Hoods, cloaks and the armor underneath

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Utasa Agent 0102
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Hoods, cloaks and the armor underneath

Post by Utasa Agent 0102 »

I noticed how hoods and masks can hide your face. Would it be possible for hoods and cloaks to hide the armor underneath? If you laid an attack against that body part it would probably be obvious that you are wearing armor from the obvious resistance to hit flesh and the nice *thud* or *clink* noise that the armor would make.

This would be a neat way hide your weak spots and not let others know exactly what you are wearing. Of course it would be harder to hide plate armor as it is a bit bulkier and makes a jingling noise as you walk and move. I also see this a lot in movies where the hero or villain is wearing a large cloak and hood then he brushes it aside and SURPRISE he pulls out a sword and is wearing a full suit of chainmail or mixed plate.

*Best example that comes to mind is the scene in Ladyhawk in the tavern where the mouse is boasting of his escape and then the guards pop out from under their hooded cloaks. "If you'd stuck to the woods, you may have stood a chance."*

I think this could be a universal trait to cloaks and hoods but it would also be nice as some sort of Thief or Agent ability.
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Post by Rias »

There are plans for cloaks, robes, and other appropriate garments to cover some armor types, so it's definitely possible where appropriate.
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