A few Requests to make Haiban better

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A few Requests to make Haiban better

Post by Kent »

(1) I noticed that for making town donation in Haiban, you can't bring your wagon into where the donations are, as you can for Mistral Lake and Shadgard. I would think that Haiban would be all set up to take in rather larger amounts of donations, not just a couple of items held in each hand.

Could we have a wagon-accessible Town Donations warehouse for Haiban too, please?

(2) I noticed that if you follow the patrolmen in the Ebon Pass, and you're driving a heavy-laden wagon, then the patrolman will run off and leave you in the dust.
As many of these wagon-loads involve commerce in the town of Haiban, it is more than in the Coalition's best interest to have these wagons fully escorted and not lost to bandits, etc.

For this reason, I would recommend to the Coalition that the patrolmen slow down to ensure they fully protect the wagonloads through the Ebon Pass. Or perhaps have the two patrolmen moving at different speeds, one fast for pedestrians, and one moving slowly to escort the wagons.

(3) The Bridge connecting the south and north is disproportionally long, and serves no purpose, other than to make it faster to go outside and over the outside bridge of the river, especially if you're driving a heavy-laden wagon. You have to walk seven times to go from the southern entry to the northern gate.

It would be much more within the sense of proportion (in comparison to the outside map) to change this 7 walks down to two or three walks.

(4) At the south end of the bridge there is an outside area where you can do some foraging, fishing, and logging. One of the few varieties of trees that grows there is cottonwood. I looked it up and cottonwood is a fairly valueless and unattractive wood, suitable mainly for making crates and pallets. I would think the Coalition would want to replace these trees with something a bit more sturdy and aesthetic, at least oak or maple, or better would be rosewood, mahogany, hazel, and/or sandalwood.

(5) Speaking of logging, it seems that getting a logging lesson is too inaccessible for this town. I would think there would be at least two persons inside the Haiban walls who teach logging, for example, Olive the carpenter. As it is, you hunt around inside for a logging lesson, you find none, and finally you learn that inside the sawmill there is a logging teacher, but unfortunately you have to pay an extra 25 riln admission to get in to see him. There should at least be an entry way into the sawmill where the trainer stands that is no charge to get in, then if you want to go further in to use the saw, you pay the 25 riln admission.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: A few Requests to make Haiban better

Post by Noctere »

#1 That might be possible but it really comes down to how it might be abused, how the area would treat such RP actions, could the structure support it and what the Town Guru thinks is appropriate.

#2 Our stalwart pass guardsmen are always willing to patrol and lend aid to those in need but they may not always be available to stay behind at one location. Perhaps a service could provided to allow you to hire a small guard force to escort you and the wagon but that is something for us to think about in more detail later.

#3 When it comes to physical game rooms used and the actual size of the area being described, that often comes down to how detailed the author of those rooms wishes to be. Think of it like a zoom feature on a camera. The closer it gets, the more it ignores details outside its frame of view. We try not to let movement laziness impact our artistic and role play vision of the world. If we did, everything would be quite bland and it would not be anything like how CLOK is today.

#4 The outside of Haiban (south of the bridge) is a remnant from the old Coalition Merchant guild days. Fortunately, it survived the disaster that claimed much of the previous town and it is now open for the public to use and gather items VERY close to town with little difficulty. As to cottonwood, yes it might be less valuable in the real world but here in our imaginary one, it might have some more significance that you are not aware of.

#5 There are many trainers who request that you pay a service fee to gain access to them, not just the logger in the mill. Whether this was intended or not, I am not sure. I would just consider it an extra fee for the convenience of having access to a trainer who is closer to you. Otherwise you could always do your logging elsewhere where there is a free trainer.
Last edited by Noctere on Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A few Requests to make Haiban better

Post by TwistedAkai »

Honestly, I've noticed that Haiban seems to be targeting a more 'upscale' feel. At least, given the costs of a room and food, and the guards keeping riff-raff out. Though, the general shop does seem to be missing some things, considering Haiban is a starting town.
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Re: A few Requests to make Haiban better

Post by Mirazia »

I have compared items from Haiban to the general stores in Mistral Lake and Shadgard and found that everything you can buy in the other two towns can be bought in Haiban, just not necessarily in the general store.

Haiban has a much bigger selection of stores being the main hub of the Western Coalition, and there are actually a lot more things you can buy there than you can in either Mistral or Shadgard as well as a lot more customizable options.
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Re: A few Requests to make Haiban better

Post by Kent »

It seems impossible to buy a hemp bowstring anywhere in Haiban.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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