Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

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Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

Post by Tangela »

As per the recent chat discussion, here's the list of abilities which were suggested for wyrvardn. Sorry if I missed any, and if so just post them in the replies or let me know and I'll edit this post.

* resistance to energy damage
* advanced armor training ability
* energy usage reduction due to discipline
* granting of master guardian
Some of these I'd really love to see come to pass.
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Re: Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

Post by Marauder »

Hi. Like my suggestion for armor training for the Mercs, it could be energy reduction when using heavy armor. Alternatively, better fittings when one dons their set on their own (many medieval armors had at least one person putting it on for you when available, such as squires), which could translate into a passive chance per hit for the armor piece in question to take less damage, or a passive chance for increased damage reduction from the armor for every hit taken.
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Re: Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

Post by jilliana »

I would like to see some ability associated with nether. As far as that goes, we have absolutely no support mechanically and it's not exactly a balance for us to be assigned to these nether-filled areas with little to no mechanical support. Sure. people say we can bring a Templar along, but that, to be honest, is a little insulting when the Wyrvardn are trying to get their own foothold in the CLOK story.

Something else that'd be great to see is the ability to bandage in the dark.

I like Tangela's ideas as well.
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Re: Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

Post by Jirato »

The risks associated with fighting nethrim in nethrim-related hunting areas are fully intended, and non-magical guilds unfortunately aren't ever going to get anything to counter that.
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Re: Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

Post by Dorn »

Raise your hafted and shield folks, and pack your torches. Though, maybe some sort of "holy censor" Wydanbdan style wouldn't be an awful decision?

Basically, imagine a flail but with something of a hollow head. Inside, it is packed with burnable material that is held in place by the frame work which is then lit. Sure, you'd have to replace it, keep lighting it on fire, and it is only really applicable for a hafted mace style weapon or a chain weapon but it isn't beyond the realm of reality.

Sounds like the sort of thing people who have to hunt very flammable opponents constantly might look towards investing in.
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Re: Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

Post by Marauder »

Or just do like someone suggested not three days ago.

Have the Wyrvardn shop include netherbane oil.
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Re: Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

Post by jilliana »

Dorn wrote:Raise your hafted and shield folks, and pack your torches. Though, maybe some sort of "holy censor" Wydanbdan style wouldn't be an awful decision?

Basically, imagine a flail but with something of a hollow head. Inside, it is packed with burnable material that is held in place by the frame work which is then lit. Sure, you'd have to replace it, keep lighting it on fire, and it is only really applicable for a hafted mace style weapon or a chain weapon but it isn't beyond the realm of reality.

Sounds like the sort of thing people who have to hunt very flammable opponents constantly might look towards investing in.
I especially appreciate the constructive advice. Thank you for that.
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Re: Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

Post by gralkik »

I'd like to see Wyrvardn gain the abilities of Master Guardian and Preemptive Guardian, to be frank. Since, according to the Lore. They are protectors of the people. It's their very name itself. And, with Dorn's suggestion of the Mace with some burnable material, likely oil with in the head of the mace, or in a metal haft is a very good idea.
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Re: Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

Post by Bryce »

I don't think Wyrvardn need a specific means of countering nethrim in particular. Being willing to fight nethrim doesn't equate to specializing against them. Considering the lore about Wyrvardn and Templar being very close allies, I figure they let the Templar be the specialists in that particular situation even though Wyrvardn are expected to help out against nethrim as well, just like Templar are expected to combat infested but usually let Tse Gaiyan take point in that area because it's the other organization's specialty. If the Wyrvardn want to be more specialized against a particular type of enemy, I feel like they should then be more specialized as a guild. Right now being more broad in scope and purpose is kind of the Wyrvardn thing, letting them feel less pigeonholed and less restricted in their potential/roleplay. The tradeoff is a lack of honed specialization that other guilds enjoy the pros and cons of.

Wispy nethrim are by no means impossible to deal with for people without unique anti-nethrim resources. I use iron, or a lit torch for the ones that aren't too dodgy.
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Re: Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

Post by jilliana »

Where I agree with Bryce's post for the most part, I don't want something to pigeonhole us. I understand that the Wyrvardn are meant to cover all sorts of things. However, it would still be nice to have a bit of an edge over an average player dealing with nether that isn't quite the Templar edge. Something in the middle.
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Re: Consolidated Wyrvardn ability suggestion thread

Post by Talyn »

I think a Rally ability would be cool..something that could give either a boost to energy to those who are following you or maybe a boost to melee rolls would help. I see a Wyrvardn as a symbol and being able to inspire those who are with him/her in battle.
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