Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

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Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Dorn »

Figured I'd start up a new thread with a list of those players who have currently agreed to participate, listed by forum name and any characters they've revealed as being their own in the previous thread. Some people put stipulations on what they'd answer in the last thread, so if you do ask a question and they aren't willing to answer! Well. Tough!

Acarin - Acarin, Zuki
Blindndangerous - Everu, Isen, Corrin, Cullen
Dorn - Dorn
Fayne - Fayne, Drayla, Saren, Arcangelo, Navii, Holten, Anelia
Lavi - Kalimn
Orris - Orris
Preiman - Maric, Sarint, Viridiana
Sneaky - Coanid
Solaje - Solaje
Tangela - Aleari
Vaylon - Vaylon
Vidor - Vidor
Xyra - Xyra
Last edited by Dorn on Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Vaylon »

To address a question from the previous thread...
Lavi wrote:To Vaylon what motivates Vaylon to Be so out there He's very unique in that on the surface he doesn't seem to care, but wants others to care about him. Interests me a lot.
I can see how Vaylon comes across as not seeming to care -- indeed, he can be flippant to the point of irreverence -- but I'm a little confused about what you mean by "wants others to care about him." Do you have some examples of him showing that? (It may simply be an aspect of Vaylon that I wasn't aware that I was showing.)

As for what motivates Vaylon to be so "out there" -- well, when I went through the character creation process for Vaylon, I chose Parren for him because it seemed like the most fun to play, and I think the Parren ethos informs much of his behavior: Vaylon is laid-back and refuses to be serious about most things while being mischievously good-natured and fun-seeking. Subconsciously, I modeled him on a stereotypical beach bum, not knowing at the time that Parrens were, in fact, inspired by Southern Californians. It was a happy coincidence.

His different outlook is probably the major reason underlying why Vaylon contrasts so sharply with almost everyone else.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Solaje »

I don't mind answering questions about my character, within reason. Sometimes with Solaje I feel like I'm playing a game within a game. (A dream within a dream... oh wait, not the poetry thread!).

Fayne, your alts seem like distinct characters to me. I do have trouble separating when I'm really tired- like that time I called your male alt "she" twice because I refer to you (the player) as "Fayne" in my head. I think it's a personal problem; I stay up so late playing Clok that I'm not able to play very well!

I have questions about some of the listed characters that I'd like to find the answers to ICly. =)
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Xyra »

I'm happy to answer questions about Xyra if anyone has any, but I don't think she's much of an enigma, and is happy to answer the questions herself generally.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Kierae »

Question for no particular character:

How does one play a solitary or less social character & still feel one is in a living breathing world without suffering burnout or starvation from lack of RP?
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Dorn »

As a player of a "solitary or less social character", I find that the fact I like to roleplay and also enjoy exploring the game itself helpful. It means I've nearly always something to do, and when the roleplay opportunities do come up or I come up with something that I want Dorn to do, it's very neat.

It doesn't save me from burnout of course, I keep on popping in/out of Clok and I don't know if that will change.

Having even one partner in crime really helps though, and I know in Dorn's case I've been very fortunate that there have been a couple of other characters who despite everything can get along with him.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Kunren »

Kierae wrote:Question for no particular character:

How does one play a solitary or less social character & still feel one is in a living breathing world without suffering burnout or starvation from lack of RP?
I've only had one sort of solitary character, and the think command really, really helped with surviving that. Chat was also great.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Acarin »

Some of us prefer to be alone.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Vaylon »

Kierae wrote:How does one play a solitary or less social character & still feel one is in a living breathing world without suffering burnout or starvation from lack of RP?
As Kunren says, the THINK verb is a great way to add life to the character. Dorn's suggestion of exploring is also good. And if you die somewhere, especially somewhere you shouldn't be, guess what? That provides an opportunity to interact with others because they're going to want to know what the hell you were doing. There's also nothing stopping you from roleplaying with animals, inanimate objects, or NPCs.

Ultimately, I have to say that if your goal as a player is to have RP, then it's not the best of ideas to play a solitary character.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Vinz »

That has always been one of my biggest beefs. I have seen a lot of characters in a lot of games come to the GMs and say "Well there is no role play here." When the last few interactions had the PC pulling guns or weapons and leveling them at anything that tried to get to know them. Being solitary or being aggressive/borderline psychotic, means your going to be alone...on an dialed into a game with a bunch of players....not be ALONE.... there is something of a cognitive dissonance in that.

Given here things are a lot better, but I do still see things like this on and off. Even evil characters need allies.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Stranger »

I find that there is nothing wrong with being a lonewolf character type but the funny thing is, is that it takes a whole lot of interaction to properly RP as such.

For example:
Smith walks up to Stranger and says, "Howdy Stranger!"
em *Stranger gives Smith a cold glare*
Smith says to Stranger, "You alright there fella? You're not lost are ya?"
em *Stranger folds his arms and continues to glare at smith with an eerie stillness*
Smith says to Stranger, "Ummmm, alright then... I guess I'll leave you to do.. whatever it is you are.. ummm doing."
[Old Forest, Trail] (OutFrFlDt) [semiarid] Mild, Fair, Calm
Large conifers spread across the landscape, their needled boughs blocking out much of the sunlight.
Set into a stone wall to the north is a wrought iron gate, a faded brass plaque set into the stone
next to it. A trail snakes through the old forest to the northwest, around the side of the crumbling
The dim light lessens your vision slightly. The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: Stranger (covered in blood)
Obvious paths: northwest, the wilderness.

Smith arrives from the northwest.

Smith asks Stranger, "Well fancy meeting you here! I see you are also hunting these, would you like to join up?"
em *Stranger folds his arms and stares blankly at Smith, blood still dripping from his sword.*
Stranger says to Smith, "Go away."
Smith says to Stranger, "You sure partna? The wilds are mighty dangerous in these parts?"
Stranger says to Smith, "Are you hiring me?"
Smith says to Stranger, "Well, no. Just thought you would like the company."

Stranger leaves heading northwest.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by merin »

I just want to say that I realljy kind of dig Stranger's character. He's the only character that I feel really, really, actually hates people, doesn't want to be around, and will absolutely be an asshole without being creepy about it to prove a point. Dorn comes close, but stranger really has that "Wow that guy's an a**hole, leave him alone," vibe.

At least, that's how he's always come across to me. If that's not how he's meant to be, or that's a surface thing and he's a big softy once you get to know him, I'll probably never know! I don't want to stay around him long enough :p
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Solaje »

Most of what I think about playing a solitary character has already been said. Having at least one ally/partner in crime is really essential. There have been times when Solaje doesn't have that and I find myself grinding skills and getting bored. My character does talk to people, but as I said before, it often feels like playing a game within a game. That's fine to do sometimes, but it's nice to play my "real" character and have her say what she truly thinks. Unfortunately, she will only have serious, truthful talk with (some) Corvites, and we seem to be a hit-and-miss group.

The only times I can recall using the think command were when I needed GM interaction for something. What do you GMs think about people using it? Does it distract you from all your coding/bugfixing work? Do you feel like people are asking for GM interaction if they use it to express their character's thoughts?
Last edited by Solaje on Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Zoiya »

Solaje wrote: The only times I can recall using the think command is when I needed GM interaction for something. What do you GMs think about people using it? Does it distract you from all your coding/bugfixing work? Do you feel like people are asking for GM interaction if they use it to express their character's thoughts?

We love seeing what you guys are thinking, sometimes when you're talking to someone or doing something it is the only real thing that gives us how you're really feeling or context when we're late to the party.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Solaje »

Thanks for clarifying, Zoiya. Guess I'll be using "think" a little more. =)
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Vaylon »

Solaje wrote:Thanks for clarifying, Zoiya. Guess I'll be using "think" a little more. =)
I was told that THINK's use is to help the GMs get a better grasp on what your character is like. If examples help, here are a few thoughts Vaylon has had lately:
You think to yourself, "I can afford a masterwork sword from Ardor, but I'm still too cheap to take a private ferry. What the hell is wrong with me?"

You think to yourself, "I'm not like Jaster. I'm not."

You think to yourself, "Damn it. I want to find someone who knows something about that artifact buried in the rubble around or under Haiban. I'd love to dig it up and sell it!"

You think to yourself, "This is not one of my better plans."
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Jaster »

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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by blindndangerous »

Don't worry, I'm too cheap to take the ferry to. But I'll happily buy things from other people.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by jilliana »

Kierae wrote:Question for no particular character:

How does one play a solitary or less social character & still feel one is in a living breathing world without suffering burnout or starvation from lack of RP?
Solitary character stuff has been pretty much covered.

Personally I found that being solitary is better for me if it's an alternate character and not my main. It's a good and fun way to play CLOK without feeling like I have to get into the fray of things ICly.

Of course this is just me. :)
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Fayne »

Figure I'll be the one to revive this by saying if anyone wants to ask me anything about Fayne, her actions, the motivations behind them, or her thoughts, feel free to ask me. I'm willing to share most anything about her. Just be aware that there are a few things that I have to keep secret as well, so you may not the full answer or an answer at all. I will be sure to make clear whenever all or part of an answer is secret and must be withheld, though.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Vaylon »

Well -- it's getting close to the Festivus season, so I don't mind Airing some Grievances a little early. (I'm afraid you'll have to find someone else for the Feats of Strength.) Is there anyone who thinks Vaylon has treated them unfairly? Is there anyone who thinks Vaylon stole from them and had no reason to do so? Is there anyone who thinks Vaylon did something -- anything at all -- and had no reason to do so? I know for a fact that there are several of you out there reading this very thread who hate my character and who hate me. This is your chance to speak up! I welcome a chance to explain, in detail and with logs, Vaylon's behavior and actions, and answer any questions you have.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by merin »

Weather or not people hate you is you and their business, but I can think of several reasons I dislike Vaylon. It depends on which of the characters you want to know about. I'll give you this one, though, without searching it out I've heard that Vaylon harasses and makes women feel uncomfortable and he's a disgusting pig. Weather or not those harasments are making people out of character uncomfortable, I don't know, but it's not hard to find people that'll swear up and down that Vaylon's a vial disgusting creature. Many people will bring it up happily in conversation. And before it's even brought up, I can point to several characters who I don't know out of character. Ironicly enough, more so than those I do know in character. Being a disgusting flirtacious stalker though isn't all -- there's more, some of which I've experienced. But I keep things in character and don't feel it necessary to highlight them. It's part of the game -- makes it fun to have someone to hate.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Vaylon »

merin wrote:Weather or not people hate you is you and their business, but I can think of several reasons I dislike Vaylon. It depends on which of the characters you want to know about. I'll give you this one, though, without searching it out I've heard that Vaylon harasses and makes women feel uncomfortable and he's a disgusting pig. Weather or not those harasments are making people out of character uncomfortable, I don't know, but it's not hard to find people that'll swear up and down that Vaylon's a vial disgusting creature. Many people will bring it up happily in conversation. And before it's even brought up, I can point to several characters who I don't know out of character. Ironicly enough, more so than those I do know in character. Being a disgusting flirtacious stalker though isn't all -- there's more, some of which I've experienced. But I keep things in character and don't feel it necessary to highlight them. It's part of the game -- makes it fun to have someone to hate.
It's not the first time I've heard these accusations, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Out-of-character, I find the accusations fairly amusing since I know that I haven't played Vaylon in that manner, though in-character Vaylon takes them very seriously. My personal opinion is that a player would have to be quite imperceptive (or perhaps willfully ignorant or malicious) to think that Vaylon is the type of man who harrasses or stalks women and tell others as such. (Although he is perfectly capable of harrassment in the sense of "I'm going to annoy the hell out of you because I think you're an asshole.")

Is he flirtatious? Certainly. A little sleazy? Yes, absolutely. (I imagine him as part Captain Jack Sparrow and part Doc Holliday from Tombstone.) Is he a stalker? Certainly not.

Vaylon's flirtatiousness is largely reserved for the women who reciprocate. If they don't seem interested, he doesn't pester them. Furthermore, there are (at the very least) a few players who (apparently having more perspective than others) would be willing to tell you that, as a player, I strive to be ethical in the way that Vaylon approaches flirting with other characters. Every romantic relationship that Vaylon has been involved in was consensual, and I always checked with the other player to make sure they were comfortable with things.

Let's be reasonable: Vaylon is a thief. He's not a very good one, honestly, so I'm sure plenty of people have spotted him sneaking around. Is it honestly inconceivable to you that the actual reason Vaylon is sneaking around is because he's looking for things to steal, and people simply assume he's being a stalker or call him one because it sounds plausible? Or maybe there's some other reason they hate him, so they make up things about him? I can think of at least one player who is insanely jealous of Vaylon out-of-character and who has made it his mission to ruin the game for me in any way he can. (He's done a mediocre job so far.)

"Disgusting pig" is absolutely correct, though. You would pale in horror if you saw the amount of food that he eats on a daily basis. Especially those flapjacks from Shadgard. But, man, are they good.

All right! I like it. I think we're making progress. If anyone at all has a log of Vaylon being a "vial disgusting creature" or "a disgusting flirtacious stalker," I would highly encourage them to post it for all of us to read.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by merin »

The “I’m going to annoy the hell out of you because I think whatever,” is quite clear. In character, I have heard from several sources, therefore, I have to, as a character, prepare for and entertain the thought that the stalking is a viable solution.

I fail to see how a person’s player falls into this at all, period. Let’s be reasonable here, too, and state that, Vaylon has this reputation in character. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your outlook, other people’s characters are spreading this information. So weather or not you are playing Vaylon this way has no baring, because, to some extend you have provided a method that allows this information to circulate somehow. It could be that his romantic love interests are just petty bitches – I can’t say. I have my own relationships to worry about and I don’t want to get involved in someone else’s love life. Either way, though, from an in character perspective, those rumors have circulated and are continuing to do so. So no. I do think it’s conceivable for people to gather that and spread that information. Weather it is true or not really doesn’t matter. If it is, then, great. The fact that you are of the belief that people are imperseptive to how you are meaning to play means nothing, considering that the rest of us aren’t you and obviously this is gaining momentum somehow. In regards to annoying the hell out of everyone, that goes without saying – he’s quite good at that!

I do agree that reciprocation is a part of it. I don’t think that you would still be here if you had forced yourself onto every single person. I’m also not your romantic interests, so if they feel uncomfortable, , that’s between you guys and if it’s bad enough, the staff.

I do think that Vaylon generates hate – that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I also agree that said hate might cause people to make up things about him – also not such a bad thing. Fortunately, that’s part of the fun, and if you don’t think it’s fun, perhaps it’s you that has the issue.

Fortunately for us, your out of character problems with said player are just that – your problems. They have no basus on the conversation at hand here. I gave you my reasons for why I feel that Vaylon’s character is the way he is, and you have responded with how you see your character (thanks for the insite) and how you know someone is jellous from an out of character aspect. You also state that your out of character relationships are ethical, again, not really addressing the argument that, yes, inf act Vaylon does have this reputation. You have explained your reasons out of character and backed that up – that’s fantastic, but that’s not where I’m coming from, nor where my evidence that Vaylon has this reputation is coming from. In my opinion, the fact that you are attempting to justify what you are doing and why ruins the integrity of the roleplay invironment. This has gone beyond “my character feels this way,” to “I play him this way oh and I make sure everyone agrees,” which is really not the point of this thread (the way I have interpreted it), nor what I feel you’re trying to accomplish – certainly not the exchange between the two of us.

As to the Shadgard food, I miss them being wheetcakes.
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Re: Roleplay-Related Questions on Characters

Post by Vaylon »

merin wrote:In my opinion, the fact that you are attempting to justify what you are doing and why ruins the integrity of the roleplay invironment.
In my opinion, "attempting to justify what I am doing and why" is ... the entire point of this thread. No one is forcing you to participate in it. You volunteered.
merin wrote:I fail to see how a person’s player falls into this at all, period.
I disagree. I think it does enter it. It is not a hypothetical but a fact that some or most of the in-character rumor about Vaylon was started because someone (or perhaps many someones) out-of-character dislikes me, the player, and my character. You, the player of Merin, admitted in your post to disliking Vaylon out-of-character when you said, "I can think of several reasons I dislike Vaylon." I find it plausible that you, too, contribute to the spread of these rumors in-character for out-of-character dislike (which you admit that you have).

You suggest that I simply have no choice but to weather the rumors since it's a reputation I have in-character. Yet I only had that reputation in-character because of an out-of-character reason.

I would suggest that, in fact, several players involved with the rumor are in blatant violation of Policy 3:
-=Disruptive Behavior=-

Because CLOK is a free multi-player game, there can sometimes be a conflict between individual players who have different ideas regarding what they find to be entertaining. Staff members have the final say in these areas.

CLOK is designed for the enjoyment of everyone, and as a general rule, any behavior which is specifically targeted to lessen that enjoyment for another player may be in violation of CLOK policy. While what is disruptive would be a very long list, it includes things such as harassment of any kind, griefing, sexual advances, and actions specifically targeted to be disruptive to another person's gaming experience.

Staff members have the final say in all matters, but consequences for disruptive behavior many include being banned from OOC chat, or banned entirely from the game. [italics mine]
I welcome others' input.
"I hope you have not been leading a double life, pretending to be wicked and being really good all the time. That would be hypocrisy." - The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde
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