Being able to edit a request and not lose place in queue

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Being able to edit a request and not lose place in queue

Post by Kent »

So I was in about 7th place for many weeks in the Request queue. When it became apparent that the GM's were simply not going to respond to my request to delete duplicate stallions (even when I had one GM's attention for a past month's patreon perk fulfillment), and another month went by and I had another patreon perk to be fulfilled, I decided to abandon hope that the GM's were going to attend to the duplicate mounts and I wanted to edit my Request to asking for the next month's patreon perk fulfillment. A GM told me it was not editable and I would have to delete my request and submit another one.

After those many weeks, I had progressed from 7th place to 6th place and when I deleted the request I had to go to the back of the queue...around the 14th place position. From this position, I moved ahead about one place in the next two weeks.

My suggestion, based on my player experience, is to be able to edit the content of one's request without having to leave the queue and start all over at the end of the line. Thank you.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: Being able to edit a request and not lose place in queue

Post by Noctere »

The order of the request does not in anyway affect it's priority. Number 1000 will get the same attention as number 1. What DOES affect the priority, is which GM can handle a specific request and how busy that particular GM is and how urgent is the request. For example, "HELP HELP I AM STUCK IN THIS ROOM AND ON FIRE!!!", tends to get a faster response than, "I would like to umm you know, like talk to a GM, for, well, reasons, and stuff. yeah... it's important, probably..."
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Re: Being able to edit a request and not lose place in queue

Post by Math321 »

Follow-up suggestion, then - edit the request command's output text so it's more apparent that the queue doesn't matter. Like removing the "place number" and simply displaying the total number of requests, or perhaps getting rid of the numbers from the user's point of view altogether.
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Re: Being able to edit a request and not lose place in queue

Post by Noctere »

The numbering system is used to denote a referencing point such as, "I am going to handle number 23" and it is used to help us see which request is older and may have gone unattended longer.
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Re: Being able to edit a request and not lose place in queue

Post by Jirato »

Main way answering requests goes, is when I'm actually online and available to work requests, when we do a "gm who", we'll see an "Open Request" next to a player's name if they have a request in, then I view that request, determine if it's something that can be done within the time frame that I plan to be online without impacting whatever else I'm working in, then do it.

So the main points to getting a request responded to are:
actually being online in that character
Having a GM/Coder/Dev online who isn't busy with another project

I was able to knock out two requests earlier this week, but for the most part those other people with open requests are just never online the same time as me.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
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Re: Being able to edit a request and not lose place in queue

Post by Math321 »

I may have misspoke - I meant "remove the request numbers from the user's point of view" and "get rid of words like 'queue' from the command text". That will make it more apparent to old and new users alike that it doesn't cost them anything to remove a request and post it again with more accurate information, and that they don't have to worry if their post gets stuck at 14th place for a while (since after this, they won't SEE they're in 14th place, because place doesn't matter).
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