Lead shot molds

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Lead shot molds

Post by Lun »

Lead currently still has no use aside from selling to the market. It'd be cool if we could buy lead shot molds to put in the furnace to turn lead bars into lead shot that we can sell in bulk to firearms players.

I know it isn't going to be crazy "profit scheme" money, and you'd actually earn more money selling the bars to the market. But I think it'd be nice if everything had a purpose in life other than just being for money. I recently heard someone sell some 350 lbs of lead to the market, and I was just thinking "Wow, that's a lot of shot." That could have been melted down into thousands of lead shot and sold to a firearms player for dirt cheap, and I feel like some of our artisan folk would be more satisfied feeling like they're helping somehow, this way.

Just my opinion though.
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Re: Lead shot molds

Post by Zahrah »

I think this is a great idea! That's all I really have to say on the matter as I don't blacksmith or shoot boomsticks. But I'm always for more crafting options that would create RP situations!
[FROM Zeldryn (OOC)]: You're a fucking amazing RPer. +1000

Dorn bluntly asks, "And does it appear I have a wagon in my pocket?"
You quip, "It would honestly not surprise me if you did."

You notice a horribly disfigured squirrel quietly scanning the area while attempting to appear nonchalant about it.
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