First letter!

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First letter!

Post by Xyra »

So this is just a small suggestion that when you check your mail for the first time, you're given the option of where you want it set. Currently it automatically sets your post office to the town you have highest standing with, which I'm guessing defaults to Shadgar, since that is where mine got set, despite 99% of my non-wilderness time being spent in Haiban so far, most of my money having been made and spent there, having it be my starting town, and otherwise acting like Haiban is the only city that exists.

I suggest this because it is very annoying to get that first ever 'you have mail' indicator, get excited about who might have mailed you and why, go to check it, and then be told 'Sorry, your princess is in... I mean your mail is in another city.' But you get told you can set it to here, but when you do so, the language that follows makes it rather clear that if you'd known about the existance of the 'mail set' command before it had auto set your post office from the check command, you could have ignored the minor 50 riln fee and the very annoying hour long wait.

Maybe I'm being overly sensitive about it or something, but honestly that took me from excited to a bit down in the dumps in about ten seconds flat, because now I have to wait an hour, or spend ten minutes hiking to the other side of the game and back. And yes, I know that isn't a massive effort or crazy delay, but it is rather expecting to get a bowl of ice cream and getting a light slap instead. Sure, the slap didn't hurt much, but what happened to the ice cream?

I'm sorry if this sound overly whiny, and I'm sure it is overly long winded, but as I said, something about this just struck a really bad cord with me.
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Re: First letter!

Post by Fayne »

Another suggestion, maybe to make it more IC:

A postal worker shuffles through some papers for a moment, then returns to you. "I'm sorry, it appears you don't have a primary post office set up. Any mail you may have recieved is likely being held until it can be determined where to send it for retrieval. If you would like, we can set you up to recieve mail here for a small fee of 20 riln, and then it should take no more than a chime or so for your mail to start coming in. If you'd like to recieve your mail elsewhere, you'll have to go talk with someone there, though." (To have all in-game mail sent to this post office, type 'mail set')

Also, I'd like to see a delay of at least 5 minutes added to all mail between delivery and being able to retrieve it. Even if the person picks up their mail at the exact same post office, it would still take them time to go through whatever system they have to figure out where to send every parcel. It bugs me that the postal system is currently cheap teleportation for items. Free Scotty!
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Re: First letter!

Post by jilliana »

It may be just me but I like how the system is currently in regards to setting up a post office.

It's a one time thing and it's pretty fair to have to wait an hour when it could easily be more due to time and distance in the Lost Lands.
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Re: First letter!

Post by Jirato »

I really think if your default post has never been initialized, and you check mail at a post office, that should become your default post. It would be cool to have some more robust options, but I think this way is the easiest to code. Added to the list:

I may expand on it further once I get working on it. No promises though.
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