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Post by Dorn »

I've always poked around with charge, and it always seemed like you just got 1 big old hefty attack, or at most two if you had a shield in one hand or an off-weapon.

Got told otherwise today, and tried shortswords.

Needless to say, it is supposed to be a charge and probably passing affair. Charging with 2x shortswords and getting all the strikes just seems dumb to me.
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Re: Charge

Post by Jirato »

We're much more receptive to feedback when it doesn't contain the words "seems dumb". Just saying.

I can think of a couple ways to alter this, but none that won't result in completely gimping lighter weapons in charging. I'm open to suggestions.
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Re: Charge

Post by Dorn »

Increase the difficulty of finding a chance to land strikes with the second hand?

You're supposed to be making a pass, not sticking around long enough by your target to be going toe to toe. There's a reason heavier weapons were used from horseback, and why in the mechanics they see bigger benefits already.

I'd be all for reducing charges to a single strike with your primary weapon, with a large bonus and an added chance for knockdown. Makes more sense than firing off a flurry of 3-5 strikes as you're riding past your target.
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