Been a busy week

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Been a busy week

Post by Jirato »

I'll try and sit down and take care of some CLOK things today. Been pretty busy at work this week, which is where I do 90% of my CLOK stuff. We always go through a bit of a rush time this time of year trying to get all our work orders resolved before things start to slow down for the holidays.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
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Re: Been a busy week

Post by Fayne »

Don't get in too big of a rush. As someone who can either play CLOK or work, but not both, I can easily say that work and RL things have to come first. We'll understand. Just try not to get burned out.
A scrawny alley cat stares after the dog with big green eyes.
Speaking to a scrawny alley cat, you ask, "Friend of yours?"
A scrawny alley cat hisses angrily.
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Re: Been a busy week

Post by ydia »

It is that time of year for sure. I've been busy myself lately.
((DEV Rias)) gets tackled by angry librarians and thrown out of the library, managing to get out a muffled "Remember me!" before he's gone.

You overhear the bartender exclaim to a patron, "What do you mean, you just want water?! Fine, fine ... but you'd better at least buy something to eat."
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