Fight strategy and rotations

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Fight strategy and rotations

Post by eextreme »

I remember a browser game that I played which had something like a battle rotation. This was move that the player would use automatically when certain conditions were met. For example the image below shows some mechanics.


With application to Clok the following can be substituted

Activity: how much stamina do you commit to your attacks (more stamina add a % or flat boost to hit rolls)
Style: would be your tactics (offense, defense, etc)
Aim: is usual where you would focus your attack (or none if you don't want to)
Defending: would be something like a negative modifier for the opponent if the attack a specific spot. (e.g if you are on the ground you would defend your head, or your legs if you want to get up)
Bloodlust: would be a value that you can set which would increase your attack or damage at the cost of taking more damage from the opponent

The conditionals (to start off) would be like the following
Opponent has lower stamina than you
Opponent's <part> is damaged
Opponent is on the ground
Opponent is stunned
Opponent is off balance
You parried an attack (has a chance to make an opponent go off balance)
You dodged an attack (increase the chance for the next attack to hit)
You blocked an attack (increase the amount of stamina consumed by your attacker for the blocked attack)

Player can then switch between fight strategies during combat with the "battle strategy <#>" command which extends the normal "battle" command

Look forward to your feedback.
Players can then set up fight strategy sets.
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Re: Fight strategy and rotations

Post by ironcross32 »

I've seen something similar on a few MUDs where you commit different aspects of combat one way or another. The gist is, you can range from dishing out heavy blows with each attack, to good aim and you focus on attacking rather than defending, etc. or you have the opposite, or anywhere in between.
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Re: Fight strategy and rotations

Post by Marauder »

We already have similar within the tactics command, the aim command, and so on.

Personally I think this kind of system is not what we need considering it'd invalidate the importance of picking a proper weapon for some fights.

Not to mention this would require a full revamp of the combat system as is.

P.S. Maybe you should experience the game for a while before making suggestions. Having understanding of how the game already works means your suggestions are more likely to be considered.
Last edited by Marauder on Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fight strategy and rotations

Post by ironcross32 »

agreed, I like it the way it is, a bit unwieldy to get used to, but after that... its good.
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Re: Fight strategy and rotations

Post by eextreme »

is there at least skills during combat that performs a special move when the opponent is stunned or on the ground?
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Re: Fight strategy and rotations

Post by Marauder »

eextreme wrote:is there at least skills during combat that performs a special move when the opponent is stunned or on the ground?
Lots of abilities benefit from the opponent being stunned or on the ground because it nerfs their defensive rolls for the duration of the stun or until they manage to stand.
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Re: Fight strategy and rotations

Post by ironcross32 »

there are abilities that help you to stun and put opponents on the ground. Once you do, they're vulnerable until they get up, or snap out of it, as seen by the skill evaluation.
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Re: Fight strategy and rotations

Post by artus »

I really wish stun duration for shoved enemies stayed just a millisecond longer, tbh. Shove stuns yes, but they can get up before you have a chance to do anything.
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Re: Fight strategy and rotations

Post by Jirato »

Fight with a friend, on person shoves, the other finishes them off. These mechanics are all designed with group play in mind, you're not going to be able to be as effective at utilizing them if you are solo, this is intentional.
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