Drunk Roleplay

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Drunk Roleplay

Post by jilliana »

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to address a slight issue I've been having with CLOK. It's not a big one, but it is a frustrating one.

I've noticed that a few players are playing drunk characters as of late. Let me say that getting drunk on the game isn't a problem, it's the frequency in which it has been happening, and thus sort of cramping roleplay somewhat.

The main reason that for some, it is incredibly difficult to read drunk talk. It's easier to read it on CLOK compared to other RP environments, but it is still rather frustrating. As a result, it makes roleplay less enjoyable for those of us who want to interact with your characters.

Another reason is that it just gets old. Some of you are really super good about doing it only occasionally or when it counts. I for one appreciate that a lot. As for others...I'm not sure what to say without sounding rude. It's just overkill and predictable and does get to the point where I don't look forward to roleplaying with someone if the conversation will turn into a guessing session for me.

Maybe there is a way that I didn't think of to approach the issue and any advice would be nice!
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Re: Drunk Roleplay

Post by Dakhal »

I've actually quite enjoyed the scenarios I've been in that involved one or more parties being drunk. It's given me opportunity to pick fun at them, get into fights, etc. Perhaps drunk RP just isn't for you, or better yet, your character. Perhaps you should just vacate yourself from any such sessions of RP, as you seem incapable of enjoying it and I don't believe it to be fair to say their desired format of RP is wrong. To suggest that they adhere would be pressing your own form of RP upon them, and that's not really a defined character at all.

So, yes, probably just best for you to avoid it? Dunno.

Drunk RP is fine. Keep at it. Barely anybody RPs as it is, so don't be dissuaded.
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Re: Drunk Roleplay

Post by jilliana »

I believe that I stated at the beginning of my message that I was fine with it for the most part. I have played drunk characters on occasion and have done as you do...poked fun and just had a bit of fun with it.

What I am expressing frustration over is the frequency in which it happens. I'm by no means forcing my RP preferences on anyone, though I can see how some might have that impression, mistaken though it is.
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Re: Drunk Roleplay

Post by Lun »

This issue mostly is a problem for the folk who play through a screen reader. I've heard that its nearly unintelligible. Unfortunately I can see that's a problem that might not be mitigated, but Yu can play into your character with that perspective that drunk people are hard to understand.

There are a lot more drunkards these days, yeah...
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Re: Drunk Roleplay

Post by Noctere »

I have an NPC who is drunk 99% of the time. I don't use him a lot as it can become old but I do try to have him speak normally with *hic* emotes to indicate his inebriation and when he does speak funny I try to type out the words phonetically so that even screen readers might be able to interpret their strange speech. For example, "You make my head hurt." becomes "Yooo make... make... my.. aaah.. um.. head... um... ouch... yeah... " *hic!*
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Re: Drunk Roleplay

Post by ironcross32 »

It's not really a problem understanding it with a screen reader, at least for me, but it does get old. Drunk RP is one of those things I feel should be brought out on occasion, doing it all the time gets annoying, and the novelty factor wears off.

I just feel like it gets way overdone. I would probably withdraw from the scene after a while as it doesn't do much for me. Roleplay in general here is very good, its of a caliber not much found today, and its without RPI snobbery, so that's a big plus for me.
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Re: Drunk Roleplay

Post by Hakon »

You could always stage an IC intervention against the madness.

Beat him/her/them/whatevers up until he stops drinking!
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Re: Drunk Roleplay

Post by Jirato »

Considering the horrors people face every day in Arad, risking death and dismemberment any time they leave their homes, being targeted by powerful nethrim, infested, or just roving bandits, I'm kinda surprised people don't hit the bottle more. We need more drunk townsfolk Npcs who are drinking away their misery through these hard times.
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Re: Drunk Roleplay

Post by Bryce »

Kinda like real life, right? If someone I know in real life is constantly drunk, I just avoid them because it's annoying and gets old fast in reality as well.

I don't think the players need to be told or encouraged to stop if that's their character, though. If they're doing it to the point it's annoying, people will probably just avoid them and maybe their characters will stop and rethink their lives.
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Re: Drunk Roleplay

Post by jilliana »

Perhaps I didn't quite word my request quite clearly, but I appreciate the effort some of you made to understand. I think Ironcross and Noctere covered the point in their own ways. :)
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