guilds and guild recruiters

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Re: guilds and guild recruiters

Post by Nootau »

valmorian wrote:I wasn't talking about abilities I was talking about where the headquarters are and the services
If you wish to know that, then you can ask about it on 'Question' or you can ask permission to learn about the Guild in question via E-Mail with staff. I'm curious, which guild did you want to know more about their HQ and Services?
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Re: guilds and guild recruiters

Post by Rias »

Having basic information more openly available to investigators and new recruits is something we'd like to have, to varying degrees depending on the nature of the guild in question. Of course, if it's a guild you don't feel you should be asking about openly or on ESP, it's probably going to be one of the guilds that isn't just going to throw their information at you anyway. Some guilds are just harder to get into than others, and require more assertive and consistent effort.
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Re: guilds and guild recruiters

Post by valmorian »

nothing particular that I wanted to ask about there is a char of mine I haven't done much on mainly because I'm not relaly sure what to do. or where things are. it would be nice to have a way to ask someone. there arnt many of neither of the guilds with in question that I have chars in. that I just haven't done much with for lack of information
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Re: guilds and guild recruiters

Post by Nootau »

valmorian wrote:nothing particular that I wanted to ask about there is a char of mine I haven't done much on mainly because I'm not relaly sure what to do. or where things are. it would be nice to have a way to ask someone. there arnt many of neither of the guilds with in question that I have chars in. that I just haven't done much with for lack of information
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Re: guilds and guild recruiters

Post by Alicia »

I think the immediate answer to this question was first and foremost "Get in touch with the GM's"

Here's why:

First off, the GM's know which characters are also in that guild, and thus they can perhaps find a way to get you two to get together (such as calling a guild meeting with an NPC and doing a small bit of roleplay about something not entirely important but it has drawn the two characters together and giving them a reason to interact and have player A ask his questions of player B)

Secondly they could animate a guild NPC to answer your questions, show you around, what have you, for those harder to join RP-only guilds that you've finally managed to become a part of.

There's also one more thing if note, not sure if -all- guilds have it but, most of them appear to have a tuning crystal you can purchase that allows you to have access to a special esp channel that is only for the guild.

As for RP only/NPC recruiters... I would like to see a blending of these for the RP guilds. You find your way into the secret or not so secret office and speak with the recruiter which then fires off a message to the GMs that lets them know your character is interested and they can keep an eye on you. They acn either handle the initiation all on their own or if they deem you've done the appropriate RP with having to interact with a GM they can just toggle the NPC so that the next time you speak to them they can recruit you.

For example if we have a thieves guild. You go to the recruiter:
"So you'd like tah join dah thieves guild wouldcha?" He eyes you over slowly, huffing out "You ain't look like much of a thief at all, whatcha name?"
You tell him your name and his response could be based on faction awareness or something like "BAHAHA you ain't no thief." Or "I ain't heard of yah, get lost." or "You've been growing a bit of a name for yahself, hope you ain't grown too big for your britches."

"Well we don't let jus' anyone into deh den bucko. Maybe you prove yourself in some manner then get back with us?"
It is at this point that a master thief ICly would trail the character and watch their exploits (read as GMs watch you like a hawk for the next several days) and if you do manage to prove yourself as a thief or even pull off a major caper the master thief would report back to the recruiter and let them know that if you come around again they can open the doors.
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Re: guilds and guild recruiters

Post by Fayne »

Actually, the particular guild you mentioned already has a unique recruitment system in place that I think is even better than NPC recruitment and GM supervision and your idea all combined, especially for the guild you mentioned, since they're supposed to be a rumor, not "Yeah, this is totally a thing."

Honestly, I like the way most things are as they are. The only way to improve upon the systems already in place, I think, would be to make most if not all guilds require some sort of task performed in order to finalize recruitment. Another idea would be for the Rooks and Elemancers to require you to "practice" the magical abilities they grant. For instance, Rooks would provide you with sorcery, and Elemancers would let you choose one of pyromancy, hydromancy, aeromancy, or geomancy, and ask you to go practice your ability to harness it, to see if you can even do so. These skills could have a hard cap at, say, 15 or so, and they will be taken from you if you decide not to persue that guild after all.
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Re: guilds and guild recruiters

Post by Kunren »

Fayne wrote:Actually, the particular guild you mentioned already has a unique recruitment system in place that I think is even better than NPC recruitment and GM supervision and your idea all combined, especially for the guild you mentioned, since they're supposed to be a rumor, not "Yeah, this is totally a thing."

Honestly, I like the way most things are as they are. The only way to improve upon the systems already in place, I think, would be to make most if not all guilds require some sort of task performed in order to finalize recruitment. Another idea would be for the Rooks and Elemancers to require you to "practice" the magical abilities they grant. For instance, Rooks would provide you with sorcery, and Elemancers would let you choose one of pyromancy, hydromancy, aeromancy, or geomancy, and ask you to go practice your ability to harness it, to see if you can even do so. These skills could have a hard cap at, say, 15 or so, and they will be taken from you if you decide not to persue that guild after all.
I like this! But I don't think it would make too much sense that If you could harness the magic at all it would disappear if you decide to not go for that guild :(
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Re: guilds and guild recruiters

Post by Fayne »

It disappearinf serves two purposes: lore-wise, if you couldn't harness the magic, you wouldn't be able to do it at all. I'm sure that if you could even do it a little, then you could be taught to harness it better and improve your abilities. Mechanics-wise, we don't want people asking for initiation just to get limited magical capabilities, then go with another guild and atill retain that power.
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