"Yell"ing into another room?

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"Yell"ing into another room?

Post by Ahelis »

I was thinking how fun and useful it would be if there was a shouting feature where someone's say in one room could be heard in another because they were shouting!

For example:
Bob writes: yell There's a snake in my boot!
Anyone in the same room as Bob would see: Bob yells, "There's a snake in my boot!"
Anyone who is one room north/east/south/west/up/down/etc. of where Bob yelled would see: Someone to the north/east/south/west/etc. can be heard shouting, "There's a snake in my boot!"

I understand that this is very unlikely in the wilderness since each room is supposed to convey a distance of one league, but would this be something possible for interior rooms? I know there have been a few instances where a "yell" might have been useful, like--to give a super simple example--if someone was knocking on the door and my character wanted to shout something so the person on the other side of the door could hear, rather than using the network, which is a public channel. It also seems plausible that some ruckus happening down the hall could be heard from an adjacent room.
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Re: "Yell"ing into another room?

Post by TwistedAkai »

Maybe in the wilderness, you could get, "You hear shouting to the southwest." and such?
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Re: "Yell"ing into another room?

Post by Fayne »

You still run into the problem of inconsistant distances in towns, and even in buildings. Just how long is that hallway in actuality? Did we walk just past the buildings we could see in the last room, or did we walk a little further down? And then of course you have to consider how noisy towns are. You've got people hawking their goods, children running around playing, people laughing and arguing and trying to be heard over one another. Someone shouting something a block down the road or more would just kinda mingle with the background noise and wouldn't really stand out. Inside buildings would be more plausible, but how rude would it be to shout indoors? Indoor voices, children. Hehe

Fun fact: there is actually an ability that exists that lets those who have it hear into the room in the specified direction. I'm not sure how it works, nor am I sure if I'm crazy about it due to iffy distances in many areas, but I do know that it kinda makes sense. The listener is focusing their attention on what they can hear in a specific direction, so they can hear says from that room. Perhaps shouting in a specific direction would be better, since one can cup their hands around their mouth to magnify it somewhat.
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Re: "Yell"ing into another room?

Post by Kent »

And let's keep in mind, this game has a town crier that can be heard from afar.
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Re: "Yell"ing into another room?

Post by Fayne »

Well, actually, the messaging says "a town crier can be heard", not "THE town crier can be heard". It'd only make sense to assume there are multiple criers throughout each town.
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Re: "Yell"ing into another room?

Post by jilliana »

TwistedAkai wrote:Maybe in the wilderness, you could get, "You hear shouting to the southwest." and such?
The way a GM told us once, I think leagues are supposed to be a distance of three miles. Although in real life sounds carry in certain types of terrain, I don't think it'd be overly good to apply them to CLOK because it seems like it'd be too complicated.

I don't know if it's possible code-wise, but it'd be nice to make it possible for house rooms if not a town.
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