STUDY items to figure out their adjectives

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STUDY items to figure out their adjectives

Post by Lun »

Over the years, a lot of fun items with associated interactions have been released. From back scratchers, to horse brushes and picks.

It'd be cool if there was a way to retroactively see all these commands, because I know I forget them over time!

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Re: STUDY items to figure out their adjectives

Post by Jirato »

But part of the fun is discovering what you can do. What may just look like a mundane item may have something really cool if you use it right...

Allowing a command that lists everything you could do would kind of ruin that.
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Re: STUDY items to figure out their adjectives

Post by Lun »

Oh well. I tried, Spearhead's machine, I tried!
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Re: STUDY items to figure out their adjectives

Post by jilliana »

Lun wrote:Oh well. I tried, Spearhead's machine, I tried!
That thing *still* hasn't been figured out? This amuses me greatly. I'm disappointed I've not been able to get an invitation to see it though. :)

But on a more serious note, it is indeed pretty frustrating to figure out what things do. Sure people like the mystery, but if there are items that require mystery...such as Spearhead's contraption, the GMs could block that somehow.
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