General Wyrvardn Ideas

A revived Aetgardian order of warriors dedicated to making the lands safe once again.
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General Wyrvardn Ideas

Post by Teek »

Now that we have a Guru looking at us Wyrvardn types, I figure it might be a good idea to list down some ideas that might make us a bit more interesting. I'll ramble off some that I have heard and some of my own ideas, such as...

Guild esp crystals - Wyrvardn tend to have a wide range of activities they get stuck into. "Protect the people" Means we are often going up against a wide range of threats and whatever other craziness pops up in the lost lands. Having our own esp crystals will allow us an avenue to communicate and organize without filling up the esp channel with our discussions.

Adrenaline Rush - I mean, lasting longer in combat seems like something everyone in general can benefit from, but from my perspective, it's an ability that would fit in with the Wyrvardn. One of our founders was a Mercenary of the Western Coalition after all! Just from a lore standpoint, it would make sense in my head that she would teach us that ability to help give us an edge in combat.

Training room - My understanding is the Tse Gaiyan chapterhouse has a training room area where members can train their skills. With the wide range of threats the Wyrvardn are asked to face, combined with the lack of fancy abilities we have in facing down specific threats like the more specialized guilds, I think it would be fair if we were given a place where we could train some skills within the Honorhall , so that we can make good use the general abilities we do have to work with. Wyrvardn might not have the fancy Templar or Tse gaiyan abilities, but hey, at least we can be good with what we have and can bring to the table right?

Master/Preemptive Guardian - These are both Templar specific moves that don't have anything to do with Inner Light. Being strictly martial type abilities, and given the mandate of the Wyrvardn, one would think that being able to guard people better would be on the list of stuff we do well!

Stalwart - Another Templar ability I think may fit the Wyrvardn. While not having the "Strictness'" of the Templars, Wyrvardn do indeed live by a's basically all over the gear we wear. I believe they would fit in with being considered to have the physical and mental training necessary to qualify for this ability. Physically, while they may not specialize in fighting horror inducing nethrim, they do face a wide range of other foes that van be just as frightening. Being able to stand firm against them is something I consider important, considering one our main tenets is "Courage". Mentally, while we might not be saintlike, we do live by a code, a set of rules that restrict us from just chopping at enemies willy nilly. I think that is the same sort of disciplined mindset that Templars have.
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Re: General Wyrvardn Ideas

Post by Lassyn »

Teek wrote:Now that we have a Guru looking at us Wyrvardn types, I figure it might be a good idea to list down some ideas that might make us a bit more interesting. I'll ramble off some that I have heard and some of my own ideas, such as...

Guild esp crystals - Wyrvardn tend to have a wide range of activities they get stuck into. "Protect the people" Means we are often going up against a wide range of threats and whatever other craziness pops up in the lost lands. Having our own esp crystals will allow us an avenue to communicate and organize without filling up the esp channel with our discussions.

Done. Check your shops!

Adrenaline Rush - I mean, lasting longer in combat seems like something everyone in general can benefit from, but from my perspective, it's an ability that would fit in with the Wyrvardn. One of our founders was a Mercenary of the Western Coalition after all! Just from a lore standpoint, it would make sense in my head that she would teach us that ability to help give us an edge in combat.

What we need to do is start thinking of what sorts of things can set the Wyrvardn apart from other guilds. I don't want them to be the honorable mercs or the lightless Templar. So, while I can see the benefit, let's try to steer away from "other guilds have this so we should too!"

Training room - My understanding is the Tse Gaiyan chapterhouse has a training room area where members can train their skills. With the wide range of threats the Wyrvardn are asked to face, combined with the lack of fancy abilities we have in facing down specific threats like the more specialized guilds, I think it would be fair if we were given a place where we could train some skills within the Honorhall , so that we can make good use the general abilities we do have to work with. Wyrvardn might not have the fancy Templar or Tse gaiyan abilities, but hey, at least we can be good with what we have and can bring to the table right?

Tse Gaiyan and other guilds' training rooms are not combative. I'm not going to share what they are, though they are reasonably public knowledge. We're not going to put in a sparring ring with melee gains because it goes against the tao of Peter Parker that we like to subscribe to. If you're going to train up combat skills, there absolutely needs to be some risk involved.

Master/Preemptive Guardian - These are both Templar specific moves that don't have anything to do with Inner Light. Being strictly martial type abilities, and given the mandate of the Wyrvardn, one would think that being able to guard people better would be on the list of stuff we do well!

Not a bad idea, but again with the differences with Wyrvardn and other guilds. This is an opportunity for the players to start to determine what makes Wyrvardn different. If someone is looking for a combat guild, they shouldn't think "I'd take Wyrvardn, but I could have light if I went Templar or I could have these abilities if I went mercs." So let's start thinking of other benefits to our Wyrvardn.

Stalwart - Another Templar ability I think may fit the Wyrvardn. While not having the "Strictness'" of the Templars, Wyrvardn do indeed live by a's basically all over the gear we wear. I believe they would fit in with being considered to have the physical and mental training necessary to qualify for this ability. Physically, while they may not specialize in fighting horror inducing nethrim, they do face a wide range of other foes that van be just as frightening. Being able to stand firm against them is something I consider important, considering one our main tenets is "Courage". Mentally, while we might not be saintlike, we do live by a code, a set of rules that restrict us from just chopping at enemies willy nilly. I think that is the same sort of disciplined mindset that Templars have.
See above.

We did, however, let you pay for your abilities with recognition points. Let me know if that's not working.
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Re: General Wyrvardn Ideas

Post by mercer »

i certainly agree they need some uniqueness. and am glad to see there being worked on
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Re: General Wyrvardn Ideas

Post by Teek »

Hmm, things that make the Wyrvardn unique. That is a bit of a tough one. Well, they do have the whole hunting for Relics thing going for them, and it is something I try to bring up with Teek from time to time. Beyond that? I cant think of much. Being based on an ancient order, any new sorts of abilities could be "Discovered", perhaps techniques the Ancient Wyrvardn used in the past. But regarding specifics as to what those abilities actually did/do? That's a tough one for me. Mostly because you get into an area of trying to think of new abilities that balance out and such, and that is something that could have a big impact in game. But, perhaps I am thinking too deeply about it all.

From what my understanding is, the Wyrvardn got stuck in all sorts of things. Fighting infested, dunwyr, canim, nethrim, bandits...everything. The mandate is so broad, in addition to the fact that players can come in with any sort of combat style really, and join in on the Wyrvardn action.

I just watched Last Witch Hunter, and I'm loving the whole "With Iron and Fire" thing Vin used to fight those witches. Maybe instead of abilities, we have some unique Wyrvardn Items! I do believe I saw a potion at the Octum fest place, some thing you can pour on a weapon and it light it up, I think? It would definitely come in handy fighting most sorts of enemies, and nethrim in particular. Anyway, unique Wyrvardn items. Heck, you can turn finding the blueprints for said items into a whole thing in and of itself.

I'll stop now cause I feel like I ramble :(
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Re: General Wyrvardn Ideas

Post by preiman »

I suggested these in another thread, but i think they might just fit here instead of in general abilities.
Column formation: this ability, at the cost of slightly increased round time per room, would allow the group leader to negate minor round times of the group members. and keep the group together more easily while moving. obviously more major forms of rt would cause a person to fall out of formation, and they'd still have to catch up on their own. perhaps this ability might also cause a slight reduction in the energy lost and hunger Gained by members of the column as well. It also almost goes without saying, that the formation could also probably be tracked by anyone with eyes.

Line formation: this ability would allow a group to designate an exit or exits, depending on the number of people in the formation, and prevent hostile characters from using those exits to leave a room. it would also provide a slight defense bonus and make it harder to flank, owing to tighter coordination between members of the group.

shield wall formation: this ability would allow all members of the group with shields and this ability to provide a percentage of their block roll to all group members, and a larger percentage of the roll to members not in melee.

circle formation: this ability would allow the group to circle up all members of the group not in tactics ranged, or avoid would be considered to be guarded by all other members of the group. flanking individuals would become impossible, but it would also become impossible for members of the group to flank or press.

Hold the line, order: this ability would force group members to make a check similar to the one to escape melee, if they want to leave the group, or room. this order would stay in place until on of the following, The group leader dies, a new order is given, the group is dissolved, or the order is canceled.

retreat, order: this ability would work like flee, but effect every member of the group, if the member is in round time, this order would be followed once that ends. all members of the group flee the same direction. designated by the group leader, at the time of the order.

press the attack order: this ability would allow the leader to designate a target, if this target retreats from battle, and no hostiles remain in the room, the group automatically follows the designated target, to continue the battle.
"I don't think we're ever going to find out what is going on with these canim, where are they coming from?!"
Kent arrives from the southeast.
Kent hugs you.
say um
You say, "Um."
a Mistral Lake sentry arrives from the east, armor clanking.
Kent heads north.
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Re: General Wyrvardn Ideas

Post by mercer »

i do think they would have abilities that made up for the fact they didnt have light and plan to combat a wide varioty of things maby they have vials or jars or stuff they can use to escape or cloud the room maby increase there strength or speed. maby even something to dispell large groups of forces to make them more easily delt with. i allso think they should be rp intro, but that's prob just me. it takes s certain type of person to have the mental and physical to train and master the indivigual techs. sorry for the bad spelling, and rambleyness
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Re: General Wyrvardn Ideas

Post by Lassyn »

The Honorhall is going to be closed for a little while while we do updates. These are updates you will enjoy, so I will hear no bellyaching. :)
Estimated closing should be less than a day, by Friday night at ABSOLUTE latest.
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Re: General Wyrvardn Ideas

Post by Lassyn »

Wyrvardn Honorhall has been reopened. Let me know if anything isn't working as intended.
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