For Humor

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Re: For Humor

Post by jilliana »

Classic timing:

Lavi bows to you.
[ESP-GRAY - Sunset-Orange]: Sure as a Viali's uptight.

Bryce wasn't even in the room. :P
CHAT - Sir Alexander Candelori: Truly a man is an abomination that does not dip his french fries into his chocolate frosty.
Bryce flatly says, "Just fair warning: If one of those things webs me, I'm going to scream like a girl."
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Re: For Humor

Post by Bryce »

unl tr
The denim trousers isn't closed, so it probably isn't locked.

You think to yourself, "Whoops. Wonder how long the ol fly's been open."

unl trunk
You settle into the task of picking the lock on a square ash trunk with your common cobalt lockpick.
ask jes for date
The horse thief Jessie doesn't seem too interested in talking about that.
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Re: For Humor

Post by merin »

jilliana wrote:Classic timing:

Lavi bows to you.
[ESP-GRAY - Sunset-Orange]: Sure as a Viali's uptight.

Bryce wasn't even in the room. :P
DOes anyone remember that sound affect they would play on "The Price is Right," when the player would loose spectacularly?

That's the sound that wne through my head. going to find the one....stand bye.

Found it!
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Re: For Humor

Post by Makkah »

take sock
You remove a single smelly sock with a hole in the toe from inside a polished copper chest.

glance sock
Bryce stops picking the lock on a nicked maple box as you hear a soft *click* come from the box.

You glance at the single smelly sock with a hole in the toe in your hand.

act holds the sock close to Bryce's face.
Bryce settles into the task of picking the lock on a rectangular teak box with his common cobalt lockpick.
Bryce stops picking the lock on a rectangular teak box as you hear a soft *click* come from the box.

(Spearhead holds the sock close to Bryce's face.)

Bryce grunts.

Bryce asks, "You want these opened or not?"

You snicker.

(Bryce waves the sock away.)

take spec
You remove a pair of spectacles with a lens missing from inside a nicked oak box.

glance spec
You glance at the pair of spectacles with a lens missing in your hand.

Bryce asks, "What'd you do, pick over a hobo camp?"

Awesome items. Funny reactions from Bryce.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Lemuel »

Mention my name in Haiban
It's the greatest little town in the world
Just tell them all you're an old friend of mine
And every door in town will have a big welcome sign
So mention my name in Haiban
And if you ever get in a jam
Just mention name, I said mention my name
But please don't them where I am.

Mention my name in Corvus
It's the greatest little town in the world
I know a gal there you'll simply adore
She was Miss Corvus back in 1104
So mention my name in Corvus
And if you ever get in a mess
Just mention my name, I said mention my name
But please don't give them my address.

Mention my name in Shadgard
It's the greatest little town in the world
I told the mayor that he would go far
I even gave the sheriff an exploding cigar
So mention my name in Shadgard
And if they try to put you in jail
Mention my name, I said mention my name
But please don't write to me for bail.

Mention my name in Mistral
It's the greatest little town in the world
I know the big shots in the City Hall
They even got my picture on the post office wall
So mention my name in Mistral
And if you ever get in a spat
Just mention my name, I said mention my name
But please don't tell them where I'm at...
Please don't tell them where I'm at!

adapted from an old song titled, "Mention My Name in Sheboygan". For the original with the tune to pull it together, see
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Re: For Humor

Post by Elystole »

So... Not much I can add to this exchange.
Jilliana says, "He even tries to sell his body, or did until elystole had his way with him."

You say, "I told him he'd make more riln and be better trained if he just went and did his job instead of sitting in taverns trying to whore himself out."

You stare at Jilliana.

Speaking to Jilliana, you say, "Don't say it like that."

Bryce laughs!

Jilliana grins at you.

Bryce whistles at you!

You sigh.

Speaking to you, Bryce says, "Didn't know your door swung that way, buddy."

You shake your head at Jilliana.

Speaking to you, Jilliana says, "Well you did even if it does sound bad."

Speaking to Jilliana, you say, "...Just tell people I killed him."

Speaking to Bryce, Jilliana says, "He killed him."

Jilliana nods to you.

Bryce snorts.

Bryce says, "Sure, we'll stick to that story."

Bryce grins.
What else are friends for?
You overhear the following rumor:
"I saw one of those Shadgard folk come barging into Grif's and shoot one of the patrons on the spot. Shadgard must be a pretty rough place with such outlaws running rampant."
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Re: For Humor

Post by Makkah »

chat i also just burned myself with a burrito
[CHAT - Soldier Spearhead]: i also just burned myself with a burrito

[CHAT - (a mysterious GM)]: Ouch.

[CHAT - (a mysterious GM)]: Death by burrito...

[CHAT - Audra]: outch

[CHAT - Hali]: omg

chat yea... it was like lava oozing out onto my poor little finger
[CHAT - Soldier Spearhead]: yea... it was like lava oozing out onto my poor little finger

[CHAT - SGM Jirato]: See, if it were a taco, you souldn't have that problem, since tacos come with built in ventilation systems to help keep the contents at a manageable heat level.

SGM Jirato just arrived. (Quick, act professional.)

Jirato gestures.
A taco appears on the ground in a bright flash.

SGM Jirato just left. (Party time!)

(note: I was in an instanced [private] room, so nothing really OOC about it)
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Re: For Humor

Post by Godfrey »

Coanid removes a pair of six-sided brass dice from his intricately-folded silk carryall.

Coanid rolls around on the ground.
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Re: For Humor

Post by baerden »

This is just a joke, someone was messing with me. He also happens to be a big cry baby.

17:24:57 [FROM Someone (OOC)]: shut up about stuff you don't know about
17:25:04 [FROM Someone (OOC)]: ive been watching you talk crap all day
17:25:04 [TO Someone (OOC)]: no u
17:25:31 [FROM Someone (OOC)]: whatever guy
17:25:39 [TO Someone (OOC)]: mkay guy
17:25:40 [FROM Someone (OOC)]: im turning chat off because of you
17:25:52 [TO Someone (OOC)]: zero [fraks] given, this day
17:26:04 [FROM Someone (OOC)]: thats uncalled for
17:26:11 [FROM Someone (OOC)]: i know zoiya irl im telling her
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Re: For Humor

Post by Acarin »

What appears to be a large family arrives, all of them quickly getting changed and then heading northward toward the communal baths together.

A Shadgard constable begins to head northeast, but is stopped by an attendant who insists he get changed first.


A Shadgard constable carefully searches the area.

Speaking to a Shadgard constable, you ask, "See something yah liked?"
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Re: For Humor

Post by Rias »

What happens in the bathhouse stays in the bathhouse.
The lore compels me!
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Re: For Humor

Post by blindndangerous »

Baerden salutes the ranger Relyna with his package.
A towering white-furred snow yeti exclaims, "Oog!"
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Re: For Humor

Post by Fayne »

Speaking to Laroremas, Kiyaani says, "But if I wanted first pick, I think I could take it from you."

A gnarled bronze-skinned old man squints up at the sky and mutters, "Trouble's brewing."
A scrawny alley cat stares after the dog with big green eyes.
Speaking to a scrawny alley cat, you ask, "Friend of yours?"
A scrawny alley cat hisses angrily.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Jaster »

Jaster was drunk again. (Be warned, there is some explicit language involved)
Speaking to you, Garith asks, "Do you think I should learn to use one of those fire arms?"

say He doesn't know me from [crap]
You say, "He doeshn't know me (hic) shhit."

You attach an etched silver flask to your double-buckled black leather utility belt.

You swap your flintlock to your right hand.

You get up off a bench.
Roundtime: 1 second.

You try to flourish your gearwork bronze flintlock but you don't have enough skill to pull it off!

You swear, letting out an absurd curse.

* Your sense of awareness is briefly tinged with the color Vanilla. *

Garith removes some fresh comfrey from his tan leather backpack.

say Watch this
You say, "Waaatch thish."

You point your gearwork bronze flintlock at Garith.

With obvious effort, Garith climbs up onto the back of a sleek silver gelding.

Garith puts some fresh comfrey in the tan leather backpack that he is wearing.

Garith removes an exquisite steel pike with a walnut haft from his dark leather pole harness.

You laugh!

Garith puts a small mortar and pestle in the tan leather backpack that he is wearing.

say Bang bang
You say, "Ban' ban'."

You experience a sudden flash of insight, as though you have an increased understanding of who you are. You feel you could learn new things a bit easier with this knowledge, feeling confident in your choice of whichever skills you might next pursue.

Garith says, "What are you doing man."

You laugh!

say ::garith Bang bang!
Speaking to Garith, you exclaim, "Ban' ban'!"

Garith puts his exquisite steel pike with a walnut haft in his dark leather pole harness.

say You do it
You say, "You do it."

You point your gearwork bronze flintlock at Garith.

say And then it's like: Bang bang!
You exclaim, "And then it'sh like: ban' ban'!"

Garith says, "Do what."

Garith says, "I don't like confrentation."

Garith says, "And man you are so hard to understand."

say I'm good
You say, "Ah'm good."

Garith says, "Just don't point weapons at people please."

You point at yourself.

Lyros says, "Funny, how two seconds can end years of life."

You point your gearwork bronze flintlock at Garith.

You laugh!

say Bang bang!
You exclaim, "Ban' baaan'!"

* Your sense of awareness is briefly tinged with the color Vanilla. *

Lyros says, "Hmm. Perhaps that would be one second. Remarkable."

* Your sense of awareness is briefly tinged with the color Vanilla. *

Garith says, "Ok bye I have to go now I am wasting enough time."

Garith rummages around in his pockets a moment.

say ::gar Bang bang!
Speaking to Garith, you exclaim, "Ban' baaan'!"

Garith heads southeast, riding a sleek silver gelding.

Lyros exclaims, "Safe travels!"

Lyros laughs!

say Bang!
You loudly exclaim, "Ban'!"

You put a gearwork bronze flintlock into your black oilcloth satchel.

say I showed him my [crap]
You say, "Ah shhowed him mah [crap]."

Garith arrives from the southeast, riding a sleek silver gelding.

You shout at Garith!

You remove a gearwork bronze flintlock from the black oilcloth satchel you are wearing.

You point your gearwork bronze flintlock at Garith.

say ::gar Bang bang!
Speaking to Lyros, Garith says, "If you want to get out of mistral you got to use the dock."

Speaking to Garith, you exclaim, "Bang ban'!"

Speaking to Lyros, Garith says, "The dock is one leag south east and west."

Garith heads southeast, riding a sleek silver gelding.

Lyros blinks.

You put a gearwork bronze flintlock in the black oilcloth satchel that you are wearing.

say Banged it
You say, "Baaanged it."

Lyros asks, "Why did he give me directions there?"

say ::lyros You're lost, obviously.
Speaking to Lyros, you say, "You're losht, obvioushly."

Lyros says, "No. I had just come from the inn and went to look at the board. And then..."

Lyros exclaims, "Boom!"

Lyros grins.

say Bang?
You ask, "Ban'?"

Lyros says, "Hmm. Sure. Figuratively. Never literally."
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Re: For Humor

Post by Lavi »

Ihave never laughed so hard!

Luvela asks, "You ready for this?"
You exclaim, "I'm ready!"
Luvela exclaims, "Its going to be awesome!"
You head into a glass door.
[Private Home - Library] (InUr)
At first glance, this room looks rather cramped. It is dimly lit by a #lantern. Looking around, you realize there are no windows, just tall #bookshelves that surround the room, except for one corner where a #door can be spotted. The floor is laid with several rugs, so that footsteps are muted.
The area is completely silent.
You also notice the corpse of a giant fungus-covered goanna, some emberberries (x10) and an average pine desk (open).
Also here: Luvela (bloody, smelly).
Obvious exits: none.
Luvela exclaims, "Looky my trophy!"
(Ben gawks)
Luvela exclaims, "I know right, amazing, i had to carry that all the way from the three mounds with me to here!"
You say, "It's dead. . . and in your house. . ."
Luvela exclaims, "It was a fierce battle we had, i almost lost my right eye to it!"
Luvela exclaims, "Yes!"
Luvela says, "Cool huh."
You ask, "It's. . . but why in your house?"
Luvela says, "Coz its my trophy, where else am i going to put it but in my house."
You ask, "It's amazin' but I don' think ya want it here, what if the officials get mad?"
Luvela says, "They wont, this is westbrook, people are friendly and relaxed here."
[ESP-GRAY - Shadowy-Gray]: No no (player) , you were right, it's wonderful. I think I'll send in my application today. I can't wait to partake in the parties there. I just have one question, will I need to kidnap my own child, or will there be some there for those who are un able to.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Jirato »

Emberberries make everything better. :-p
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
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Re: For Humor

Post by Lavi »

It only takes careful aim!

Lae says, "You.."
You put a pewter tankard on the red stone counter that is in the room.
Lae says, "Hey now.."
Coanid says, "There. Sharing is caring."
You remove a flaky light croissant from inside a red stone counter with your left hand.
Lae says, "LAVI."
You say, "They do look rather good."
Speaking to you, Lae loudly says, "PUT THAT DOWN."
You take a bite of your flaky light croissant.
Lae removes a long-handled cast iron frying pan from her drawstring soft black leather bag.
Lae gets up off an oak chair.
Lae hurls a long-handled cast iron frying pan at you!
A long-handled cast iron frying pan hurtles toward you! (------) (R:52 vs D:119) 1 crush damage -- to the right arm, somewhat deflected by some steel vambraces.
A long-handled cast iron frying pan falls to the ground.
(Lavi gasps bolting off his stool)
Coanid blinks.
[ESP-GRAY - Shadowy-Gray]: No no (player) , you were right, it's wonderful. I think I'll send in my application today. I can't wait to partake in the parties there. I just have one question, will I need to kidnap my own child, or will there be some there for those who are un able to.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Lun »

10:11:52 [QUESTION - Character]: Like, lol
10:11:59 [QUESTION - Kaolun the Glass Cannon]: Uh.
10:12:09 [QUESTION - Lost Hero Kent Gunderman]: i was going to say that
10:12:13 [CHAT - Rogue Jaster]: you stole my character name!
10:12:16 [QUESTION - Character]: I typed /register character then my name then my password
10:12:18 [CHAT - Kaolun the Glass Cannon]: Poof that monstrosity to the room!
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Re: For Humor

Post by Lavi »

One of the funniest moments in Lae's house:

Lae says, "Serafina, give me strength."
Speaking to Olrich, Lae says, "It isn't always this crazy, I promise."
(Olrich bows his head as if to pray, then waits expectantly.)
You mutter, "You're not the one who shares a room with him. I'm the one who needs the strength."
Lae says, "Oh..uhm."
Lae says, "Serafina, bless this food and the people in this house. May they show compassion and kindness to each other. May they have patience."
Lae glances at you.
Lae says, "May they know peace."
(Olrich nods his head, then sits up straight.)
Olrich quietly says, "May they know peace."
Lae pats Olrich on the back.
(Lae glares at Micah over Olrich's head, making the cutthoat gesture with her left hand.)
[ESP-GRAY - Shadowy-Gray]: No no (player) , you were right, it's wonderful. I think I'll send in my application today. I can't wait to partake in the parties there. I just have one question, will I need to kidnap my own child, or will there be some there for those who are un able to.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Ardor »

(Dorn lets out a low guttural grunt, as he begins to swing his body to dismount.)

Dorn dismounts from his dappled white and black horse.

(Dorn takes hold of his horse's rein, moving closer until he stands alongside Ardor.)
You realize that your hour is up.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Gad »

You say, "I am going to take part of the day to see Jhordon."

Asa continues digging with his sturdy steel pickaxe.

Asa says, "That is quite alright."

Asa continues digging with his sturdy steel pickaxe.

You say, "I knew him when he was alice."

You say, "Alive."

You cough.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Fayne »

I didn't realize the boutique had opened up a new sex-change wing! Hehehe
A scrawny alley cat stares after the dog with big green eyes.
Speaking to a scrawny alley cat, you ask, "Friend of yours?"
A scrawny alley cat hisses angrily.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Enepttastic »

Whelp, while using the sawmill, I apparently attempted to cut my hand off. Immediately attempted bandaging my hand to stop the bleeding and after several failures, decided to head out to try to reach the infirmary in Shadgard. As soon as I got out, this happens:
** The world around you goes black as you fall unconscious!
You realize that your hour is up.
While annoyed, couldn't help but facepalm at the timing...

Got lucky though, right when I was contemplating speeding the process along and dying, a wild Barius appeared and bandaged my hand. Woo.
In-game: Atali: Punching things while wearing (mostly)full plate because she likes hearing the "ping."
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Re: For Humor

Post by Barius »

Barius: The Stealth Savior since... whatever year it is.
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Re: For Humor

Post by blindndangerous »

ESP-GRAY - Gray]: Does that mean you're able to come or should I try something else...
[ESP-GRAY - Periwinkle]: Ouch.. that's something you never want to hear in bed.
[ESP-GRAY - Ocean-Green]: I dunno.... at willingness to keep trying is admirable enough.
A towering white-furred snow yeti exclaims, "Oog!"
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