Retiring Coanid

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Retiring Coanid

Post by Sneaky »

I've been wanting to do this for a while now, and have only put it off in the past due to encouragement from friends and other fellow players. It isn't because of anything that happened IC, OOC, or anything like that, nor is it due to anything the GMs have or haven't done. I've just lost the enjoyment I once use to get from playing him, and I can't seem to relight it again. Simple as that really.
Along with Coanid's retirement, I'll be taking a break from Clok completely, and when I return, I'll have a well fleshed out character concept ready to share with the lost lands.
Take care, and happy trails.
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Re: Retiring Coanid

Post by Kunren »

See you when you get back
Life is like a box of chocolates. The caramel filled ones are the best.
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Re: Retiring Coanid

Post by blindndangerous »

We'll see you when you come back!
A towering white-furred snow yeti exclaims, "Oog!"
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