Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by merin »

My character, Merin, has every right to dislike Vaylon -- offering 10000 riln for his location certainly plays into that. Me, as a player, could care less if Vaylon's character lives or dies. I close my computer and, until I want to take place in the Lost Lands, he doesn't exist to me. I hope that clarifies. If I, merin, spread rumors about Vaylon, it's for an in-character reason only. I'm not going to take my out of character persona in the game because, at this point, vaylon and Merin are strictly characters. I guess my personal opinion of this whole thing is the out of character reasons must obviously have nothing to do with me, and therefore, I can't understand completely where you're coming from. I do believe that, if you're not enjoying the game OOCly, then it should be resolved. I gues that's part of what I'm trying to get across here, too, that my dislike for Vaylon is that -- Merin's dislike. I thought the whole offering 10000 riln for my where abouts was completely a lot of fun, and has impacted his character's motives a bit. I really do hope that the out of character stuff gets resolved, though. if I'm contributing to your dislike, I'd really like to clear it up -- send me a PM. I feel we could sit here and try to debunk and edebate about this for a while, and respectfully, that's not what this thread has been created for -- and you're right, I miss-read the subject and took it's meaning the wrong way, and for that portion, I appologise!
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Dakhal »

Vaylon wrote: I would suggest that, in fact, several players involved with the rumor are in blatant violation of Policy 3:
I'll start with saying that I don't particularly care about these rumours, or who may be involved; I'll just address Policy 3.

Your statement would really imply that any form of IC roleplay that negatively impacts a character is a breach of policy. I'll say immediately that I've had GMs do things that effected me so heavily, even though I was in no part involved with something that happened, that it's quite seriously driven me away from playing Clok as much as I had used to. Is this saying that they have in and of themselves breached their own rules? I mean, I surely have had something happen to me that has GREATLY reduced my enjoyment of the game.

Who is to be accountable? Am I to take these policies seriously?

Or should I just accept that Policy 3 has no real application when it comes in In-Character happenings?
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Vaylon »

Dakhal wrote:I've had GMs do things that effected me so heavily, even though I was in no part involved with something that happened, that it's quite seriously driven me away from playing Clok as much as I had used to.
That's funny. I've had that happen to me as well. Hmm.

I can't answer any of your other questions since I didn't write the policy. Maybe you should start a new thread for that discussion.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Fayne »

I think my response , no matter whose position I was in , would have to be this song.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Dorn »

Vaylon wrote:I disagree. I think it does enter it. It is not a hypothetical but a fact that some or most of the in-character rumor about Vaylon was started because someone (or perhaps many someones) out-of-character dislikes me, the player, and my character. You, the player of Merin, admitted in your post to disliking Vaylon out-of-character when you said, "I can think of several reasons I dislike Vaylon." I find it plausible that you, too, contribute to the spread of these rumors in-character for out-of-character dislike (which you admit that you have).

You suggest that I simply have no choice but to weather the rumors since it's a reputation I have in-character. Yet I only had that reputation in-character because of an out-of-character reason.
First of all, regardless of where the rumors started they're out there now. Second, if a character then hears those rumors and listens to them and decides to further spread them for whatever reason then regardless of what the player thinks that really has nothing to do with the player. In life, rumors often tend to spread quick and hard with people being quite happy to believe them. Especially if said character is not likable or shows even some minor part of the rumors being true.

At this point, unless Vaylon does something IC to prove otherwise he's stuck with what reputation he will have earned himself. Why do I say earned it? Because if he was squeaky clean, then it wouldn't stick.

Whatever is discussed here, should end up effecting nothing that is being done by the characters currently. I feel like this is what Merin meant when he said justifying your actions ruins the integrity of the environment. Personally, I read that as your previous post sounding like you expected things to change ICly because of what you've said.
Vaylon wrote:I would suggest that, in fact, several players involved with the rumor are in blatant violation of Policy 3:
Dakhal wrote:Who is to be accountable? Am I to take these policies seriously?
Or should I just accept that Policy 3 has no real application when it comes in In-Character happenings?
When it comes to Policy 3, I think the main thing you should focus on is "any behavior which is specifically targeted to lessen that enjoyment for another player". Not character. If you really think a GM is targeting you specifically to ruin you, the player's enjoyment of the game then while I'd find that massively doubtful in a community such as Clok where Staff is so active with us, I'd first of all ask yourself does it all make sense ICly and if it really doesn't to write an email to Staff. Like every person, I'm sure some of the Staff don't like certain people but I am doubtful they ever say to themselves, "I *really* hate that guy. Let's ban him from here."

Sometimes they might feel a little heavy handed IC, especially for some of us who tend to play the more antagonistic characters but I really can't see OOC dislike being part of it.

In regards to players, as per normal, if you're feeling your character is being harassed on an OOC level then the course of action is talk to Staff. As it says right there in the Policy, they have the final say. If you can't trust them to deal with you fairly, then unfortunately I've got no advice there.
Vaylon wrote:I can think of at least one player who is insanely jealous of Vaylon out-of-character and who has made it his mission to ruin the game for me in any way he can. (He's done a mediocre job so far.)
Vaylon wrote:It is not a hypothetical but a fact that some or most of the in-character rumor about Vaylon was started because someone (or perhaps many someones) out-of-character dislikes me, the player, and my character.
If you feel you've got proof of Policy 3 I suggest taking that to staff instead of adding to an apparent "Rumor War".

From reading all this Vaylon, I can't help but feel maybe you are misunderstanding or not seeing the full picture for other characters reasons for dealing with Vaylon how they do. Maybe that isn't the case, but unless you manage to get someone to pull a Konrad and go "I hate you, and intend to make your life in game a public hell" as far as I can see your belief regarding why another character is doing anything is purely conjecture or OOC rumors.

Maybe instead of asking people if they think Vaylon has treated them unfairly, you should perhaps be trying to ask some of those individuals you think are treating you unfairly and why.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by vidor »

I have characters IC who do not like Vaylon. They feel that he is sleezy and untrustworthy. They have heard rumors about him and, in combination with opinions, feel them to be true (just like Dorn talked about).
That's not based on ooc -- it's based on IC. Vaylon, you have a series of questions to ask yourself, as does anyone else in this situation:
Do you feel there is a real problem?
Can you, personally, act to directly fix the problem?
Do you feel that the situation is able to be fixed by GMS, if you can't personally fix it?
Do you feel that GMs will fix it?
If you end up feeling like there is a problem but it won't be fixed, then you do have choices to make. Sad as it is to say, your choices are to learn to live with it or move on.
And, with regard to the individual you mention trying to ruin your fun. If it's the event from over the summer that we all saw on the boards, that individual was (as far as I know) banned; the situation was taken care of. If it continues, bring it to gms, which is what was instructed in policies. But the attempt to try to frame a narrative against person or persons is, I would argue, a violation of policy. Our lovely GMs have commented on this before, calling it a poison within the community. Fix it in the channels, because threads like this don't do any good.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Fayne »

Seriously though, if anyone wants to question Fayne's motivations on anything, feel free to. I put a lot of thought into her and nearly everything she does, and I always love having the opportunity to explain her thoughts and feelings.

(Sorry, just trying to return this thread to the original topic/purpose)
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Dakhal »

Why does/did Fayne wear around bunny ears for the longest time? I'm actually quite interested in hearing as to why she would wish to mimic such a harmless animal.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Sneaky »

Coanid went around a few weeks last year wearing a bunny costume when he went bear hunting just so he would confuse them and give him an edge.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Fayne »

Dakhal wrote:Why does/did Fayne wear around bunny ears for the longest time? I'm actually quite interested in hearing as to why she would wish to mimic such a harmless animal.
She still wears them sometimes. There really is no dramatic reason behind it, she just loves rabbits. I think there's a small part of her that wishes she could be a rabbit, and that's at least part of the reason she enjoys the headband. Probably the largest reason behind it is Fayne's need for attention. But if you ask her, she'll probably say something about how bunnies are cute, and she's cute, so naturally both combined must be twice as cute.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Akila »

Sneaky wrote:Coanid went around a few weeks last year wearing a bunny costume when he went bear hunting just so he would confuse them and give him an edge.
I need to see this.
[CHAT - Mayor Bryce of Bryceburgh]: It's that funny metal thing you put in your mouth, Galon, and then it goes "Boing, doing, dwang, dwang, doing, ding, boing, dwahng."
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Konrad »

I swore vengeance on Vaylon because I knew the character of the man better then anyone else. I was banned before I could carry out my wishes. Stopping by to check in and, well, I am highly amused. People have realized the character of the man I loathe. The GM who hassled me for accusing her of BS has been sacked over...BS.

Vengeance is nothing compared to vindication.
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