Moving NPCs

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Moving NPCs

Post by Lun »

I think this issue's been brought up before by the staff, but I thought I'd post it here so everyone can hear about it. I think it'd be great if guild masters and other NPCs would move around in their respective shops and areas, much like the Seamstress in Keth already does. There are occasional problems when an NPC disappears for a time and people start going berserk wondering where their task master had went, and I think it'd make the world seem more alive.

Heck, it'd be cool if there were flavor text RP actions that went along with it.

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Re: Moving NPCs

Post by Rias »

Whenever we have moving/active NPCs, we tend to get a flood of complaints that A) It's a pain in the butt to hae to track them down and B) They're too "noisy" (cause too much spam/screen scroll with their idle scripts).
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Re: Moving NPCs

Post by Fayne »

Maybe put in the idle scripts, and then create an option to disable them? That way, those of us who want to see the NPCs come to life can have that magical-ness, and those who think it's too spammy can stare at NPC statues.
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Re: Moving NPCs

Post by Kiyaani »

Then you have the problem of people reacting IC to flavor text and idle scripts and some people being clueless as to what you're talking about ;)
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Re: Moving NPCs

Post by Fayne »

Then maybe have a script enable whenever someone enters the room, and then once ever two or three minutes. That way it avoids being spammy, since I don't know many people who hang out in rooms with NPCs for more than a couple minutes unless they're already discussing things and thus making their own "spam" or are AFK, in which case spam doesn't mean anything to them anyway.
A scrawny alley cat stares after the dog with big green eyes.
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Re: Moving NPCs

Post by Jaster »

I actually frequently sit in a room not doing anything while also not being afk. I accept, however, that I am not the norm.
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Re: Moving NPCs

Post by xavier »

another reason not to do something like this is because it uses up resources regardless if there is anyone there to enjoy it.
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The gore has been washed from you.
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Rain falls steadily to the earth.
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The blood has been washed from you.
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Re: Moving NPCs

Post by TwistedAkai »

Depending on how they do their scripts, they could probably pause the idle script whenever the last person leaves, and unpause it when someone walks in.
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