redoing the respawn mechanic

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redoing the respawn mechanic

Post by Kent »

The respawn mechanic doesn't work the way it should (from what I've been told, based upon having a rather high reputation in a town you don't want to respawn in.)

Kent started out in Shadgard, bought a house there, and always respawned there. Until he didn't, and started respawning in Haiban.

I asked a GM about this, as until then I understood you always respawned in the same place until either one of two things took place: you requested a GM manually change your respawn locale, or you got banned from the town and the code base thus changed it for you.

The GM told me the code base moved my respawn to Haiban, because I developed a high reputation there. He said he would override that and move my respawn back to Shadgard.

Shortly after, Kent started respawning in Haiban again.

This is a frustration because from there Kent has to walk all the way back to Shadgard on foot to deal with his depart penalty and collect his usually slain horse. The frustration has grown with the recent changes made that cause depart penalties to be now much harder and longer to be worked off.

So I would request that this "high reputation in another town" flag be removed from respawn. Our house-owning characters are all registered to a town now, why not use that flag to determine where we respawn? Cases of a home owner being banned from his home town are few and far between, why not deal with that on a manual basis as you do with those few players wanting to leave their guild?

Another auto change route would be, if banned from your respawn town, you respawn just outside the town entrance (the same spot they toss you upon banning you). Or to make it extra simple, if anyone is banned from their respawn town, they all respawn on Barrow Hill until they get a GM to manually change it to another town of their choice?

To sum up, I'm requesting that under no other circumstances than banning should the game automatically change one's respawn location.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: redoing the respawn mechanic

Post by Jirato »

Depart locations will eventually be completely overhauled to be much less forgiving and just take you to a close location rather than something based off of major faction. So any rework of this system in the current state would be kind of pointless.
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