A Dreaded List of Questions Thread

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A Dreaded List of Questions Thread

Post by Alila »


Slowly, this list has been growing very large! I have attempted to remove any questions which are best researched ic. Mostly, these are lore and culture questions which would be difficult to ask anywhere else or which seem okay to answer oocly. Sorry there are so many and for the lack of cohesiveness, and thank you for spending some time reading them; answers from anyone would be super appreciated and welcome, but not at all necessary. Speculation and silliness are also okay!

Here is the list:
  • cultures and religion:
    • Why do Rhuidim speak Nuum?
    • Do the Nuum use druidry?
    • The kukri at the Octum festival mention they are knives used by the Angawatu people. Who are they and what are their traditions and beliefs?
    • Does the scarab beetle have any cultural or religious significance?
    • How is elemancy viewed outside of Nuum and Grum?
      • Is it taught or are the elements emphasized differently across different cultures?
    • Has ice cream been invented in Arad?
    • Is there a reason for the popularity of the color blue in the Lost Lands? It seems to be the only thing Mistveil and Lapis can agree upon! ;)
  • history and geography:
    • How long was the kingdom of Aetgard in existence and when was it formed, compared to the other nations?
    • Is there any lore or history for the University of Elemancy in the Lost Lands?
    • Are their dunwyr outside of the Lost Lands?
    • Who was Ammun and what did he do, besides being a nuumic ruler?
    • Why is it always raining or snowing in the Dwaedn Vil?
    • Where is the highest place in the Lost Lands?
      • In Arad?
  • magic and science:
    • Can nethrium be or has it been used beyond weapons an armors for its always-cold properties, like a magic freezer?
      • Would contact with iron or exposure to heat harm nethrium?
    • Have there ever been any experiments with reflecting or refracting thaumaturgic light?
    • What is enchantment and how does it relate to channeling?
  • nature:
    • Are there more unique or exotic creatures on Arad that do not exist in the real world, such as drakes or giant scorpions or yetis, which cannot be mechanically found or do not exist in the Lost Lands?
      • Conversely, are there any real world creatures which are considered mythological or super rare or simply do not exist?
    • What are the opinions about drakolin within and outside the Lost Lands?
    • Are opinions regarding the resen relationship to the gaea as universally divided as they are in the Huec culture?
      • Does the Gaea respond differently to the harming of resen animals?
    • Are undying only humans, or can there be undying horses or other animals?
    • Is voidsalt obtainable outside of the Eidhmorh Flats, and is it dangerous to eat, or are there ways of preparing it safely?
      • Can a gm please say yes so Alila can continue to bake voidsalted caramel shortbread cookies? ;)

And that is everything thus far! Maybe?
Thank you again!
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Re: A Dreaded List of Questions Thread

Post by Kiyaani »

I'm not going to step in too much on this, but we can discuss in discord if you like. I will however point you to a single line on the wiki that might help with why no one knows anything about the Angawatu: Nilbindu is a continent southwest of Arad, populated by the Angawatu peoples.


I would suggest that since it's another continent, not much is known about them and that may be intentional. They don't seem to have traveled to Arad like those from Constantia did so there will be less information.


As for Nuumic and Rhuidim, Rias posted this in a previous thread: Giganti, Nuum, and the Rhuidim are all very protective of their languages. (The Rhuidim have their own language?! Yeah, I'm leaning toward that. Probably heavily based on Nuum.)


While it doesn't say "why" it's based on Nuum, I think it has to do with how the land was before those from Constantia came over and rocked the boat. The pre-Rhuidim would have been living in a much larger area and probably co-mingled somewhat with the Nuumic races. Their languages being similar would be part of that.
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Re: A Dreaded List of Questions Thread

Post by Kiyaani »

Also Rhuidim didn't used to have a 2nd language at all. It got added in later (kind of retconned into character creation) and Nuum was used instead of Rhuidic or whatever their actual language is at that time. So I'm not sure if it's just a placeholder or actually what it is supposed to be. It could be that since the languages are meant to be similar anyway they decided it would make sense for the race to understand Nuumic regardless.
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Re: A Dreaded List of Questions Thread

Post by Rias »

cultures and religion:
Q: Why do Rhuidim speak Nuum?
A: Likely because Rhun was originally a Nuumic Old Gods traditionalist. I'd say the Rhuidim technically have their own dialect at least, but mechanically having it the same as Nuum makes an amount of sense.

Q: Do the Nuum use druidry?
A: Anyone can, technically. I'd say it's a rarity in Nuum, though I can see a few niche specialists that have picked it up somehow or other to aid in things like food and herb production, and of course because the Nuum want to study any kind of channeling they can. Generally speaking though, there's not as many applications for it in desert, and they'd be hard up for mentors on the subject, since the Nuum and the Fasa don't get along very well.

Q: The kukri at the Octum festival mention they are knives used by the Angawatu people. Who are they and what are their traditions and beliefs?
A: They're the people from a mysterious continent to the southwest. Answering this question in whole would be a massive effort so I'll just give a few tidbits here that have probably managed to circulate into the general knowledge (or at least rumor mill) of the people of Arad. Disclaimer: This should all be considered fallible info with questionable accuracy, being acquired primarily through rumors and third-hand accounts and such.
- They're reportedly sitting on a lot of precious metals and precious stones, based on stories of the Faewyr sea-raiders that love raiding them for their shinines. I imagine the Faewyr raiding is how most of the information and artifacts of the Angawatu people reach Arad.
- They hate the Faewyr (see above point).
- They don't acknowledge any of the traditional Immmortals the rest of the known world is used to. They're reported to have all sorts of Immortal-type entities of their own, some based on animals, some more vague entities, but none seem to come across as particularly human-like. Some seem to be at least vaguely attached to some kind of virtue, vice, labor, craft, or philosophical concept, others are simply chaotic or ungraspable primal forces.
- They believe the world is split into several realms, including the sky/celestial starry realm, the earth/surface world, some far-removed realm (possibly deep beneath the earth's surface), and the sea. The sea is more or less a hell to them, full of nasty spirits and demons and other horrors. You can see why the're not big on traveling to other continents, and thus why very little is known about them by you Aradians. I'm avoiding giving any info on the other realms because I think I'd rather that be learned in-game somehow (or just left mysterious, because hey - they're a mysterious faraway people), but the scariness of the sea realm definitely makes it stand out, particularly in explaining why you don't seem to see any Angawatu people on Arad.
- They use kukri.

Q: Does the scarab beetle have any cultural or religious significance?
A: Yes, but I've forgotten what it was at this point! Maybe I'll search through my notes sometime and find it.

Q: How is elemancy viewed outside of Nuum and Grum?
A: I think most people see it as impressive, but a little scary. Like a powerful force that's useful, but could possibly lead to the vague bad things that people tend to imagine when dealing with powers they don't fully understand. That said, it's not taboo status like sorcery. Still, I'd see most places having specific laws and regulations in place regarding elemancy usage.

Q: Is it taught or are the elements emphasized differently across different cultures?
A: Honestly haven't really thought about it much.

Q: Has ice cream been invented in Arad?
A: No, and this may be the greatest tragedy to plague its people.

Q: Is there a reason for the popularity of the color blue in the Lost Lands? It seems to be the only thing Mistveil and Lapis can agree upon! ;)
A: Huh. I hadn't noticed.
history and geography:
Q: How long was the kingdom of Aetgard in existence and when was it formed, compared to the other nations?
A: Oooh, I think you're asking for numbers. I'm allergic to those. One day I'll make a player-facing timeline. Maybe.

Q: Is there any lore or history for the University of Elemancy in the Lost Lands?
A: Yes, but it's oooolllld and buried in my notes somewhere outside my brain at this point. Actually, I'm remembering some now, just thinking about it. I think it might count as lore to be discovered in-game, though. Maybe if you get a GM to poke me I'd throw some their way to put in in-game books or something in the University itself.

Q: Are their dunwyr outside of the Lost Lands?
A: Rumors point to yes.

Q: Who was Ammun and what did he do, besides being a nuumic ruler?
A: He was considered extraordinarily wise, and was perhaps the only Nuumic ruler after Nu that earned the respect and some level of deference of the rulers of all the other Nuumic cities. (It's normally a very competitive place, where the rulers are constantly plotting and jabbing at each other to try and get an edge or prove themselves superior).

Q: Why is it always raining or snowing in the Dwaedn Vil?
A: Because it's more picturesque that way!

Q: Where is the highest place in the Lost Lands?
A: Oooh, good question.

Q: In Arad?
A: The tallest peak of the Spine Mountains that roughly bisect the continent. It should probably have a cool name, but it doesn't (yet).
magic and science:
Q: Can nethrium be or has it been used beyond weapons an armors for its always-cold properties, like a magic freezer?
A: Not a common-knowledge answer.

Q: Would contact with iron or exposure to heat harm nethrium?
A: Not a common-knowledge answer.

Q: Have there ever been any experiments with reflecting or refracting thaumaturgic light?
A: Sure. New Templar item: Mirror! Zap baddies around a corner with your Spear of Light!

Q: What is enchantment and how does it relate to channeling?
A: More just the vague idea of some object being somehow enhanced by or for use in channeling. Never really hammered out as a solid mechanic or anything.
Q: Are there more unique or exotic creatures on Arad that do not exist in the real world, such as drakes or giant scorpions or yetis, which cannot be mechanically found or do not exist in the Lost Lands?
A: Yep!

Q: Conversely, are there any real world creatures which are considered mythological or super rare or simply do not exist?
A: I'm gonna say narwhals.

Q: What are the opinions about drakolin within and outside the Lost Lands?
A: They're rare enough (lore-wise, anyway ...) that they're mostly the stuff of legend. A lot of people probably figure they're tall tales. That armor you're wearing is drakolin scale, you say? Yeah right, it's probably from a wyrm or something. Believers, though: Most probably just think they're one more big scary type of creature out there that you should avoid at all costs. Popular in crests and heraldry and tattoos and the like, symbolizing power and ferocity. I can imagine "drakolin hunters" being a thing that some people at least claim to be. Being that beast at the top of the food chain, they're naturally going to attract the attention of warriors and hunters seeking to prove they're the best of the best. Oddly scarce in druidic circles. Probably figure into a lot of stories akin to real-world tales of knights slaying dragons, though less treasure-hoarding or princess-kidnapping, and more scourges of countrysides and devourers of shepherds' flocks. Overall viewed as beasts: possibly intelligent, but nobody's ever had a peaceful interaction with one to really find out.

Q: Are opinions regarding the resen relationship to the gaea as universally divided as they are in the Huec culture?
A: I think most others see the resen as an out-of-control plague that needs to be stopped, even in druidic circles.

Q: Does the Gaea respond differently to the harming of resen animals?
A: Ask your local druid.

Q: Are undying only humans, or can there be undying horses or other animals?
A: Solo humanos

Q: Is voidsalt obtainable outside of the Eidhmorh Flats, and is it dangerous to eat, or are there ways of preparing it safely?
A: If it's obtainable elsewhere, nobody's sharing. Reports vary on whether it's dangerous to eat and preparation techniques (many just use it raw/ground, like regular table salt), but it's considered a highly desirable luxurious exotic ingredient in several circles, while others claim it's harmful and shouldn't be eaten. But it doesn't cause any sort of immediate pain or anything when you eat it. If you get an upset stomach or some other ailment later on, it's up to you to decide if you should blame it on the voidsalt. And many people say they can eat voidsalt all day without any issue, sooo ... accounts vary.

Q: Can a gm please say yes so Alila can continue to bake voidsalted caramel shortbread cookies? ;)
A: The way I'm imagining it tasting (which is a kind of strong, sharp spicy that I can't really describe) does not make that sound palatable, but you'd probably to want to do it anyway. Because you're crazypants.
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Re: A Dreaded List of Questions Thread

Post by Alila »

Thank you thank you thank you!
The list of blue only continues to grow:
Dunwyr, Lapis, Mistral, Owleyes, and Wyrvardn.
I had assumed that voidsalt would taste a little like salt but more harsh, and with a cold aftertaste a little like mint in the absence of any descriptions; thank you for providing one.
Thank you again for taking the time to answer so many of these and please consider this a friendly poke for books in the University?
The lore sustains me. ;)

Thank you,
[ESP-GRAY - Amaranth-Purple]: Yew should always respect your Alders. If you do, you'll do Oak kay. If you don't, they might kick your, um... Ash.
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Re: A Dreaded List of Questions Thread

Post by Sneaky »

Mmm, void salt? Tastes like hell, no literally.
[FROM Liani (OOC)]: It's an ice cream conehead
You also notice a bronze crossbow bolt (x8) and the corpse of a slender pale white cave drakolin.
Alila softly compliments, "Thank you for the story--you were all excellent."
[CHAT - Lore Hermit Rias (Retired) (Discord)]: @Alila is crazypants
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