Elemancer Commands & Systems

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Elemancer Commands & Systems

Post by Anna »

Hey guys. I'm struggling with figuring out how an Elemancer is "used." The concepts behind it, theme, and ideas on magic I've read and adored, but when it comes to actually using abilities I can't seem to figure out syntax.

Things I do know:
abil known # - Will show you how to use the set in stone facets of an ability, such as pyromancy. Things like cast, etc.

Things I don't know:
I've seen people reference using pyromancy or geomancy to cook, to log, and what have you. I'm assuming a lot of this comes down to experimentation to figure out what works and how, but the commands themselves are unknown to me. What commands should I be using to experiment, if any?
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Re: Elemancer Commands & Systems

Post by Noctere »

As far as cooking with pyromancy. The only thing I remember is making a fire via pyromancy. Just get everything ready for a campfire. Get a skewer or pan for cooking and "LIGHT" the fire when channeling. No need for firestones!

To log with geomancy is something that can be done only by master geomancers via summoning an axe but this is in-characterly a bit hush hush so your character wouldn't know it off the bat.

Other than that, your best bet is to find a veteren elemancer and RP for information.
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Re: Elemancer Commands & Systems

Post by Anna »

I think I must have read the comments some weird way... As if there were separate systems for pyro-flaming meat. I'm facepalming at myself right about now.

Very content to pursue more IC. Thank you!
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