Climbing gear

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Climbing gear

Post by Sevoi »

Can climbing gear be added? Here were some ideas:

Gloves/boots with hooked spikes for extra traction

Pitons(?) that can be hammered in as you go. Or a clawed hammer(s) to assist with traction or making handholds.

Ropes - these may not work for the initial climber (I don't know much about climbing cliffs in real life), but could potentially be hammered into spikes at the top of cliffs/etc. so followers/other people could more easily scale it. The rope might degrade over time/use, and a command might be made to untie/cut the rope.

Grappling hooks + rope - More for scaling man-made walls, I'd imagine, but maybe not. Gates, walls, etc.

Climbing related gear might be things like pulleys, to raise up other people/mounts (assuming super-strength or multiple people assisting in raising the mount), etc.
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Re: Climbing gear

Post by jilliana »

I kind of like this...kind of.

If anything, this sounds like the sort of thing that'd be guild-specific. Maybe for Snowpiners.
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Re: Climbing gear

Post by Rias »

My hesitation with pitons would be that I get the feeling suddenly everyone would be wanting to scale every intentionally-impassable cliff face or rock wall in the Lost Lands. Impassible barriers generally exist because codewise, there's nothing on the other side!

Stuff that gives a bonus to things already climbable, on the other hand, can very much be a thing.
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Re: Climbing gear

Post by Jaster »

You have to admit, Rias, it would be fun to jump off that cliff without dying. You know what I'm talking about.
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Re: Climbing gear

Post by jilliana »

Jaster wrote:You have to admit, Rias, it would be fun to jump off that cliff without dying. You know what I'm talking about.
I think it's too good a source for amusement for most of us to fix that.
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