Flurry "Echo"

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Flurry "Echo"

Post by Dorn »

Is it possible to have a echo when the cooldown for flurry is up? I swear some abilities do this, and not others and it really helps make them more usable on the fly instead of spamming effect/ability to see if it is still on cooldown.
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Re: Flurry "Echo"

Post by Kunren »

This would be great I must say
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Re: Flurry "Echo"

Post by jilliana »

Imagine my surprise when I discovered this ability was revamped with cooldown time. :(

I agree that it could definitely use some kind of messaging.
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Re: Flurry "Echo"

Post by Dorn »

On the same subject as this, could other abilities be brought in line to either show their cooldown in effects, or have an "echo"?

For example, Hyperfocus I've noticed has neither of these.

Yes, as a player I can make both in my client and I will but that isn't really the point.
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Re: Flurry "Echo"

Post by Jirato »

Flurry has had a message added on the cooldown effect removal.

Hyperfocus works a bit differently so it's not as easy to add. Maybe someday. Right now, you're actually under the hyperfocus cooldown effect the moment you use hyperfocus, even while you're currently IN hyperfocus. So it'd be kinda weird to look at your effects and see "You feel more alert and focused." directly followed by "You feel fatigued from your recent focus.".

I've got the whole "create a new effect when another one is removed." thing on my list, once that gets done, I'll revisit hyperfocus.
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Re: Flurry "Echo"

Post by Dorn »

Awesome. Thank you very much Jirato!

Hmph. Wonder if Hyperfocus could be worked around with wording, such as "You're feeling the strain from focusing." or such. A bit more ambiguous, gets the point across, and would be accurate even while active even if you're not feeling the penalty?
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Re: Flurry "Echo"

Post by jilliana »

Jirato wrote:Flurry has had a message added on the cooldown effect removal.
Thanks Jirato.
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