Clean Your Blade, Son

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Clean Your Blade, Son

Post by Fayne »

I was thinking, if combat is so intense that we get covered in blood within a few short rounds fepending on the weapon, then logic dictates that our weapons are likely getting thoroughly drenched in blood and gore on a regular basis. Now, besides just being plain gross, it's also bad for the weapon to stow it while dirty.

So, here's my suggestion: the ability to clean out weapons. They don't have to have any special new markers added to them to actually make them dirty, it could just be an RP thing. Let us be able to wipe our blades on the grass before we put it away, and then have special items for sale in weapon shops for wiping down and cleaning weapons, such as rags, oil, polish, and such. To make it really interesting, maybe make properly cleaning a weapon every so often give a slight boost to overall durability, such as a 5% boost if you clean it with a rag and oils once or twice a day. This could easily be applied to every weapon universally, including bows and firearms, since everything needs proper cleaning and attention regularly if it is being used on a regular basis.

I have other ideas for small, simple maintenance on weapons that could either just be for RP or actually have a very small mechanical impact, such as rewrapping hilts and grips with leather strips and such, but this seemed like a good place to start, and one I'd definitely like to see implemented.
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Re: Clean Your Blade, Son

Post by Xanthe »

+1. I think rather than any detrimental effects for not cleaning, you could end up with shining armor/weapons from regular maintenance, which would possibly affect how other PC's interact with you. Or- unclean, you end up with grimy weapons and armor.
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Re: Clean Your Blade, Son

Post by Fayne »

I don't think failing to clean anything should be detrimental at all. While it is actually more realistic to have the weapon suffer from improper cleaning, I'd rather see cleaning be rewarded rather than not cleaning punished. One reason is it'd be kinda forcing what could be considered an annoyance onto people. If they don't want to RP taking great care of their weapons, then they're punished for it. Also, a lot of people store weapons simply for display purposes in their homes, or have weapons that they rarely use and that lie around fornlong periods of time, and it would take a lot more coding to distinguish between weapons that are being actively used, and those that are just lying around. And once again, while it would be realistic for those weapons to degrade slightly as well, that'd be a huge pain for people who own a large amoumt of weapons.

In all honesty, I'd be perfectly okay with this just being an RP thing with no benefits or anything. I certainly don't want it to be something that people have to do in order to keep their weapons fully effective or looking decent.
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Re: Clean Your Blade, Son

Post by merin »

IF you're ok with it being an RP thing...RP it.
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Re: Clean Your Blade, Son

Post by Fayne »

Well, obviously I would prefer to have the benefits come with it if deemed appropriate. And even if they aren't, it's always nice to have more RP verbs.
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Re: Clean Your Blade, Son

Post by jilliana »

Possibly it could be added to the 'clean person' verb. Cleaning a weapon or another item would be handy as ong as there is water in the room like it is now.
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Re: Clean Your Blade, Son

Post by Jirato »

Were this to ever happen, it'd be a purely RP thing with no mechanical benefit. As such, you can pretty much do this already with ACT/EMOTE.

If you want percentage based bonuses when using weapons, pick up one of the weapon specialization abilities or use an above average/exquisite/masterful weapon.
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Re: Clean Your Blade, Son

Post by Fayne »

This was mainly just a suggestion for a new RP verb or something, I never was invested in any mechanical benefits. I guess I could always assign an alias for an emote if I wanna do this.
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