Thank you for your consideration.
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Re: Festival items with excessive weights, typos, etc

Post by Loona »

I'll try and get to these tomorrow. Thank you for writing up this post.
Speaking to Dionisia, Eagalon apologetically says, "I am sorry that you also had to suffer this time too. but i definitely think that some arse hole is targetting me."
Dionisia says, "I could barely see in front of me."
Vlora says, "Is someone just really ripping a good one everywhere they go."
Aelarra quietly says, "Definitely an aeromancer."
[EVENTCHAT Uyoku]: Sorry cat laying in tap, tying hard.
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Re: Festival items with excessive weights, typos, etc

Post by Loona »

Rejoice, it has been done!
Speaking to Dionisia, Eagalon apologetically says, "I am sorry that you also had to suffer this time too. but i definitely think that some arse hole is targetting me."
Dionisia says, "I could barely see in front of me."
Vlora says, "Is someone just really ripping a good one everywhere they go."
Aelarra quietly says, "Definitely an aeromancer."
[EVENTCHAT Uyoku]: Sorry cat laying in tap, tying hard.
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Re: Festival items with excessive weights, typos, etc

Post by Vaelin »

Are these retroactive, or do we need to rebuy the lighter items?
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Re: Festival items with excessive weights, typos, etc

Post by Loona »

It is not retroactive sadly. If you bought any of the items above, feel free to submit a request and I'll do my best to answer the requests. I know the glasses in particular are rather expensive to purchase, along with some of the other items. Otherwise, you will need to purchase them once again.
Speaking to Dionisia, Eagalon apologetically says, "I am sorry that you also had to suffer this time too. but i definitely think that some arse hole is targetting me."
Dionisia says, "I could barely see in front of me."
Vlora says, "Is someone just really ripping a good one everywhere they go."
Aelarra quietly says, "Definitely an aeromancer."
[EVENTCHAT Uyoku]: Sorry cat laying in tap, tying hard.
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Re: Festival items with excessive weights, typos, etc

Post by Lemuel »

Thank you , Loona! Now my character can wear and enjoy his new cloak and jacket without them weighing 8 pounds together. Muchly appreciated.
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