Mining explosions are too fast

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Mining explosions are too fast

Post by Lun »

So this wasn't an issue I saw in the past, but... I was mining earlier today, and I was locked into 8 second roundtime from mining.

You continue mining away at an obsidian vein with your smooth-handled iron pickaxe. (M:203)
You manage to dislodge a small chunk of rough obsidian from an obsidian vein!
The small chunk of rough obsidian falls to the ground. You quickly place it into a birch-planked
Roundtime: 8 seconds.

(energy -13)
** A sudden hissing sound fills the air!

I was unable to leave the room since I was locked into RT, and 8 seconds, I consider, is one of the shorter possible round times. Recently, another Artisan was caught in at least three explosions due to being unable to leave the room in a timely manner, as well. I don't remember the explosion timer ever being as short as 7 seconds, so maybe there's a bug? In case this is a feature, I'd like to suggest that the timer be extended at least 1 more round of hissing. Otherwise the explosion is kind of a guaranteed semi-murderous event.
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Re: Mining explosions are too fast

Post by Dorn »

I've had this happen with cave-ins as well. Despite immediately fleeing I've had zero chance of making it due to the roundtimes involved.
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Re: Mining explosions are too fast

Post by Jirato »

I'll double check the code next time I'm at the computer, but double check your encumbrance and make sure you're not wearing any armor, it adds round time.
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Re: Mining explosions are too fast

Post by Dorn »

I do it in the white, an still have issues. Rarely, but it happens.
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Re: Mining explosions are too fast

Post by Lun »

Thanks for your quick response! It definitely wasn't my own round-time that was catching me off-guard, it was the short 7 seconds to explosion timer.
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