Fishing too simplistic to require an ability

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Fishing too simplistic to require an ability

Post by Kent »

It doesn't make sense to require Apprentice of the Land to be able to take up a bit of angling.

For example, parents take their six year old kids fishing on the weekend. While the kids don't catch enough to make a living, they do catch some fish...this is already represented by starting off at skill level 0.00 and working your way up.

Perhaps spearfishing would require Apprentice of the Land, perhaps not, but asking for a special ability for fishing when it is in fact easier to dabble in hook-and-angle than it is to wander in the forest looking for certain valuable herbs (Forage) doesn't make any kind of sense. Mining, Agriculture, Logging...these tasks are not for six year olds and it's understandable they need the Ability. Let's make fishing free, as it should be.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: Fishing too simplistic to require an ability

Post by Sneaky »

I agree with Kent on this. When the ability was first released, I thought it was fair since it carried all of those skills with it. The only reason my character has it is to engage in fishing. Even if it were capped at 100 without the ability I would much rather that than it take an entire slot.
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Re: Fishing too simplistic to require an ability

Post by Jaster »

I agree. There's no way I'm dropping my Apprentice of the Water Closet ability just so I can fish.
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