Craftable masks

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Craftable masks

Post by Zahrah »

I got this idea after I saw Artus make a joke on chat about how he wished he could smudge ash on his face and disguise himself.

I've seen a couple of masks floating around in the game, but what if woodworkers, leatherworkers, and blacksmiths could craft wood, leather, or metal masks? Maybe even the metal masks could have jewels added to them (essentially I'm thinking they would work like a piece of jewelry with the molds) and the wood and leather ones could be carved/tooled with designs.

I just thought it might be something neat that could be crafted. And masks would have multiple uses! For ball/party wear or perhaps for the discerning bandit who would like to rob people in style or for the religious fanatic who would want a mask carved with the imagery of their god/goddess for ritual purposes.

Or for someone who would want to do their best impression of the creepy mask salesman from the Legend of Zelda.
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Re: Craftable masks

Post by jilliana »

I absolutely dig this idea! :)

I don't incline towards masks myself, but there are so may other players that like doing that sort of thing and having more options would be really nice I'm sure.
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