Automated item generator for lottery

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Automated item generator for lottery

Post by artus »

Eagalon came up with this idea which I agreed upon and think it'd be nice to bring to your attention to see what players and you gms think of it. We do have lottery system built in place now, with superb items placed as top prize round by round. I'm not sure if the system breaks numbers into smaller and larger prizes, and I'm not sure how the system works with items after the drawing results. If the thing vanishes, it'd be up to gms to place a new. If no one places the item, it means no rare item that round...but if the system doesn't wipe the item along with the riln, then that'd be when the item comes in handy.
But in case it's the system banishing the item from the mud and no gm is available to place a new, automated item generator would be nice. Some items are valued decades after decades, and having a single bar of celestium generated wouldn't reduce any of its value. Several of the hard to sought items can be in this list, complement to the actual riln payout (which in this round was 600 so far when the ticket price was 1000). I think it may encourage more players to play lottery.
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Re: Automated item generator for lottery

Post by Noctere »

We thought about doing something similar to this. Such as how the loot system works for locked boxes however we are not yet ready to commit to what those prizes should be. For now, we are content to let the lottery be riln only for a little while. Also when a lottery is over, if a prize is not won or collected. The current prize will already carry over to the next one. So far, all prizes have been won and collected.

I do not think people realize how special the last two prizes were. They were designed merely to kick off the event and I hope players won't always expect prizes of that caliber to be regularly offered in the future.
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