Are you a citizen or a squatter?

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Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Rias »

Do you have a town that you absolutely love and really want to cement the idea that it's your character's home? Want to be part of the process of making a difference and getting things done around said town? Wishing you'd get a little official recognition for your good deeds like donating masses of goods to building projects and saving the town from hordes of hostiles? Well, you should register as a citizen, then!

To register as a citizen, you need to be the registered owner of a home in that town, or a resident living with and vouched for by a registered citizen. If you own a home outside of that town for any reason, you can't register as a citizen or be "vouched in" - sorry! Vouching in someone who doesn't actually live in a home in that town will get both the voucher and the vouchee into trouble, so no faking it!

Shadgard has a citizenship office on the second floor of Town Hall, so residents of that town can register right away. Mistral Lake doesn't have a citizenship office yet, but will soon. I can't speak for the other towns, as I don't guru them.

My point being - if you want your character to get real involved in a town and its goings-on, start thinking now about which town you'd like to call home so you can be all ready and registered as soon as you have the opportunity - things will be happening soon(tm) for registered citizens of both Mistral Lake and Shadgard!
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Ardor »

What Rias is not telling you: The exciting things for citizens are taxes, fees and more taxes.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Rias »

Hah! Even if I wanted those, I don't code or implement new systems anymore - and I am NOT manually managing taxes and regular fees. This will all be for RP, certain events, and some fun new citizens-only perks.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by sona »

I need my home built so I can become the Heiress of Haiban. Or at least the eccentric cat lady. Haiban needs Sona as a citizen so bad.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by jilliana »

Rias wrote:Hah! Even if I wanted those, I don't code or implement new systems anymore - and I am NOT manually managing taxes and regular fees. This will all be for RP, certain events, and some fun new citizens-only perks.
Citizen-only perks? Anything that'll make me want to an official citizen in a town that I rarely go to? :) AKA...sneak peeks into possible perks!
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Rias »

jilliana wrote:Citizen-only perks? Anything that'll make me want to an official citizen in a town that I rarely go to? :) AKA...sneak peeks into possible perks!
I'd really rather people were citizens of towns they actually liked and wanted to spend time in anyway. If someone disliked Shadgard and couldn't care less about the town's welfare, politics, and so forth, but got citizenship there just to get its perks, then spent all their time in Mistral Lake ... that'd make me sad. And probably make the town mad to essentially be taken advantage of.

And anyway, citizenship registration would just be the first step. It wouldn't just be register and bam, you get all the good stuff. You'd still have to prove that you are, or at least are trying to be, a valuable member of the community in order to get the more significant perks.

As for sneak peeks - nope, nothing yet.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Acarin »

Would Noctere be able to comment if this is something that has been or will be implemented for the outpost?

This makes me a bit sad, honestly, due to the restriction on owning homes across characters. Any work around for this? I'd like to see a multi-unit system implemented for people's alts so that they can at least buy a single small room and maybe have a chance at citizenship. It's a little disheartening to lose out on rp opportunities due to OOC/cross-character restrictions.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Noctere »

I am not going to enforce this for Corvites. Joining the outpost has its own set of rules, restrictions, blood oaths, etc and everyone who has joined is already considered a citizen. If you so wish, you can pretend to be a Citizen at another town but this will probably end badly for those who do. Keep in mind that once you join Corvus, you have joined for life and not matter what you do, that mark will always be upon you. Anyone who stops being a loyal citizen will probably be escorted by a local assassin and retired with our usual 'severance package'.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by preiman »

can someone chime in on how i might register for citizenship of one of the hamlets? I might be dense but i can't find anything.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Rias »

preiman wrote:can someone chime in on how i might register for citizenship of one of the hamlets? I might be dense but i can't find anything.
I don't plan on citizenship registration in hamlets. They're not supposed to be full-featured towns in the first place, and their numbers, services, and permanence was ratcheted up far beyond what I ever intended when the concept of tossing a few hamlets out there originated.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by preiman »

that's more than fair, I was just making sure i wasn't missing something.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Akila »

With the Hamlets, could they not be tied to a specific major town? Like Moorhollow and Westbrook to be in the province/borough or Mistral Lake, Keth and Nelra being in the province/borough of Shadgard etc? It gives those that do own a house in one of the hamlets a chance to have citizenship in a town.

Also, how will this work for the mummers? We're a travelling troupe, so presumably we wouldn't be expected to have any kind of citizenship aside to the camp.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Rias »

Town jurisdictions don't really extend out beyond their physical borders. There are leagues and leagues between Mistral Lake and the nearest hamlet, and dangerous leagues, besides. The hamlets are presumably made up of people that didn't want to be part of the major towns. Why else would you risk living out in an open, non-defensible village in the awful Lost Lands rather than in the nice safe (relatively speaking) major towns?

For Mummers, or any other characters, that prefer to be a wandering type of character rather than someone who's set down roots with a home, why would you want to be considered a citizen of a town anyway? Mummers are typically wanderers and not wanting to settle down anywhere, true, but that doesn't mean someone's character can't be the exception and base themselves in a specific town.

I'm not sure what people are thinking these perks are going to be, but they're not going to be handing out rifles and super magical spells that give people uber power over people who aren't citizens of towns. This is all for RP. If your character's RP doesn't fit in with a town that offers citizenship in the first place, then "missing out" on those citizenship perks shouldn't be a problem.

Stuff will happen in (and to) hamlets as well, but again, they were never meant (at least by me, when I started them) to be equivalents to the major towns. They've already effectively done what I feared they would if they started to become such: they've fragmented the playerbase further.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by preiman »

all mistral citizens are getting a crossbow in the mail. come on rias you can admit it. :)
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Acarin »

He told me earlier that citizens of Shadgard would all get access to thaumaturgy (without the monk/templar restrictions) and war panther mounts. You can have your Mistral crossbows.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the teleportation pendants. They just didn't seem important.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by preiman »

you get a warhorse, and you get a warhorse, everyone gets a warhorse!
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Jirato »

Rias wrote:Stuff will happen in (and to) hamlets as well, but again, they were never meant (at least by me, when I started them) to be equivalents to the major towns.
Just want to echo this to say that I fully support and agree with it.

If you have a home in a hamlet, it should effectively be considered a wilderness home, and wilderness homes have always had certain risks associated with them (which is why we don't make them anymore).
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Carressa »

You guys can keep your crossbows and horses for free. I love my import store and how they give Haiban citizens free riversteel and bloodsand every week.

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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Rias »

Corvus hosts a monthly beaver-kebab cookout for its citizens!
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Acarin »

Rias wrote:Corvus hosts a monthly beaver-kebab cookout for its citizens!
Forget Shadgard's perks! Well worth going evil for some beaver...
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by preiman »

free cookout, Any chance they are letting church members in any time soon?
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Fayne »

So, is Haiban now considered an actual town, or is it still a sort of hybrid hamlet/town thing? I remember the old Coalition HQ was considered neither a hamlet nor a town, just, well, the headquarters for the Coalition. Is this still the case for the most part? Or is it now a major town that is just lacking a town hall and is run by the Coalition rather than a mayor or equivelant?

Also, I know I've heard it said before that no new hamlets or major towns are going to be added from now on. Is that still the case, or is there a possibility that more will be added? I only ask because while right now the spread of towns and hamlets works fairly okay, we still have about half of the Lost Lands inaccessible from what I can gather, which means that any expansion of the map will make the towns and hanlets start to seem fairly clustered together, and won't give much incentive for people to explore ot hang out in newer areas of the map. I realize it's possible that locations may be retconned later on, but I don't think any of the major towns could really be moved easily, and thise are what provide the greatest incentive for sticking around in an area.

Maybe I'm just thinking too far ahead. We already have a huge map for the size of the playerbase, and you could easily spend all day playing and never see another PC if you stay mainly in certain areas and your timing for entering towns is right. Or maybe we do need less incentive for hanging out in the far corners of the map.

Sorry, let my thoughts get away from me there.
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Jirato »

Haiban is very much considered a full-fledged town, and will be getting citizenship eventually too.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Rias »

I really hope there are no new major towns or plans to increase the hamlet count, but that's not my call. (The impression I've gotten from Jirato is that he doesn't plan to.) People are already spread all over the place and unity is often next to nil unless something big happens that gets people to come together briefly before all going their separate ways again once the event is over. Compared to my rose-tinted recollections of ye olden days when there were only two towns and people still managed plenty of individuality despite spending time in the same town as other people, it makes me super sad. Nowadays it's always "who cares what's going on in X, I live in Y." Everyone wants their own personalized microcommunity adventure to come to them. I miss the tighter knit when people knew each other and cared about a lot of the same things because they were members of the same town community. People had an effect on each other, because they were around each other. Not everyone off in their own corner of the world.

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Re: Are you a citizen or a squatter?

Post by Rias »

Oh, and also: The Lost Lands is supposed to be largely wild and untamed, with humankind still recovering from the Plague, and much of the place occupied by hostile creatures. If there are hamlets and towns at regular intervals in a nice grid across the whole place, that feeling is lost. Some scary crapsack quarantine world, when you can't ride a few leagues without running into another quaint little friendly village.
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