Peace be with you Rias

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Peace be with you Rias

Post by Sneaky »

I've been a mudder for about 6 years now, almost 7. I've dedicated about a year off and on to Clok of that time, and while other muds I've played have taken up much more time, I can honestly say that none have provided me with as much entertainment and joy as this creation. I want Rias, and really all of the GMs to know how much I've fallen in love with being a player in this world. Even though there's been times that I've wanted more events, GM interaction, and more features, ((Things we as players in general of any game can never get enough of) there was always something else for me to do in the mean time, some other goal I could set for myself and reach while I waited for the next event to take place and be a part of. Be well Rias, and I can't wait to see what other creations you come up with.
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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by Arphaxad »


I just wanted to convey my personal thanks for all that you've put into Clok. I wish you all the best in your next adventures and challenges. Know that you will be missed but things are in good hands because of the foundation you built.

Take care,

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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by Kunren »

We will miss you. Thanks for the good work.
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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by sona »

Thanks Rias, for being the helm for an awesome game, your rest is well deserved and you shall be awaited in Valhalla, shiny and chrome by Larry and Barry. I sort of started playing pretty near the end of your tenure it feels like, but it's been nonetheless enjoyable. I look forward to playing under the benevolent rule of Immortan Jirato. I Live! I Die! I Live again!
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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by merin »

All I can say, Rias, is thanks.

I hope you get the enjoyment you're after, and the piece you're seeking. I have hopes that we'll all see you from time to time. Also, let us know if you write something and you publish it. I've been playing in your world and am hooked. I'd love to read it, too.
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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by preiman »

Good by Rias, thank you for everything you built here.
I look forward to meeting you as a player some day, or seeing what you cook up next.
Be well, and be happy.
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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by Lysse »

sona wrote:Thanks Rias, for being the helm for an awesome game, your rest is well deserved and you shall be awaited in Valhalla, shiny and chrome by Larry and Barry. I sort of started playing pretty near the end of your tenure it feels like, but it's been nonetheless enjoyable. I look forward to playing under the benevolent rule of Immortan Jirato. I Live! I Die! I Live again!

No one's ever done anything as shine, as what Rias has done with Clok!

That being said, you really will be missed, Rias. You are hands down the best MUD administrator and Staff member I have ever had the pleasure of playing a game of. Seriously. I hope you have lots of fun playing PCs, and even more fun as the Lore Consultant (which is a very fancy title).
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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by Vaylon »

I know I haven't been with the game long, so I didn't get a good chance to know you, but thanks, Rias, for what you've done. I look forward to meeting your character sometime.
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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by Lun »

Wow, I didn't know about this until I logged in today. Rias, I have to thank you for the past three years. Sure, I'm one of those players that pop on and off every few months, but I always came back because this is such an amazing community and game you've made.

When I first joined CLOK, I was a massive brat and I treated everything like it was a video game. I'm still a massive brat, but if it weren't for CLOK I wouldn't have grown at all. There were hard times IRL that I suffered through only with the help of the community here. I've done plenty of dumb things in game, and trust me when I say I've wheedled and plead for them to be absolved (You have all those PMs to remind you of it!) But you guys taught me otherwise. You taught me that life isn't so simple and that just saying things does nothing. And today I'm still growing as a tiny little brat.

I love all the work you've put into this game and I hope I get to see it grow some more. Man. Its' been a crazy three years, and I'm going to miss you from the bottom of my heart.

Good thing I hear you'll still be around as a PC. Be seeing you in the Lands, stranger!
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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by blindndangerous »

Goodbye Rias, and I hope all goes well for you. I got into Clok with not much experience with RP, and thanks to you and Vinz, I now can not really play any games that aren't RP-based in some way. I hope to see you around in the world, and you will be missed. I've made friends in this mud, and met some others who I'd forgotten I even knew. Those friendships have grown, and I have this mud and the IRC channel to thank for it.
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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by Nought »

Rias you will be missed.

Jirato, from a customer service PR standpoint you should put out some statements right away. This is your game now and we're all on tenterhooks. Give us a warm fuzzy, bud.
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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by Jirato »

Nought wrote:Rias you will be missed.

Jirato, from a customer service PR standpoint you should put out some statements right away. This is your game now and we're all on tenterhooks. Give us a warm fuzzy, bud.
Knew I forgot something. Sorry, these last several days have been a bit crazy and it still feels kinda surreal to me. Posted in the announcements section.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by Makkah »

Thank you for everything, Rias. You've been beyond amazing in everything you've done with CLOK. I have been on hiatus myself, but I am certain the community will take a blow.

That said, Jirato is likewise amazing, and I can't think of anyone better to leave your creation.

I hope to see you again one day.

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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by Solaje »

It's taken me a couple days to process this, and I'm sure everyone in Clok will feel your absence in lots of different ways over the coming months. Thank you for creating a wonderful game, Rias. Clok has the potential to consume too much of my thoughts, creativity, and time as a PC; I'm sure that danger increases a hundredfold for the game developer. I know you will do well at anything you set your mind to- this game is testament to that. Good Luck. <3

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Re: Peace be with you Rias

Post by Rias »

Thanks, all. I tied up as many loose ends as I could and transferred things like Twitter/Facebook/Patreon/etc. over to Jirato, so this'll likely be the last you'll see of me around here. Hope you all had, and will continue to have, fun in the Lost Lands.

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