Trading Post Office

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Trading Post Office

Post by Nobody »

I'd love to see the trading post also be able to handle mail for those that prefer wilderness life. Maybe replace the standard "postal worker weighs the item on a scale" with something like Flint hefts the package and says "it'll cost...". Also if it'd be easy, include some additional time lag for sending and receiving to reflect that it's the middle of nowhere.
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Re: Trading Post Office

Post by Jirato »

People who choose wilderness life have to have SOME disadvantages. Not having access to the mail and bank is one of them. I'd rather leave it this way.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
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Re: Trading Post Office

Post by Kiyaani »

If you're city-averse, you can try the post office at the Tse Gaiyan Chapterhouse area. It uses riln, not trade, but it's not technically a town. And I'm pretty sure it serves anyone, not only guild members.

You could probably trade wares with another player for a handful of riln to send mail if you needed to, or kill some mobs for it if you're combat-oriented. Or maybe a COD system can be implemented for those truly opposed to using traditional currency (or even for those who aren't).

Either way, I think that might be your best option for mail service if you want to stay wilderness-y.
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Re: Trading Post Office

Post by Nobody »

Eh, well my current wilderness hermit is not averse to going to towns. I wouldn't want to see barter-for-mail-sending, the logic there seems too messy for me to want to inflict on anyone. I'm good with having to go to town for mail though, it makes sense. COD would be a very interesting mailing option though.
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