reenabling grinding skillgain

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reenabling grinding skillgain

Post by Lun »

With herbalism now locked behind the ability gate, it'd be nice if herbalists were rewarded for their hours spent grinding herbs into powder.
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Re: reenabling grinding skillgain

Post by Zahrah »

YES. Agreed. I made the mistake of training herbalism once I hit 80, I think? Not knowing that the ONLY way to raise the skill at that point is just to make poultices and nothing else. Not foraging. Not grinding. Just physically making a poultice.

This was two weeks ago and I still haven't completely worked through the practice. 0.08 left to go!
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Re: reenabling grinding skillgain

Post by jilliana »

Used to be that we could grind amd get gains, but someone abused that so no more. Perhaps there could be a workaround of some kind.
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Re: reenabling grinding skillgain

Post by Edoras »

Zahrah wrote:YES. Agreed. I made the mistake of training herbalism once I hit 80, I think? Not knowing that the ONLY way to raise the skill at that point is just to make poultices and nothing else. Not foraging. Not grinding. Just physically making a poultice.

This was two weeks ago and I still haven't completely worked through the practice. 0.08 left to go!
I've had herbalism practice points trained for over a year...

Granted, I took a year off. But still!
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Re: reenabling grinding skillgain

Post by Zahrah »

jilliana wrote:Used to be that we could grind amd get gains, but someone abused that so no more. Perhaps there could be a workaround of some kind.
Maybe some sort of a cap on how much herbalism you could train in a day? I don't know. I understand it'd be easy to abuse. Go forage a bunch of crap and then set up an auto grind script and go to town. But as it is right now, herbalism is one of my character's lowest skills (despite the fact that she's an herbalist) simply because it's SO hard to raise. So some sort of something would be wonderful. Maybe grinding could give just a liiiiiitle bit of skill gain with the main bulk of the skill gain coming from actually making the poultices? No idea what would be best. Just throwing out some thoughts.
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Re: reenabling grinding skillgain

Post by Jirato »

Why does everyone want such a high herbalism skill to begin with? Just in pursuit of super big numbers on your skill sheet? There isn't anything in-game that requires very high herbalism skill right now. If we let everyone easily grind thousands of herbalism before we implemented something that actually poses a herbalism challenge, we'd have to set the bar extremely high.

Prior to the the removal of grind skillgains, we had not just one, but several people afk-script over 1000 herbalism skill
And that was beforenough skill acceleration was inplemented. There's no 'challenge rating' in herbalism and no diminishing returns. The skill is incredibly broken.

I'm of the mindset to rename herbalism to foraging, and have everyone start at 0 before any advanced herbalism tradeskills are released.
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Re: reenabling grinding skillgain

Post by Lun »

Unless I'm mistaken, ground herb quality impacts the effectiveness of a poultice as well as success rate of foraging.

I wouldn't mind an herbalism reset in order to account for players that afk-scripted the way herbalism worked in the past, but there is huge impact between someone with 0 foraging trying to forage versus someone with 150 foraging trying to forage for herbs.
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Re: reenabling grinding skillgain

Post by Edoras »

Jirato wrote:Why does everyone want such a high herbalism skill to begin with?
Lun wrote:Unless I'm mistaken, ground herb quality impacts the effectiveness of a poultice as well as success rate of foraging.
Definitely true for foraging, and it would make sense for the grinding part. I know I find it annoying that despite the fact that it's still a challenging roll to find an herb, I can't get any skillgain.

Now, the devs may not -want- it easy to forage herbs in an area even at "maxed" skill, but that's at least the reason I personally would like one.

As it stands, I'm pretty sure that if I dedicated a character entirely to nothing but foraging and poultice making, I would still have a very hard time getting my herbalism skill very high. It seems like there were two extremes and never a middle ground.
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Re: reenabling grinding skillgain

Post by mercer »

druid raises your foraging rolls plus you can cultivate thus get herbs really really really fast
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Re: reenabling grinding skillgain

Post by Zahrah »

Lun wrote:Unless I'm mistaken, ground herb quality impacts the effectiveness of a poultice as well as success rate of foraging.
That's why I want to raise my herbalism skill, personally speaking.

But this is why I suggested that maybe grinding herbs could give just a little bit of skill gain with the bulk coming from making poultices, if such a thing was possible, so people couldn't just sit there with a herb grind script running and grind up to 1000 herbalism in a night. Or you could put a limit on how much you could raise your herbalism skill in one day to counteract that.
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Re: reenabling grinding skillgain

Post by Dorn »

As one of the people around when grinding gave gain, I kept on doing it up to 500 skill mostly for the ease of foraging as I wasn't overly interested in poultices.

On that note though, I also don't mind losing that all when more things are released that makes J feel gains should be easier.
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