Command Idea: Signal {player}

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Command Idea: Signal {player}

Post by baerden »

While teaming up with other players, its somewhat difficult for the leader to be a stealth user, because the person is always having to unhide in order for the group to join them if ever they separate or for other reasons.

I propose a 'signal (player)' command that unhides you ONLY to the player you denote in the brackets, and only them so that they can see you and join your group or do other group interactions.

It would look something like this:

Code: Select all

First Person:
>signal luvela
You carefully toss a pebble at Luvela to alert her to your presence while attempting to keep out of sight.

From out of the shadows your eyes dart to a small pebble tossed at you and you notice Baerden attempting to stay hidden.
Something like that! Open to any suggestions, nay says, or flavor text.

This is just another one to add the the queue of the long list, thanks for considering it!
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Re: Command Idea: Signal {player}

Post by Avedri »

I love this idea.
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Re: Command Idea: Signal {player}

Post by Rias »

signal didrik
You stealthily lean out, make sure nobody else is looking your way, and wave to Didrik to inform him of your presence.
Some movement catches your eye, drawing your attention to Rias who is waving at you from a hiding spot.

[Beachside, Hastily-Crafted Sales Stand] (shop) (OutBeSd) Mild, Fair, Calm
Also here: Rias (hiding).
Bam. And thank you; I needed something easy (and fun) to code up to take a short break from all the stuff I've been working on the past week or so at work. Another late night at the office!
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Re: Command Idea: Signal {player}

Post by baerden »

Rias wrote:
signal didrik
You stealthily lean out, make sure nobody else is looking your way, and wave to Didrik to inform him of your presence.
Some movement catches your eye, drawing your attention to Rias who is waving at you from a hiding spot.

[Beachside, Hastily-Crafted Sales Stand] (shop) (OutBeSd) Mild, Fair, Calm
Also here: Rias (hiding).
Bam. And thank you; I needed something easy (and fun) to code up to take a short break from all the stuff I've been working on the past week or so at work. Another late night at the office!
No, thank YOU!
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Re: Command Idea: Signal {player}

Post by merin »

Right on! that's awesome. thanks, Rias and baerdan.
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Re: Command Idea: Signal {player}

Post by blindndangerous »

Sweet, thanks!
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Re: Command Idea: Signal {player}

Post by jilliana »

Oo! Fabulous! Thanks Rias and Baerden!! :)
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