The Book of Honor!

A revived Aetgardian order of warriors dedicated to making the lands safe once again.
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The Book of Honor!

Post by Teek »

So, after failing to realize my idea for a vast Wyrvardn criminal database, due to the sheer impracticality of it all, I decided to try a different approach. I think it would be a good idea to have a place where our numerous heroic exploits can be recorded. It would also be something future Wyrvardn can look at and see what exciting things we got into in the past. It could also be used a sort of historical document I the far far future of CLOK 40k.

Anyway, the idea is pretty simple. You get a page on the tome. Your page has your name, when you joined the Wyrvardn and such at the top. The rest of it is filled with various exploits and honors you feel is important and worth putting down. Now, not every little thing you say or do is worth putting down in the tome, but you do want to fill it with events that you participated in that would be notable.

As an example, Teek would list his participation in the Fight in Ebon Pass against the rabble. It was a noteworthy event in the lost lands, he did so as part of his duty in Protecting the People. He would also list his Defending of Shadgard against the lich as something worth noting (Although, I can already see were going to have to try and differentiate these sorts of events somehow. I dunno how many time Shadgard has been invaded by netherim. Prolly alot).

Anyway, I thinks it's a pretty good way of making our own "Relic" of sorts. A great way of fostering a sort of brotherhood, etc. If you guys are on board I'll get a Tome together and get things started. I picture it being pretty simple, with Wyrvardn just being listed from oldest to newest. So, It would start with Jilliana, and end with the latest Wyrvardn who decides to join the group.

Also, I feel weird not including the revivalsit leaders of the Wyrvardn in the book..but, it's not like I can just go up to em and ask em to fill it out right? What do you guys think should be done about that.
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Re: The Book of Honor!

Post by jilliana »

Cool idea.

You can just e-mail the GMs and they'll probably give you something to work with in regards to the leadership.
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Re: The Book of Honor!

Post by Bryce »

Nice, a Brag Book.
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Re: The Book of Honor!

Post by preiman »

I think it's a neat idea, but could easily become just another way to make yourself look good. What if instead an entry had to be submitted by someone else, a brother in arms or a close ally. Then the book would be a chronicle of your deeds and those of your order, but without the temptation that comes with having to talk yourself up.
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Re: The Book of Honor!

Post by Teek »

My idea is to go off a sort of Honor system (Get it?) for folks to write their Honorable exploits in the tome. I planned on registering it, and then placing it in our storage area. It's open only to us Wyrvardn types, so not anyone can just wander in and grab it, or doodle in it.

If you guys think more oversight is required, then I suppose we could designate someone as a "Bookkeeper" and have them be responsible for it's safekeeping and what goes into the book, so that it does not filled with potential nonsense. It does cut into the idea of any of us being able to grab it and glance through it to view the history of the Wyrvardn, but maybe that's what is best. What do you guys think?

I'll probably have to wait until a custom merchant comes along to help tweak the tome. There is no navy blue tome color option, and we'll probably want the cover of that type of thing filled with maybe a star and creed, or a big old W, something like that. Lemme know what you guys think should be on the cover of this thing. It's a book for all of us after all, I'm just the guy who came up with the idea.
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Re: The Book of Honor!

Post by Teek »

Good news everyone! We have our Tome! Teek will be pestering, bulling, and cajoling any Wyrvardn he Spots into filling out there page and listing the various Honorable deeds they have done, in the name of the Wyrvardn!

Some of you older players have a long list of accomplishments. It's time for you to get the gears spinning and bang your head against the wall to remember them!
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