Minor Animation functioning on nethrim

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Minor Animation functioning on nethrim

Post by Lun »

I would really like to see us being able to cast our familiars into the shells of nethrim once they're killed, animating its body for our sick pleasure.
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Re: Minor Animation functioning on nethrim

Post by Rias »

Minor Animation is essentially jump-starting a human corpse that is still fit for normal, organic life, with all its organs and systems still intact. That's why the target can't have sustained any vital wounds - the body's as alive and biologically functioning as it ever was, the natural biology taking care of most of the work while the infused familiar simply imparts a level of control over the body to the sorcerer.

Anything else would be far less efficient and much more advanced, so it sounds like you should lobby for a Major Animation spell. Which would probably fall under the "awesome, but impractical" category, since it wouldn't regenerate energy on its own, couldn't be healed like biological creatures, and so forth. Hence why I personally never worked on it - that, and Rooks are already one of the most well-developed guilds out there as far as abilities and awesomeness go.
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Re: Minor Animation functioning on nethrim

Post by Noctere »

There are a ton of Rook spells that were never made because the Rooks in general are so well developed that it would be unfair to the other guilds Now it is true that there is no permanent way to control a nethrim but let's not forget that there is a temporary way to control some types of nethrim via another spell -AND- this spell can be used in conjunction with your current minion giving you two fully capable minions to follow you around and fight on your behalf.

As far as the lore of animating a nethrim or a 'construct' such as a skeleton or some types of golems. This is something Rias and I have discussed in the past and the major issue tends to be "where do they get their energy from?" Living creatures have a working digestive system for that but constructs have to rely on another source. This is where the lore gets interesting as there are examples of these in the world and even among some rook NPCs. So the spell does exist, in a way. It's just that the undying have yet to discover it or fully understand it.

Also on that note, there is a document in the works which may further explain some of the details of the classifications of nethrim. If you have any questions for the GM making it, feel free to ask away and they 'might' have some musings on the subject in said written work. No promises though, as the GM making it said that it will all be done from an in character perspective and there is no telling when the GM will have the time or the inspiration to complete it.
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Re: Minor Animation functioning on nethrim

Post by Lun »

Ooh. Thanks for the information, all!
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